Hi everyone... Another plot bunny and yet another Fandom that is getting twisted... :|

Its Black Butler's turn and yes, this story will be following the MANGA... I was fairly disappointed when i realised that they never intended to use the Noah's Ark Circus Arc in the anime. :(

But Im using my own story :) But with an OC.. I know some ppl dont like OC's but I hope my character appeases :)

As always... Pretty please leave a review and feedback is greatly appreciated :D

Peace Out!


The thunder roared overhead and as the heavens split, the rain bucketed down and drenched all those preparing and setting up their circus.

A huge gust of wind swept through the poles and the tents, ripping the pegs from the mud and there was a cry of disdain from one very unhappy Illusionist.

"Why? Why must we do this while it's raining?"

The silver pegs fell in the mud some distance away and there was a cry of shock, followed by a wobbly cry and a large 'splat' as a body fell in the muck as well. There was a wail of protest and through the lightning strikes across the sky, a young woman with mud streaked brunette hair heaved herself to her feet and grabbed hold of a flailing rope and fell back to her knees and groped the mud for a silver tent peg.

"Hang on Ell"

A man's voice broke through the darkness and the rain and a large skeletal type hand reached down and enveloped the Illusionists hand and brandished a much needed peg and stabbed it into the mud. One side of the tent was pegged down and the man's voice said "Why did you try and pitch the Big Top all by yourself Ell?"

Exasperated violet eyes met murky grey and the Illusionist whimpered, "The quicker we got this done, the quicker we could have gotten out of this horrible weather. Nobody ever said that London was such a dirty, yucky place."

The skeleton hand tightened around the woman's and the soft voice broke out, "Listen Ell, a fair lady like yourself shouldn't be out in the rain and mud trying to pitch the tent by herself. Leave this for the men to do and get your pretty little self back to your tent and cleaned up."

A small smile graced the Illusionists lips and a soft giggle made it past her chattering teeth and she said, "As long as I don't get into trouble for slacking off."

The red haired man beside her pulled her to her feet and he said with a cheeky smile "Don't worry yourself Ell, hurry along to your tent. Can't let my favourite girl get sick now can I?"

The Illusionist nodded and through soaked, mud ridden clothes; the young woman let a sigh escape her lips and in a flurry of shadows, she disappeared through the mass of tent poles and equipment. A light from a fleeting lightning bolt revealed a young woman's body twist and grow smaller and the lithe form of a cat landed upon a pole connecting the tents and scurried through the rain for a particular destination.

Large violet eyes gleamed through the darkness and at the entrance of the 'would be' entrance to the 'Noah's Ark Circus', several large crates sat there silently.

The Illusionist didn't realise that these crates sitting there would be the downfall of everything she knew. Knowing no better, the cat jumped away from the poles and disappeared into the folds of a large, decorative tent.