I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia. Alfred singing. Alfred's writing on the whiteboard.

Are You Depressed, Alfred

By waterrain

Alfred Jones stood up in front of his classmates, he didn't feel nervous, a bright smile on his lips, and ready to start.

"Can you imagine if there was an entire generation that didn't care about anything?" Alfred asked calmly and he wrote with a blue dry erase marker on the whiteboard 'I Don't Care, Generation'. "Can you imagine a world where no one cared? Well, I can imagine such a world and I'm going to give you peeps some insight."

"We don't care about war,

We don't care about peace,

We don't care about the results as long as we are not involved,

We are desensitized to violence, gore, blood, sex, and everything else."

War, Peace, and as long as we are not involved.

"We don't care about foreign countries,

We say who cares they are so far away,

We don't care about every state in the United States Of America,

We don't care as long as we are not affected,

We are isolated and pretend nothing else exists."

Foreign countries, they are far away, not caring about all of the states in the USA, and as long as we are not affected.

"We don't care about ourselves,

We don't care what others think of us,

We don't care about anyone else,

We are selfish, but we don't care at all."

Ourselves, others, and we don't care at all.

"We don't care about sex,

We don't care about being thought as sluts for enjoying sex,

We don't care if others have sex or not,

We don't care if we die virgins or non-virgins."

Sex, Slut, Virgin, and Non-Virgin.

"We don't care about politics because it is the same old same old,

We don't care who is President because it is the same old same old,

We don't care about the news because it doesn't matter to us,

We are desensitized to the violence, death, scandals, and everything else on the new."

Politics, President, News, and Desensitized.

"We don't care about religion,

We don't care about sexuality,

We don't care about marriage or Civil Unions."

Religion, Sexuality, Marriage, and Civil Union.

"We don't care about animals,

We don't care about plants,

We don't care about outer space."

Animals, Plants, and Outer Space.

"We don't care if we receive negative or positive attention,

We don't care about love,

We don't care about hate.

We don't care about age,

We don't care about gender,

We don't care about looks."

Attention, Love, Hate, Age, Gender, and Looks.

"We don't care if someone dies because everyone will die in the end,

We don't care if others live or die,

We don't care if the world is going to end tomorrow."

Life, Death, and World Ending.

"I don't care generation would be an entire generation devoid of emotions." Alfred commented to them and he noticed everyone was silent. "We are not considered The I Don't Care Generation. I do not think there will ever be such a generation here in the awesomeness that is America."

"Anyway, Do you think the world would crash and burn if everyone stopped caring?" Alfred asked his classmates and he sat down while smiling brightly at everyone. "Where are the care bears when you need them?"

The teacher looked concerned and his classmates looked confused, but Alfred didn't care and he just put a hand on his chin. After class the green eyed teacher took Alfred aside and looked into those blue eyes.

"Are you depressed, Alfred?"

Please Review and Thank You. Do you think Alfred is depressed?