Shawn woke up in a room full of strange people but he was so happy he woke up that he didn't care," I'm alive!" He croaked quietly from his dry throat.

"Hey, son. Calm down. I know it's hard for you but you need to stay still and stay quiet. You had a pretty bad concussion." Said the man closest to him.

"I know you just said to be quiet but I need to ask, uh, stupid question, but who are you?" Shawn felt aweful for not knowing this man's name. He felt that he should but he didn't know why.

"Shawn. I'm your Dad. Henry Spencer." Shawn wished he could believe this man but wouldn't he remember his own father?

"Mr. Spencer, They did say he may have some temporary memory loss. He may not know who any of us are." That was the handsome colored gentlemen that stood nearby. Shawn felt almost as close to this man. Maybe even closer but he couldn't go on feelings alone.

"Not to be rude but, who are you? You're not my brother, I can say that much." Shawn smiled, painfully. Why did he hurt so bad? He tried to remember, what had gone down? He was being chased but why? Then he ran into some trip wires and he was sad before he blacked out. Why was he even there? He remembered, he was a psuedo psychic that worked for the SBPD. Why did he remember that?

"Shawn, I'm your best friend, Burton Guster. Gus. Remember?" The colored gentlemen smiled.

"I'm sorry, buddy. I have no clue who you are, but I feel like I should. Um, Gus you said?"

"Yes, I'm Gus."

"Theree was an explosion,b-because I was being chased. I'm a Psychic that worked for SBPD, right?"

"Yes, you were. Well, not a real one but only I and Henry here know that." Gus smiled again, sadly this time.

"He remembers that but not me?" Henry shouted. Shawn pulled back, frightened but pressed on.

"If it helps I don't even know my last name." He grinned,"There was someone else with me. A woman. Someone I have strong feelings for, I think. Is-is she alright?"

"Juliet? Yeah. She's fine. She's right outside."Gus nodded,"You saved her, man. Your pursuer would have shot you both. He would have been in range to shoot her but she wouldn't have been able to get him."

"C-can I see her?Alone?"

"Sure. We'll be outside. Come one, ." They both left and moments later the prettiest woman Shawn had ever seen came through the door. Even with her eyes a little puffy from the obvious mascara smearing cry she had been having, she was brilliant. Her face was contorted with fear and her eyes shone with worry. Worry he knew was for him and he wished he knew why, or even knew her name.

"Hello, Shawn. I'm Juliet, the one you saved." She smiled, on the edge of tears once more.

"I have a feeling you were more than just the woman I saved. I feel like we are connected in some way. I just can't...remember."

"Well,it was mostly banter. We never really... you know... We are just friends. "

"Why wouldn't I? You're gorgeous and I must have been a moron for not asking you on a date. How long have we known eachother?"

"Five ish years."

"Five? Wow. I am Dumb. I'm sorry, this is really wierd for me. I just have such a connection with you and I barely even know your name. So strange to feel this and I never said anything?"

"Actually, I have a really bad timing. I came out and told you and you actually are seeing someone and you have stood her up before and didn't want to be mean again."

"I am sincerely sorry, Uh, Juliet?"

"Yeah, but you call me Jules normally."

"Jules. Yes. I screamed,'Jules! Get back! Get away from here! Get away!' and you looked so sad as you ran away. What was I running from?" He asked, his throat hurt but he had to know. She covered her mouth as the tears welled over. She put a hand over her eyes and motioned for him to wait. Once she calmed down she sighed.

"We weren't sure why. You called and said you solved three cases in one and that he was going to do something else if we didn't catch him. You said there was a girl involved. She's 16 and she offered to take care of you since you let her escape but she doesn't even remember being kidnapped. She was cloroformed every few hours to keep her passed out. You carried her out."

"I need to see her." Shawn smiled," But I need some pineapple Icecream first."

"Do they make that?"