Well this is slightly longer than I planned and I do not know how many chapters I will be doing. With there being 21 dares, 20 truths and 19 forfeits to write down... It could last a while. As I said review, not sure if I like this or if it even works.

Derek Morgan had been having a stressful day. He was still acting agent in charge, he had a fight with Penelope earlier that day, he had been roughed up slightly by an UnSub and now he was sitting filling in overdue paperwork. The day could not have gone worse. However the only part of the whole day that was on his mind was his fight. He loved Penelope and he hated when she was hurting, so when he saw the hurt in her eyes and known he had caused it, it was killing him. He went to apologise as soon as they had returned from Arizona but her office was vacant with her being nowhere to be found. He was sat wallowing in his own self-pity, wishing his life was playing out differently right now.

Penelope Garcia looked at the clock, the hands read seven o'clock. It was not time for her house mates to be arriving yet. She had invited the team over after this case to cheer them up. Everyone had been invited but Derek. Now she regretted inviting him. She knew he had not meant to shout at her, but it did not mean it hurt any less. She had seen the glimpse of regret and hurt in his eyes when she slapped him. She hated that she had slapped him, it was not intentional. She had to apologise. 'That's it,' she decided, 'I'm calling him.'

The phone had not even gotten to the second ring before he picked up. When he saw that the called ID read, 'Babygirl' he had to answer.

"Babygirl." he answered.

"Hi Derek, I was um… wondering if um…" she stumbled upon her words.

"Hold on, let me say something. I want to say I'm sorry. I did not mean anything I said and I fear we will lose our friendship over this. I don't want to loose what we have, it's too important to me." he said.

"Sugar, nothing will ever make us lose this. Anyway., team gathering in mine. Be her in thirty?" she asked.

"Make it twenty and you got a deal." he said before hanging up.

The paperwork seem unimportant now, and it could wait. He had to go apologise to a best friend that deserved a proper apology in person. He grabbed his leather jacket and car keys and exited his office, but not before glancing back to the see the remainders of Penelope that were there. He then exited Quantico.

He got to her apartment in just over nineteen minutes, he was rarely late. He smoothed his jacket, rubbed his hands over his face then knocked on her door. He had his own key but right now it did not seem like it was appropriate to use it. At least not until that had made up properly.

She opened the door and she looked as gorgeous as ever. It warmed him, knowing she had not changed physically. He had always loved how she looked. She was feminine, he curves always emphasised by her clothing. He looked into her eyes and smiled at him. The smile did not last long. In her eyes he saw a glimmer of distrust and it hurt him. It hurt his heart and he knew he had to fix it- now.

"Baby, can we sit and talk- please?" he half pleaded.

She simply nodded and led him to the couch. The couch, as like the whole room, screamed Penelope Garcia. It was plum in colour, decorated with differently coloured and textured pillows. A bright pink comforter was laid along the back of the couch. It was her and his, it was theirs. Every night he came over to her apartment, they would hold one another close and drape it over themselves.

When he sat he turned the upper half of his body to face her. She sat down alongside him but faced the opposing wall. She was staring at one of the pictures that aligned the wall, breathing deeply and twiddling her thumbs. She was nervous. He took in her appearance before he approached her. He took her fragile hands in his, holding them delicately. This was enough to make her face him. He had needed her to look at him as he spoke, so that she knew he was not lying. That he meant what he was saying.

"Penelope, I am sorry. I know there is no excuse for what I have done, but I have been stressed. You pushing at me just made me snap. It hurts me to see that I hurt you and for that I am so sorry. I love you Babygirl and it was never my intention to start a fight with you. I need you to forgive me, I fully if you choose not to, but at least will you consider it? Please?" The last word came out in a whisper. He had started by looking into her eyes but by the time he had finished speaking his eyes were laid upon his lap. He had his head hung in shame, he was ashamed of himself.

Penelope raised one hand and rested it on his cheek, cradling his face. He slowly raised his eyes to look at her his eyes glistened with un-fallen tears and a frown was etched upon his lips. He was disappointed in himself. The reassuring smile she gave him confuse him.

"I know Derek and I already had forgiven you. But I am sorry also. I should not be telling you what to do or telling you how to run your life. Also I never should have slapped you. That took it too far. So the question is, are you able to forgive me?"

It only took seconds for him to reply. "Babygirl I am glad you tell me how to run my life, for if you didn't my life and I would be falling apart. I do not blame you for slapping me, in fact I am glad you did. It made me realise how stupid I was being. And so yes baby, forgive you. I will always forgive you."

They sat in silence then, just looking at one another, staring into each other's eyes. Both of the, had been stupid, and both knew it. Derek's smile began to play on his lips and seconds later they broke into laughter. It was uncontrollable laughter that lasted several minutes. When the laughter finally began to come to a halt, they heard the rapping upon her door. She rose to answer it. Opening it she found her work colleagues and friends stood there. She stepped aside to allow them in.

She noticed even her boss, who usually avoided these types of gatherings, had shown up. "Perfect" she said accompanied by a mischievous glint in her eye.

Derek stood, allowing Emily Prentiss, JJ and David Rossi to sit on the couch. Spencer Reid and Aaron Hotchner sat on the floor on the opposite side of the coffee table. It soon became evident Penelope had plans.

"Derek, help me move this table away please."

He gave her a questioning look before helping her move it anyway. She then dragged him into the kitchen with her to collect the beer from the fridge before bringing them back to her friends.

"Now, everybody sit on the floor. Form a circle." This was not said forcefully but everyone knew to do as Penelope said for you do not disobey Penelope Garcia. They sat on the floor, interlocking boy-girl, the was Penelope wanted it.

"Derek finish this off please." she said handing him a recently opened beer bottle. He just shrugged his shoulders but did as told. It did not take long for him to hand her back the empty bottle.

"Perfect" she said as she placed it lying down upon the floor.

Every team member was looking at Penelope as if she had just grown a second head. No one dared ask her what she had planned. The mischievous look was still seen in her eyes, that worried them. None of Penelope's schemes ever ended well.

"Okay, that's it kitten. What exactly have you planned?" Rossi asked, having enough of the silence.

"We my bunch of superheroes are going to play a game." she said. "We are going to have a good old game of Truth or Dare."

The shocked looks that graced the profilers' faces was a picture and Penelope wished she had camera at that moment. She loved Truth or Dare but loved it even more when she was drunk. She planned on being drunk soon so the game would immediately become more fun.

"PG, are you insane?" Emily said. "We're not teenagers anymore."

"Oh I know that my lovely, that's why our version is going to be a bit dirtier."

JJ and Spencer blushed, Emily chortled and the three male members held identical smirks. No matter the outcome of this game, it was going to be fun- or funny. Everyone sat in silence for a minute, just sipping their drinks. Penelope rose to collect more beers as well as her handbag. Within her bag was her secret weapon for this game.

As she sat down cross-legged between Hotch and Rossi, she looked over at Derek who was facing her. She gave him her charm smile before speaking.

"There are rules to this game. Each of you had two forfeits, if you use them and decide to opt out of a dare you have lost the game. You have to vary between truths and dares. No illegal or troublesome dares. There is a prize for thee winner. My version is a mixture of original Truth and Dare and Spin the Bottle, hence the bottle. And then there are these." she pulled out a pack of cards from her bag. "These are my T or D cards. They give the basic structure for the truth or dare, the bottle fills in the name. Understand?"

Everyone nodded. There was no need to try and protest, this was going to happen either way. One thing is for sure, this was going to be interesting.