We Belong to the Thunder – No Ordinary Love

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, which is a crying shame. But no copyright infringement intended.

Title: No Ordinary Love

Series: We Belong to the Thunder

Genre: Vignette, Tess/Oliver Romance, Lois/Clark Romance

Verse: Smallville, Sequel to Bad Romance

Rating: PG-13

Notes: This was an extremely difficult chapter to decide to write. I had to decide personally whether to do it or not. Do I have Tess and Oliver do it this way or not? I struggled over this decision for literally…weeks, as to why after the story so there won't be spoilers.


Lois held the two tiny babies in her arms as Tess carried her son. She thought Lois was crazy for carrying both of them, but she insisted on doing it while they were both still small enough for her to manage it. They headed in from the car through the house out to the back of Tess's estate.

"…but I want the kids to go to the same school and I doubt I'll be able to afford a $50,000 a year for school," Lois said to her as they walked through the mansion out to the back.

"First of all, I didn't say I was doing that, and second of all, we'll work it out. It's only money."

"You know, only people with money actually say that and it's really annoying."

Tess walked out first, looking up to see Oliver and Clark there in fully tailored attire with the property looking beautiful at the approaching sunset.

"What?" Tess asked, kissing Daniel's forehead.

Clark came over and tried to take Daniel from a reluctant Tess's arms.

"I'll give him back, Tess," he smiled with assurance.

Oliver approached her with a smile on his face, one that was partly from what he hoped would happen, partly from how much she was going be driven crazy by the next few minutes.

"What are we doing?" she asked.

"What do you think we're doing?"

She wasn't an idiot and the glow in his eyes made her smile and pissed off at the same time.

"I've been running errands all day and I've told you no a thousand times. I know you're unaccustomed to hearing that word, so I could explain it in graphic detail."

He took her by the arm as if he were reasoning with a small child.

"I want you to marry me. And I'll let you set all the rules as long as I get to call you my wife. You know I know you can do anything, that I know you're capable of anything. I know you could disregard this marriage at a moment's notice if I did the slightest thing to piss you off. I know you have the temper of a madwoman. So yes, what I need is it on paper. I need that security."

"But you do know that you already have me," she stated softly, concerned that he might not really believe it.

"Well then if I already have you, and it doesn't change anything other than labels, then do this with me," he said, bringing her hand to his mouth and kissing her palm.

"Yeah, do you know how much faster you could pay for a divorce than Clark and I could?" Lois said, bobbing Laura in her arms.

"You're not helping," Clark said softly to her.

Tess exhaled, not minding his lips on her hand, but still wanting to resist. "Who's going to marry us?"

"I am," Clark announced. "I have the certificate and I am completely ready."

"Well, I'm kinda…not," Tess said, looking at herself.

"If I had a dress for you would you say yes?" Lois asked.

"You got me a dress?" Tess exclaimed, unsure of how she felt that they'd figured she would give into this.

"That and more," Oliver informed her, opening a tiny ring box to reveal a classic round-cut diamond solitaire with precisely set pavéd petite round, shimmering diamonds curving down a platinum band.

She caught her breath, amazed at what he could surprise her with even though she had no need for his money. She felt almost guilty for his gesture.

"You don't have to do that," she whispered.

He tipped her chin up.

"And you don't have to wear it as a symbol of anything, but someday I'm going to get you to believe you're worth it."

He kissed her softly and immediately she kissed him back, urgency taking over. Lois handed Laura quickly to Clark and clapped her hands three times to halt them.

"Okay okay okay, afterwards afterwards! You have to get married first!"

Oliver looked at Lois. "I want an official 'yes' from her first."

Tess smiled finally, her smile growing until she giggled. "If it will finally shut you up," she said, looking down, placing her hands on his chest.

He ducked his head, trying to catch her eyes. "Then? Then what?"

She looked up, her eyes wide and little annoyed. "Yes. Would you like me to use a microphone?"

"I'd like it as a ringtone."

"Oh you're very cute, just put the ring on my finger before Lois has a coronary."

His eyes stayed on hers as he effortlessly slipped it on.

"You're pretty happy with yourself right now, aren't you?" she asked him.

He kissed her. "I'm just happy. Go change."


Lois guided Tess to the pool house and opened the door.

"I hope you like the dress," Lois said.

"I don't even care as long as it's better than a shirt that has stains on it, courtesy of my kids."

Tess jumped slightly when she saw Lana Lang standing up from a chair in the corner.

"Oh my God, Lana?" she exclaimed with surprised. "What are you doing here?" she asked, coming towards her for a hug.

"Hoping you said yes so we can get this wedding started," Lana said, embracing her friend. "Lois invited me."

"She did say yes!" Lois told her happily. "Took her over a year."

"You look beautiful," Tess said to Lana, observing that her friend was completely ready for the event. "And thank you, Lois," she said, reaching for Lois's hand.

Lois squeezed her hand. "Of course. It's your day. It can't be traditional but it can be beautiful and special right here with the people who love you."

Fifteen minutes later, Lana was zipping up Tess's wedding dress and Lois was beginning to re-apply Tess's faded makeup.

"If any of us had mothers, we might've been better at hair and makeup," Lois commented dryly. "'Course Lana's hair seems to always be perfect."

"This is true," Tess agreed.

Lana scoffed. "I don't think so, but thank you both. Oh, but I do have something old for you," she said, reaching for a small jewelry box and opening it. "These were my grandmother's earrings for her wedding day. They were so precious to me that when they were falling apart, I used Lex's money - that for some reason I felt little guilt about taking - and I had them restored. They're yours for today if you want them."

Tess smiled, deeply touched.

"I would love to wear them. I think they're beautiful; thank you."

Lois shook her head. "What I have is so much less classy, but it is the borrowed and the blue," she said, reaching in her bag and pulling out her garter belt.

Tess burst out laughing and Lana followed suit.

"What can I say, I am a woman of taste," Lois said, making them laugh harder as she flung the garter belt around one finger. "Now come on, let's put it on."

Lana pulled the length of Tess's dress up so she could slip her garter belt up her leg.

"One request," Lois said as Tess adjusted it perfectly. "I do want this back so don't do anything with it tonight that would make it so I'd never want it back."

Lana snorted a laugh at the comment and Tess frowned at the thought.


"No no, do whatever you want, just…take that off first, please."

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Tess said quickly, happy there was a diversion.

Martha Kent came in and Tess quickly threw the skirt of her dress over her leg, covering the garter belt as Lana tried to stop laughing.

"Mrs. Kent," Tess said, shocked to see her.

"Hi!" Lois exclaimed warmly, going right into her arms. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Hi, sweetheart," Martha replied to her daughter-in-law, hugging her back. "How's it going?"

"Great, but we're having slight hair and makeup issues. Can you help?"

Martha pulled back and looked at Tess. "Of course I can. How's the bride doing?"

Tess's eyes widened slightly. "The bride is confused."

Martha came forward affectionately. "I know two of you already are mothers, but you all really are still children to me. I thought you could use a helping hand."

Lana wasn't at all surprised by Lois's kindness but Tess was stunned that Lois would share her mother figure knowing Lois hadn't had one either. None of them had, really, and here they all stood with Martha Kent, happy to have her with them. Tess could only nod in response.

Martha came forward and turned Tess back to the mirror, looking at her through it, beginning to stroke her hair gently for style ideas.

"It's so great to be around girls," she commented, looking at the three of them with a smile. "I love my son but I would've loved daughters." Martha looked at her daughter-in-law. "Honey, you better get dressed too," Martha said to Lois.

"I can help Lois," Lana suggested.

"I'll take your help," Lois agreed. "Oh, and did you bring the something new?" Lois asked Martha.

"I did."


The sun was setting and she was safe, surrounded by love, and proud of what she had created for herself as she looked into his eyes. She wanted him to know that.

"I have thought about this. This day, this moment. And the first time I saw you, you let me save you and I wasn't beautiful or impressive and still I was worth saving to you. And you were to me. And then when I had the money and the power, you weren't intimidated by it. You didn't need me to be a damsel in distress. You can take me in whatever form I'm in. And so for this day I found these vows from Cuba that spoke to how I feel."

She untraditionally touched his face, trying to convey the power of her love in her touch.

"You are a man who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman." She closed her eyes and dropped her fingertips from his face. "I want to be with you yet I always have been."

"Swear to me you won't ever let me go; I'll come after you."

She smiled, nodding with her own promise to him as well as acknowledging his. Neither spoke and Clark waited a moment, seeing if it was his cue to marry them.

Martha, Lois, and Lana each stood by holding a baby and watched Clark Kent concluded the ceremony that had seemed to have been pending for ages. At Clark's closing words, Oliver breathed a sigh of relief and latched onto his wife, claiming her mouth as she let him, her lips softening beneath his behind her smile.

Lois exhaled, also relieved as they clapped, "That was so stressful!" she whispered to Lana. "Do you know how long that took?"

"Shhh," Lana smiled, still looking at Tess and Oliver entwined. "They're fine, it's okay."

Lois always felt like the calm one next to Lana and suddenly understood why Clark had loved her for so long. But then Lois realized that that's what she'd had with Oliver - a similar personality. Now she looked at him and it felt like their relationship had gone by in a split second, even though she remembered obsessing over what could've been for years. Now thinking of Oliver, she almost wondered what she'd been so infatuated with as she now looked at her husband. She looked at Lana, impressed by her, and glad that there had never really been a moment of pettiness between them.

"Okay, so we have to party before you to fly away," Lois announced, stepping forward.

"We're flying away?"

"No, you're gonna spend your wedding night in your own house," Lois replied sarcastically.

"What about my kids?" Tess asked.

"I think the four of us can handle the two of them," Lois informed her.

Tess put her fingers on her temples. "My brain," she cried, overwhelmed.

Lana had already gotten Tess's hired help to start taking in the children so they could begin the celebration. Oliver instantly handed Tess a glass of champagne.

"I would've taken you on the honeymoon without the wedding."

She took a sip. "I would've married you without the honeymoon."

Lois handed glasses of champagne to everyone. "Finally, no one is pregnant," she commented.

"I know," Tess said with relief, taking another sip.

"Yeah, and don't become one of those mothers who never drinks and has a good time, please," Oliver requested.

"Oh, I will probably embarrass my children in a number of ways," Tess assured him. "Lois and the rest of you will make sure of that."

"Absolutely," Lois gleamed brightly, keeping Tess's glass full.

Oliver took Tess's hand. "Dance with me before we take off?"

He was already guiding her towards his body as the music played behind them. Lois and Clark sat down together across from Lana and Martha, enjoying the champagne and hors d'oeuvres. Clark placed his hand on Lois's thigh.

"I love the way she's singing to him," he said, watching Tess softly sing the words of the song to her new husband as his hands went up her back.

Clark turned to his wife and kissed her softly. "You were incredible to help make this day happen for her." He looked at the three women. "All of you were."

"You weren't so bad yourself," Lana replied, pulled back as far as she could be without looking like she was trying, being sure to not harm him.

Lana turned to look at them again. Oliver's eyes were completely focused on Tess as his hands were sliding up and down her back. She smiled at him, swaying gently to the music.

"Did you think I'd have cold feet?" she asked him softly, curling her fingers in his hair.

"No, you always just amaze me."

She leaned in, touching her open lips to his, inviting him to kiss her. She loved the force he had when he pulled her body closer, biting on her lower lip in response. He felt her body warm against his and her tiny, startled intake of breath as he ardently kissed her mouth. He kissed her hard, sweeping his lips over hers until he pulled back abruptly and licked his lower lip.

"Let's say goodbye to the kids and get on the plane."


He was spent. His body was heavy and sweat slickened as he felt her lips on his back, her fingers caressing him and teasing him as only she could do. Her lips made their way up to his neck, her own exhausted breaths making him shiver until she knew she'd given him enough.

She rolled over onto her back, lying beside him, her face flushed and satisfied.

"There's no phone ringing," she whispered, smiling. "No one needs me to feed them or take care of them. No one's asking me for anything at work…I'm so far away from all that."

He loved the way she looked at this moment.

"Then let me steal you away every once in a while."

She exhaled, looking back at him, the sunlight coming in through the cascading windows.

"I'll let you kidnap me if you'll take me to get me to a place like this."

He lifted himself up and leaned down to kiss her. She laughed softly against his mouth.

"Aren't you tired?"

"I get revived when you give me permission to kidnap you," he whispered back playfully.


Four Years Later

There were five kids running around the huge open room, screaming and playing as the four parents nibbled on the many platters of Christmas food. The tree nearly reached the ceiling, and Lois had gotten people-sized stockings for the kids to play in.

Lois's two sons, Jonathan and James, were chasing Caroline, her strawberry blonde hair soft and wavy, as she screamed playfully, running around the food table. Clark mischievously intervened, grabbing the toddler up in his arms, placing kisses on her cheeks.

"Put her down, Dad!" James said impatiently, and he did.

Lois grabbed her sons by their shirts and pulled them towards her.

"No come here, you two. Behave. It's Christmas Eve."

Tess carried freshly made hot fudge brownies out to the table. Immediately she noticed Daniel, always one to tease his little sister, sneaking up on her ready to smear artichoke dip on her face. Tess rushed forward, shoving the brownies into Clark's hands, her mama lion instincts kicking in.

"Daniel-Daniel! Stop!" she shouted, shoving her hand between his and her daughter's red hair, receiving the mushy artichoke dip all over her arm.

Oliver came over immediately, seeing his sensitive daughter instantly distressed and upset at her brother's teasing. He picked her up as her angry green eyes darted at him.

"He was gonna hit me!" she cried furiously.

Oliver exhaled a laugh, which infuriated Tess because her daughter looked exactly like her and she almost felt like he was treating Laura's anger with the same level of seriousness he treated hers. But she also knew he loved that little girl more than anything as he wrapped her close and kissed her.

Tess gently gripped her son. "You apologize to your sister and if you do that again, it'll be over for you tonight. Stop driving her crazy. I mean it."

But Daniel knew Tess loved him as he turned and tried to wrap his arms around her.

"No, you go hug your Aunt Lois," she rejected playfully, kissing his forehead.

Lois opened her arms. "Come here, come join the other boys."

An hour later Lois had the five of them lined up oldest to youngest for a photo. The four parents tried desperately to get them all to look at the camera.

"Okay, come on kids, come on, look at Lois," Oliver insisted.

Lois snapped a photo.

"Shit!" she exclaimed and the kids snickered at her language.

"Didn't get what you wanted?" Clark mused.

She was so frustrated. "Why can't you kids ever just take a normal picture?"

The kids laughed at her and then began to run around again.

"The kids are on crack," Oliver commented dryly as they began pulling at each other and making noise. "They're totally hyped up and they're driving me nuts. I'm about to get a taser."

Tess ran her fingers through her hair and smiled. She'd been on her feet for hours and though the kids were all wonderful, the excitement of the holidays was making them unbelievably wild. She was about to let Oliver get that taser.

"Okay, I'm exhausted, it's late, and I need to go to sleep because they'll want to get up for Christmas at six in the morning. So you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna split them up, you're taking two and I'll take three and we're driving them. They'll pass out in the car," Tess announced.

Twenty minutes later, Lois had James and Jonathan in the back of her car and they were out like lights. She felt like she could almost fall asleep at the wheel as she pulled back onto Tess's property, but as she put the gear shift into park and looked back at the sleeping children, her heart sank in relief.

"I love them so much," she whispered to Clark.

"Merry Christmas," he told her.

"Merry Christmas," she whispered back, kissing him deeply.

She reached for her camera and took a perfect image of the slumbering children.

"Now that was the photo I wanted."

~The End~

End Notes: I was so not sure if I was going to let Tess & Oliver get married because I didn't know if I wanted them in this universe that I've created to have that much "traditionalism" between them. I was debating on letting them have just the forever-ness where they don't get married but have the absolute "happily ever after" anyway. They didn't need the marriage. Then I thought Oliver's so damn possessive, and most people aren't like me. Maybe most people want them to have that traditional perfect happily ever after. So I hope it works for everyone.

And FYI, if and when I write Tess and Oliver having more kids, a lot of people put in requests for those blonde haired boys and red headed little girls. We need exact copies of them, yes? And if it was confusing, Lois and Clark had two boys (Jonathan and James-hence Jimmy Olsen), and Tess and Oliver had three kids, two girls and boy (Daniel, Laura, and Caroline). But I hate when fic writers go on and on about the kids, so I was more writing a very quick scene and wrapping it up.

So why am I going on right now? *clears throat*

Okay! Thank you for reading!