Auther's note's this Story was inspired by ZeroVX's Error's in continuity if you have't read it you should it is hilarius as all hell (HEHEH IF I SCREW THIS UP YOU MAY ALREADY BE READING IT)

The Pairing is Crona:Soul Eater (Anime). & Raven:Teen Titans (the animated series)

Disclamer: I do not own Soul eater or Teen titans

Legend: "THIS"=Someone thinking il add to this if need be

First story so feel free to go Azula on my ass if i screw up

Chapter one: How we begin

It had all happened so fast one minute she was fighting Cardiac with her friend's and now she was sitting in a place she had never seen before "What is going on ?" she wondered not for the first nor last time she looked left and right "well I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore" She winced at the thought of what would happen if Beast Boy had heard that she'd never live it down she then shook the thought away she had bigger problem's like why was she in a cell right out of a medieval fantasy movie and of even greater importance why was the ground hyper venalateing.?

Crona looked up at the stranger that had landed on top of him his first thought that they were attacking him was dispelled by the fact they seemed as lost if not more than he was it was obvious as he looked up the hooded figure who seemed at a complete loss not only where they apparently not sure where they where it also looked as if there eye's hadn't adjusted to the dark "well I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore" she whispered SHE ! Oh Lord Death it's a girl there was a strange girl sitting on top of him

"I don't know how to deal with this !" his whole body began to tremble his breath came and went far too fast then suddenly he was pulled out of his panic attack "WHAT !".

Maka strolled down the hall towards her pink haired friend's room it was late normally Maka would have been in bed hour's ago but

MS Azusa had asked her to help with cataloging the newest report's on the strange happening's people and monsters of unknown origin's had been appearing all over the world somewhere harmless other's not so much Maka's hand went to her shoulder it was still stiff she reminded herself of the hard learned lesson as Soul had put it

"Never underestimate inter-dimensional jail bate demon Santa girl's"

if the kid in the hoody hadn't shown up she might have bit the dust right then and their oh well according to Eibon's announcement it was finally over no new portal's would open no new enemies' would come of course this also meant anyone already here was stuck she pushed the thought's to the back of her mind as she stood outside her dear friend's door she'd tell him goodnight and head home for some much needed rest as the door opened she had a bright smile the she knew Crona would still be up and so he was in one since of the word but not so much in the literal since so to was the pale hooded girl who sat on top of him Maka stood there her smile unbroken for several second's and then in the calmest voice she could manage at that moment made her inquiry "WHAT !" she screamed

Ok so their's the first cahapter like i said feel free to flame it all you whant il try and get the next chapter ready as soon as i can whith out botching it

Note the girl and boy that Maka's thinking about Are Mimi and Grim Jr from Beedman's Grim tale's also a great read you can find it at Snafu comics

catch ya later