AN: I wrote this within the last two hours before Glee came back to my screen. I clearly must have gone nuts during the hiatus.

Also, I am aware of the fact that there is no set up. I had beer and skittles and Glee for the first time in months.

Don't judge, enjoy.

She didn't know when it had started. How are you supposed to remember the first signs when you don't even realize they exist in the first place? A sign is not a sign when it doesn't tell you anything, is it?

All she knew was that the mere thought of the bossy little dork lying across the room in her bed was driving her nuts.

Slowly removing her own blanket, Quinn got up. Rachel was extremely annoying just lying there, sleeping. She had stolen her boyfriend, she had gained popularity where Quinn had kept losing it. She had such an easy life. Rachel would never know what it was like to have to be someone.

Quietly she walked over to Rachel's bed. With furrowed eyebrows she examined the bundle huddled in sheets, breathing in an even rhythm. "I bet you're wearing one of these ugly nightgowns your dads made you." she mumbled and thought how nice it would be to have her own dad caring for cheesy things like his daughter's clothes.

Her feet were cold, Rachel was pissing her off without actually doing anything, she was tired and unable to sleep; in other words: right that second Quinn Fabray hated everything.

Standing besides the brunette's bed like a creepy madwoman with her silhouette throwing a threatening shadow across the sheets she contemplated what to do next. She couldn't just keep standing there. She couldn't just walk back to her own bed. She'd never fall asleep with the mood she was in. Plus, it was all Rachel's fault so she had to at least wake her up.

"Rachel!" she whispered loudly enough it would have passed as yelling.

"Rachel, wake up."

The bundle beneath the sheets stirred slightly and then continued its even breathing.

Stomping one freezing foot on the floor Quinn repeated: "Rachel!"

This girl was really unbelievable with her stubbornness. How could she have the audacity to continue sleeping when Quinn stood there, being furious? It drove Quinn nuts.

Finally a head bopped out from beneath the duvet. "What is it?" Rachel's voice was a whole octave deeper than usual, heavy with the dreams she had just been yanked out of. But Quinn wasn't sorry.

"I can't sleep and it's your fault." she exclaimed.

Rachel blinked a few times, obviously processing what she had just been accused of and the blonde creepy madwoman besides her bed was getting angrier with every second that Rachel had to think. How could she dare to keep her awake by occupying her thoughts? Who did she think she was anyway?

"I'm mad at you."

When she still didn't receive any response Quinn clenched her fists. "I'm mad at you." But words didn't come easy tonight and any explanation escaped her. She didn't know when it had started.

Rachel, though, knew exactly. She had to know! If she didn't know, either, this situation was all kinds of fucked up.

"You stole Finn from me." It was the best she could do. "Twice."

The brunette blinked a few more times before shaking her head and pulling the cover over her head again. She was really unbelievable. "RACHEL!"

"We're not together anymore and I didn't steal anything. We've talked about that. Let me sleep."

The muffled whining argument didn't do anything to ease Quinn's nerves. Especially because she knew she didn't even really care about Finn. "My feet are cold."

Rachel's head became visible again. "Well, then don't stand there. You'll get sick. Get to bed. Let me sleep." It was remarkable how short her sentences became when Rachel was tired and for a split second Quinn wondered if there was a way of keeping Rachel tired forever, just so she wouldn't talk as much.

She didn't know when it had started, but somewhere along the way her mind had been more often with Rachel than with Finn, or Sam, for that matter. Rachel was this annoying constant in her life that kept popping up in conversations and was always hogging brain capacity during homework and Glee and dates. Rachel was always everywhere and it became unbearable. Quinn knew she had to do something about that.

Determined to go through with her decision she lifted the covers and was greeted with a shriek when she pressed herself against Rachel's back. "Your feet are cold." Quinn frowned once more. "I told you." When she wrapped her arm around Rachel's waist the girl tensed below her, but when Quinn had made a decision she didn't just retreat.

"I'm not mad at you because of Finn." she whispered as she pressed her nose into Rachel's back. She didn't receive an answer. Rachel was still frozen in shock and Quinn's hand was now exploring Rachel's surprisingly taut stomach. She was grateful to find the brunette was wearing a t-shirt and boy- shorts instead of the gown she had expected. The body beneath her wandering hand kept lying still as she slipped first her fingers then her palm under the hem of Rachel's shirt before slowly but steadily moving it upwards. "Then why are you mad?"

Quinn stopped for a second. "Because." was all she managed to say. Words had always worked to her advantage. She had read enough books and taken enough rhetoric classes to win a debate against most of her teachers and yet here she was with her tongue thick and heavy, unable to say what was on her mind.

When her fingertips found Rachel's left nipple she groaned into her back. Rachel gasped loudly. She didn't know how it was possible. She didn't know when it had started, but somewhere along the way Quinn Fabray had fallen for the school's loser. She was mad. And there was no one else to blame but Rachel.

"Quinn." Rachel gasped again when the blonde began kissing her neck, softly grazing the sensitive skin there with her lips while palming a perky breast. "I'm so mad at you." These last few words came out a lot softer than planned. Quickly she ran her hand down Rachel's stomach again and pushed it into her shorts without a warning.

There had to be a way to get rid of all this anger and Quinn knew she had found it when her fingertips felt smooth skin and both girls moaned loudly at the contact. Her free hand now snaked around Rachel's neck and pulled the shorter girl close. Rachel tensed again and a little whimper filled the air. So annoying. And now Quinn was making herself mad. "Is this okay?" she asked, stilling her hands, but not letting go. Why would she ask? Why would she even care?

Rachel scooted closer, leaning into Quinn's touch. "I don't want you to be mad at me." she almost whispered. "Especially when I haven't done anything. I don't want you to hate me."

Blood was pressuring in hard pulses against Quinn's temples. She closed her eyes to think for a few seconds. It was all Rachel's fault. She always had to be overly present. She had entered McKinley High and whilst other people positioned themselves quietly at the top or bottom of the social ladder, Rachel fell with a huge bang on her enormous nose. And instead of accepting her spot she simply got up with a smile and tried again, and again, and again. And each time she'd sing louder than before. As if no one ever had discouraged her to be herself. As if it wasn't open season.

"I, for one, am not mad at you, despite the fact that I would have all reason to be."

She was back to her old self. That was too much. And why did she have to smell so nice?

"Remember all the mean things you called me?"

There was suddenly a knot in Quinn's stomach.

"Remember every time you tried to tear me down?"

"I'm sorry." Quinn heard herself say. "I..", but again words escaped her. Instead she cracked her lips and started kissing her way down Rachel's back. When she reached the small of her back she hesitated. She had never done anything like this before. Heck, she'd never even really thought about doing anything like this before. Her first and only time with Puck was...oh, nevermind.

When her lips found a perfectly apple shaped ass almost all of her anger vanished. Almost all of it. Her heart started pounding uncontrollably when she let her nose run down Rachel's butt cheek through the shorts and found it smelled just as sweet as the rest of her. On another level it sent her into rage, even though it was another kind of rage this time. "Damn it, Rachel."

The shorter girl spun around and eagerly tugged on Quinn's shoulder. "Come up here." and Quinn obeyed despite her urge not to. Ten fingers softly grazed her sides and a shiver ran down her spine. She closed her eyes for a second, just to find dark eyes, kind eyes looking back at her when she opened them again. "I don't want you to be mad at me."

"Why?" again, this was the best she could do. Her heart soared at the prospect of hurting the tiny brunette geek beneath her. "Why?" she then asked herself silently. Instead of an answer, Rachel took her hand and led it back down into her shorts. It was too much to handle. As soon as the first hint of wetness met her index finger Quinn's eyes fell shut and she lunged forward, pressing her face into the pillow next to the brunette's head. "Then get out of my head." she grunted, kissing a soft cheek, the corner of a pouty mouth, full lips, just slightly.

But Rachel raised her hips to meet Quinn's touch and shook her head. "No." she gasped. And it made Quinn melt. Her fingers slid easily through Rachel's soft folds and after only a few short moments Rachel had swung all four limbs around the girl above her, pulling her down, pushing herself up. She was remarkably quiet.

Leaning forward once more, pressing her forehead to the girl she had always thought she despised, Quinn was tempted to increase her speed, but refrained. Instead she opened her eyes. Whatever was left of her anger vanished the second she saw the cute little dork beneath her bite her lip, pressing her eyes shut. It was replaced by something entirely different when heels dug hard into her ass and fingernails bit deeply into her shoulder blades. Suddenly it felt good to make Rachel feel good instead of bad. Maybe she could even make up for some of her insults during the last couple of years.

With her lips catching lips and her hand buried deeply in Rachel's shorts something snapped inside of Quinn. She was enjoying this more than anything, more than she could take. Then a little miracle happened: The next few moments went by in slow motion and way too fast. Quinn could feel Rachel tremble, just slightly, her stomach and her throat were quivering and the little nub of nerves between her slick folds hardened to stone. She slowed down even more, careful not to soar her, careful to make this slow and sweet and special. "Just breathe." she whispered. "Don't try, just let go and breathe." And then Rachel did. She relaxed and breathed and just a few seconds later Quinn's hand was flooded with her release and her hips were forcefully rolling against the blonde's body.

Just one long gasp of surprise and then nothing.

Although she didn't have much comparison Quinn was positive that this was the sexiest thing she'd ever experience.

She kissed both of Rachel's eyelids and didn't remove her hand until she felt a tug on her arm. What now?

"I don't hate you."

She thought about her words while rolling off the brunette's limp body, ignoring two hands that kept reaching out for her.

"I don't hate you the least. And I think you can stay on my mind."

Now that her mood had changed for the better, Quinn got up, heading for her own bed without even so much as a glance back. Her feet got cold again but this time she didn't mind. She snuggled up in her own duvet, nuzzling one corner of her pillow and she could already feel herself drift off into a content sleep.


"Quinn! Wake up!"

Without a word she lifted her covers and let Rachel slip in under.

"I can't believe you just left me th.." but Quinn cut her off with a kiss.

Rachel may have been the school's loser. She may have been bossy and bitchy and loud, but she was also very endearing at times. Quinn didn't know when it had started. And with Rachel in her arms she didn't really care.

I *might* add more chapters in the future. But really, I scribbled this between other fics I'm working on, so there won't be any regular updates or anything.