Disclaimer: My world is falling apart. I don't own Saban's PRS. WHHYYYYY?

*Gets awkward stares from everyone* What? I'm just expressing my feelings. *Gets even more awkward stares.* Alright, alright. On with the story!

Jemily Songfic!

Song: I promise you By Selena Gomez. (Sorry to dissapoint, but I'm only doing the first verse and chorus since this song is fairly long…sorry).

Here we go! :D

I know that my love for you is real

It's something true that we do just something natural that I feel.

Emily couldn't help but love Jayden. He was caring, sweet, yet mysterious and firm when he needs to be. He is the red ranger after all. She hoped one day they'd be together, but for now all she could do was train with him. But she'd take it. She'd wait 1,000 years if she had to. Because her love for him was real.

When you walk in the room when you're near,

I feel my heart skip a beat the whole world dissapears.

Jayden loved Emily. He just knew it. She was beautiful, sweet, bubbly, sensitive, caring, everything good in the world. She was an angel in his eyes. He knew they couldn't be together, but he dreamed. He'd stop breathing when she smiled, his heart skipped a beat when she was in the room, and sometimes it were as if they were the only two people on earth. He loved her so much.

And there's just you an me falling head over feet

Let's take a chance together

They both wanted to take the chances to be with eachother. They felt like they were meant to be. They were falling hard for eachother. Head over heels some would say.

I know I know I know I know we gonna make it

'Cause no one else can make me feel the way that you do.

I promise you.

She will be with him. He will be with her. They will in the future. Neither of them had ever felt what they felt around eachother. Sparks flew when they touched. They get lost in eachother's eyes when they train. They will be together soon. That's a promise they're both going to keep.

I know I know I know I know we gonna get there

Today, tomorrow and forever we will stay true.

I promise you.

They'll make it. Even their friends knew it. They all knew they were meant to be, because they are. Nobody will change that. Their love is something pure, something true, something that will never fade away. It's here today, it'll be there tomorrrow, it'll always be forever.

I promise you.

Did ya guys like it? Sorry if it's kinda short, but the song itself is fairly long, and it wouldn take up a lot of space. Not my best story, I know, but, hey, it's a start, right? Plus, I'm still new here. It's only my second day. Gimme a break. Please review. No negativity (I looked it up, and no results were found, so I think I'll use it as my special word, go ahead and use it, it doesn't belong to me). Ciao, Jemilys!
