This is the second prompt I was given by youxcan'txstop. I'm sorry it took so long to get this out. I'm still working on the Lev/Lux one, so I hope you can forgive my slowness. :P

I do not own Fairy Tail or any of its affiliated characters.


Had he meant for this to become a game? No. But somehow, that's how it had turned out.

"I'm hungry," Luxus whined rudely, propping his pouty face up with his hand on the counter so he could glare at the girl behind it currently ignoring him.

"You've said that already. I'm busy with other things before I can make you food on a whim," Mirajane said with plain patience, cleaning the utensils in the wash basin.

Luxus grunted and fidgeted exaggeratedly, like he was majorly inconvenienced by this. Only thing was, he'd just gotten back from a job. He certainly seemed to have enough time to just sit there and order her around.

After another six minutes or so of waiting, she felt him give into his boiling blood and come around the bar to goad her on faster.

"This is taking forever."

"I'll be done in a minute."

She took a box of recipes she'd been loaned and moved to the other end of the bar, passing him on the way. He caught sight of the apron strings at the back of her kitchen attire, and let one of them slip through his fingers as she went by. She turned around like she had felt it.


He blinked. "Nothin'. Hurry up. I want that pie thing you make…"

She sighed and rummaged in a cupboard for the dish she would need…

"Luxus, what are you doing?" she asked slowly after feeling that same tug near her rear end. He blinked at her like he had no idea what she was talking about.

"What're you standin' there for. I'm starving."

She moved to the stove. He followed, and that same pulling happened. And then when she moved to get the pie ingredients, it was felt a bit more strongly.

By the time she was done getting prepared to bake Luxus his food, her apron was undone and she was unamused.

He denied everything of course. But every time thereafter, if he wanted something to eat, and he had a long wait ahead of him, she could count on him hovering near her rear and trying to pull the knot out (which, by the way, she'd attempted to make harder to untie by using multiple knots and fancy string maneuvering-majiggies) and in this manner, she came to become used to his presence when he was hungry.

"You keep makin' this thing harder to take out," he muttered one day, finally incriminating himself beyond any shadow of a doubt. She smirked when his futile prods were felt through her thin sweater.

"Nobody's making you pull them in the first place," she pointed out playfully, pushing some snowy hair behind her ear. She felt a shy hand reach up to help her, and then turn her to face him.

"You don't tell me not to."

"If it keeps you busy…"

"You're so considerate of my patience," he said sarcastically, leaning forward to kiss her. She shoved her hands in his face and padded away.

"Not until you win the game," she said coyly, winking. "I might even let you kiss me without the thing on."

"Don't get crazy on me," he murmured, rolling his eyes and scratching his flushed neck. She brushed past him towards the counter to see if he was game anyway.


Well, predictability wasn't un-cute.

The End.

Hope you liked! :D