CHAPTER 4 – The Law of Levirate

-Scar… Scar! Wake up! – Sarabi tried to pull the king out of the land of sleep as delicately, as she could.

-Ooh, go away…

-Scar! It's me! – she whispered. – We need to talk.

-I told you to leave me alone…

The queen leaned down and touched his cheek with her muzzle. Scar growled and opened his eyes, but he immediately relented seeing who is trying to wake him up.


He looked straight into her scarlet eyes. Their sight improved his mood. He rolled to his back and stretched like a little kitten.

-Why, good morning, dear sister-in-law! I didn't expect you in such an early hour. I hope you do not intend to ask me to go anyplace… My back, you see, is particularly sore today…

Sarabi couldn't recall how many times had she heard that 'backache excuse' from him.

-I'm concerned about that pain of yours. Are you suffering from it for a long time now?

Scar frowned.

-Oh, I'm quite sure you do not want to hear about my little illnesses… but yes, you're right, my back has been bothering me for years now. It was from that moment… - he stopped and sighed deeply.

-… when you got your scar? The buffalo incident, right?

If it were any other pridemember who mentioned this, he could expect a very violent reaction from Scar. In relation to Sarabi however, he just rolled his eyes and said:

-Yes, indeed.

-Oh you poor thing… maybe you want me to go get Rafiki?

-What? The ape? I do not want to see him on Pride Rock ever again, understand?

He turned to face the queen. Immediately, he felt regret for raising his voice on her. She lowered her head. Scar came close to her, and delicately stroked her back with his tail.

-And what if we… came back to the times, when you were the one, who used to take care of me, hm? You didn't need any baboons at that time, neither anyone…

He smiled. Sarabi hardly ever had the chance to see him smiling, so she also took a happy expression.

-Hm, lay down, ok? Let me just bring you something to eat…

-No! No… stay, Sarabi. You've got everything I need right here…

He came even closer. She was astonished when he nestled into her neck, and then started to fawn and rub against her.

-Ooh, Sarabi… I know, that you are lonely… I know you miss… him…

-Don't you?

He became crestfallen hearing that question. Having withdrawn, he looked in her eyes.

-My dear, please believe me, that my brother's tragic death was… the most significant event of my entire life. But… let us not mention those dreadful things, all right?

He embraced her again and pressed onto himself with strength, although he felt that Sarabi was insensitive to his caresses. He whispered into her ear:

-I have to confess something to you. I know that you alone from the whole pride will hear me out.

-What do you want? – she answered with an uncertain voice.

-Oh please, don't be so tense! We two have a lot in common, you know. I am lonely as well… you lack something as I lack something… Someone... We can… fulfill ourselves…

She withdrew her head and looked him in the eyes. In his dark, emerald eyes, constantly filled with insatiate desire… They scared her. When he put his paw on her back, she jumped away.

-What's the matter? – asked the lion.

-N… nothing! Nothing, Scar… it's just that… It's still to early for me.

The king took on a concerned expression. He raised and started circling around her.

-Oh but Sarabi, why worry! Think of how much we can give to each other. You can finally become a rightful queen again! There is a certain tradition, you know. A custom that's been out of use for years now, although once it was a common thing. If a deceased king had a brother, he was obliged to take care of the widow. This way the lonely queen was protected, and the line of the descendants could be preserved…

Sarabi was turning her head. One could sense great anxiety in her voice.

-No, Scar! It is still too early for such talk… I… didn't get over Mufasa's death yet…

The lion halted. He lowered his head. Sarabi noticed him swinging it, as well as clawing the rock.

-Mufasa… Why must I CONSTANTLY hear that name, even after his death!

He turned around, and the queen was terrified with how he looked. He was boiling with fury.

-You LIER! You've fooled me!

-Scar… what are you…

-SILENCE! I can not believe that you're doing this to me again, Sarabi! It's the same as years ago, when you would come to me. I thought you wanted to console me. I thought you were my friend! Such foolishness! All this time you were deceiving me only to choose Mufasa in the end, am I not right? He was always the better one, even for you! Admit it!

The lioness was crying. She felt her heart brake.

-Scar… Taka… How can you…

-My name is not Taka! I refuse to continue hearing your lies! Again, even after my brother's death, you pretend sympathy towards me only to betray and humiliate me in the end!

Sarabi rose and started to run away. She wanted to be as far from him as possible. From his anger. She felt awful.

-Why? Oh, why…? – she wept.

Scar walked around his cave, roaring and growling. A minute later he noticed, that someone has made a great mistake wanting to talk to him at this time.

-Hey, you!

It was Nala, still only a young cub, but seemingly insolent above her age.

-What have you done to Sarabi, you big brute? Now she's crying!

The king roared and ran up to the little one.

-SHUT UP, or I'll have the hyenas tear you apart, like they should have done a long time ago!

Nala, frightened, ran away and hid behind the back of a lioness, who was standing nearby. It was her mother, Sarafina. Cuddling her shivering daughter, she looked at Scar with a sense of endless disdain.

-I was right about you, 'king'. Your heart is as black as your mane.

AN: 'The buffalo incident' takes place in 'TLK: A Tale of Two Brothers'. What did Sarabi want from Scar when she woke him up? I have no idea XD.

So, it didn't work out between the two of them… Tragic, but don't tell me you didn't see that coming! Sarabi ain't queen Gertrude from Hamlet, that's for sure.

This is the last chapter of part I, but keep reading! Will Scar's 'insatiate desire' finally be fulfilled? 'A Scarred Heart - Part II: The Huntress' will tell you more!

and remember what that old Chinese proverb says: 'he who comments, is awesome' XD