Okay, first of all I don't own Jace, Clare Alec, Magnus, Or Arizona Jean Co., ect… Well, this is an Idea I came up with, please comment and favorite I hope you like it!

"Alec!" Jace was shouting from the front step from the institution, "Alec!"

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"He's not here," Jace panted, "He left for Magnus' almost six hours ago and now, and he's just- just gone." I slid into the elevator, and it jerked upward, but I was still willing it to go faster. In what seemed to be hours, I was one floor up and climbing the endless flights of stairs to the musty attic. I softly opened the oak door and slipped into the cool room.

A dark figure was slumped in the shadowy corner. I cautiously slinked toward it. Its breathing was slow and even, eyes gently shut. Black curls swayed atop his head in the slight draft.

"Alec?" I asked warily. His head slowly lifted, Icy blue eyes shone underneath ebony strands of hair. He leisurely got to his feet. "Alec," I said worriedly; His lower lip was encrusted with burgundy blood, which shone ruby in the early morning light, a long gash occupied his left wrist, lengthening to the crook of his elbow where his jacket sleeve was pulled up. Another slit ran across the width of his wrist. I shut my eyes unhurriedly, lingering on the blood dripping from his forearm. He blinked his eyes firmly, and an ice blue tear rolled down his unnaturally pale face. I snapped open my eyes and pulled out my stele. He jerked away, pressing himself against the damp wooden wall. His breathing had become labored and ragged, his body convulsing with each forced breath.

"G- Get away," he threatened emptily, pulling out his seraph blade. I gently grasped his slit wrist and he dropped the blade, which dropped onto the floor with a subtle crash. I once again drew my stele as Alec closed his dark eyes. A single tear rolled down his pasty cheek, creating a canyon in the dust and blood on his solemn face.

Then, his lips were on mine, pressing with a worrying urgency. For a moment I gave in, feeling him become less rigid, my body pressing fittingly into his muscular figure. His thumbs were slung in the belt loops of my faded Arizona jeans, my hands gently tangled in his curly midnight hair. I took a deep breath and pushed quickly away, my back slamming against the splintering wooden wall. I shook my head as cerulean tears rolled down his somber visage. I dashed downstairs, Alec calling my name as he jogged after me.

No, no no, I repeatedly said to myself, pushing the golden button to the elevator. The door slid open with a Bing just as Alec skid around the corner.

"Clary!" he called out, sticking his hand in the elevator door, gently jerking it to a stop. I backed into the gold tinted corner. "Clary," He said pleadingly, "I'm sorry," he paused, "I love you." He pulled his shaking hand out of the jam, and it shut, sending us to different universes.

Well, that's it for this chapter, if you want me to continue, please comment and favorite