So I was gonna have this as a really feelsy - we can never be - break your heart final.
& then I decided you guys had waited long enough for this end to come.
So I kept the heart breaking stuff and decided to give you a fluffy, all rounded up ending.

I walked into John's room still confussed but with a satisfied grin on my face. It had been a long time since I had came that hard or that fast, my dreams and my hand didn't do him any justice.

"So?" I asked and he smirked clicking the door shut.

"So" He replied, walking towards me, stopping inches from me.

"John you have to explain to me what exactly justed happend back there" and he chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist. My head swooned as he pulled me closer slightly. I grabbed his wrist pulling him off me, his smile vanished, he started to question me, "John I need to know where I stand - was it an act of deperation? A one night thing? What?"

"Can't a man just be fucked by the man he loves?" John chuckled lightly.

"Not in your book no! He can't - he can't be seen with him - fuck he can't talk to him unless it involves work! NOW WHAT JUST HAPPEND?!" Panic setting in, he promised we would talk. He promised me and John never lies not to me and he can't start now.

"Baby" He tried and I took a step back, not fully trusting this not to be another cruel dream.

"John" I tried again, "You tell me right now if this is a dream or real"

"Of course it's real" He dipped his head, "How often do we have a happy ending in your dreams?"

"Always" I breathed, which is why I am scared - fuck terrified - if this isn't real and I wake up screaming into a pillow in twenty seconds I..." I shook my head not even able to comprehend the pain.

"Randy" He took a step forward again, "How often do we fuck in your dreams"

"nine times out of ten"

"And then we talk?"

"We always go to - get so far before..." I trailed off again and John looked sad again.

"God Randy what have I done?" He stroked my check and I flinched, any moment now my alarm would go off and I would be stuck without him again.

"You said we would talk" He nodded, sitting down on the bed patting the space beside him. I sat down.

"I've been talking to Shawn and Paul lately, a lot" I nodded hanging onto every words, scared to miss even a flicker, "They made me realise I'm making much more out of this situation than I had to"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I defended scared.

"It doesn't have to be all or nothing all the time" I was truely intrested, "Look my major problem lately hasn't been worry of getting caught, actually the more and more I watch those two flaunt their shit around it makes me realise everyone in the lockerroom is blind - fuck I was blind! We just accepted that they where both part of each others lifes without an explaintion as to why - they just are - because reasons!" He struggled and I smirked loving when he got flustered with this words because it so rarely happended to the spokesman of wwe.

"The same way people just know we are part of each others lives" He smiled at me taking my hand and I laced out fingers together, "since before anything ever happend! There was us, together, a team" He smiled again, "And it's acceptable without the details, and when shit got all fucked up then people started to ask questions, without details people just accept us. I don't need to be worried about been seen leaving with you or whatever, because no one would notice!"

"I've been trying to tell you this for so long" I shook my head.

"I know but I had to find it out on my own, you know this yourself" I nodded knowing he was right.

"So what have you been scared of lately?" He took a deep breath.

"I'm scared I'm not good enough" Looking down at our hands he frowned, eyes telling me so much more than his words did.

"John" I breathed and once again he cut over me.

"No really Randy, that night when I heard Cody say those things, I wasn't even angry at you for doing it - yes I know it's not true now - but if you had I would have been happy for you" He sighed, "I would have understood why"

"John I-"

"Yeah maybe I'm good enough now, but I'm not getting any younger, and I am not what I used to be in any sense of the mannor! What if you get bored?"

"I won't"

"But how do you know" He pouted.

"How do I know you won't get bored of me?"

"Because you are the great Randy Orton, sexiest man alive" He replied sadly, "Could have anyone that he wants"

"I want you, John Cena. The man who always does the right thing, with those blue eyes and dimples" He rolled his eyes laughing, "God John you get me going like no one else could dream of. Do you remember how this started?" He threw his head back and laughed exposing his scar on this throat.

"Of course I do" We grinned at each other.

"I have never felt like that in a match in my whole life. Ever. And I know I won't again. The only person who gets to so angry at nothing is you!"

"And thats a good thing?"

"Of course, within seconds you can take me from being angry as hell to being so peaceful. No one else gets me like you! There is NO one else - not ever!"

"How do you know?!"

"Because there has never been anyone else!" I tried so hard to explain my self, "When all else is said and done it's always been you. When I've been injured, when I'm down, when I found out Lana wasn't mine - it was you - and I didn't want anyone else! When I was so SICK of these fucking dreams! Who did I come to? The person giving me them! My Divorce, arguing with my dad, my suspensions! Jesus John, It's always been you - from the drugged up days of OVW to the last of my days. It. Will. Be. You" I took a deep breath, "Don't ask me how I know okay, I just do. I trust you with everything in my life, everything breakable, everything I have left! And if you trust me with anything trust me with that - I will always love you! I don't care who you think I would be 'good with' or how young they are or who shows and intrest. I don't see anyone but you and you alone!"

"Really?" He asked pathetically.

"Yes! Really really!"

"What happens when we finish our careers?" I eyed him.

"We find a state we like, we buy two houses near each other and we live out the rest of our lifes as neighbours, moving from one house to the next every other night"

"You're serious" He asked.

"Unless by that time you are happy to admit we're together then we can live together" I smirked.

"Yeah, somewhere near the lakes - you like fishing" He shook his head chuckling to himself.

"Randy you don't even have a house now and you expect me to believe you could have two in the future?"

"Yeah? Hey we could start looking now - if you want? Give us somewhere to go when we have the rare day off"

"The great Randy Orton, player of the masses, talking about buying a house and settling down" He stroked my face, my smile playing on his lips.

"Only with you" I kissed him lightly, testing the waters. He kissed back, pulling me closer to him so he was lying on his back and I was on top of him, legs tangled. It wasn't a hungry kiss, it was slow and peaceful. There was no needyness to this, just simple want.

"I think we could actually do this" He stated.

My heart leaped into my troat, "Really?" I breathed.

"Really, and I mean it this time - no more fucking around. This is us and we are together, with two houses and fishing trips to look forward too" I threw my head back and laughed, really laughed for the first time in a long time.

"I really suck at fishing" I sulked,

"I'll teach you"

"Promise?" He nodded,

"If you finally teach me how to fire a gun?" I started lightly kissing his neck.

"Baby, I think I already sucessfully done that" He panted lightly giggling, pushing me away from his neck.

"How are we getting my car collection to the new house?" He demanded.

"Baby we have years to work that out" I rolled my eyes thinking of the garage John had that was three times the size of his actual house.

"Well we better start thinking" I laughed knowing he was deadly serious.

"God, I love you"

"I know" He grinned, "I know and I love you too" He pulled me down to kiss him and I groaned just loving the feel of his body under me, his hands holding me in place like he never wanted me to go anywhere.

"I guess I should by those two a hamper or something?" I asked John and he threw his head back.

"Yeah I think we should, they are so sick of out shit it is unreal"

"They love us really" He nodded, stupid grin still on his face eyes twinkling.

"You're sure this isn't a dream" He shook his head, "No alarm?" He pulled his phone out, pressed a few buttons and his own alarm tone started playing.

"See you aren't getting away from me that easily!" I shook my head.

"Not sure I want too!" I turned off John's phone the beeping starting to get annoying. John rolled us over so he was on top of me, and just looked at me.

"I missed that" He smiled lightly, and I gave him a quesioning look, "Seeing you look happy. Not pretending to, or just down right being a miserable cunt. Seeing that look in your eyes" His hand cupped my face and his thumb trailed over my cheekbone, "I hate what I done to us" I sat up holding him in position.

"We got there in the end" I mumbled, "thats all that matters"

"I know, but I'll never forgive myself"

"Well I do so" I shrugged, "Stop being whinny, and get off me. We're going out" He raised and eyebrow, "I haven't had a good reason to drink for a while"

"No, you are right" He nodded, "We have reason to be drinking tonight" getting off me and going towards the shower.

After a while we where both ready to leave, I kept watching him convinced something was going to happen, Punk'd camera's, waking up, John changing his mind. Something, but it never did.

"Ground rules?" I eyed him,

"Rules" He asked.

"We need to put down guidelines for when we are in public, so we know what to expect of each other" I explained, "I won't have you freaking out on me again" He nodded.

"No of course" He nodded, "How about we don't do anything we wouldn't have done as friends?"

I scoffed, "John that excludes nothing except physically fucking"

"And it's exactly what people expect" He winked, "No more complications, just enjoying ourselfs, we'll work it out. Paul and Shawn did - and we can just follow their lead" He smiled at me and I nodded.

"Nothing we wouldn't have done as friends - got it" I opened the door and he followed.

Slidding into a booth in the hotel bar I gave John his drink and we smiled at each other, "To fishing and shooting things" He lifted up his drink and I tapped it.

"To fishing and shooting things" I laughed.

"Fishing and shooting things" We both turned to see Shawn grinning like an idiot, "Now I know you boys are not planning a hunting trip without gold old uncle hbk" I rolled my eyes as Shawn slid in beside John.

"Shawn you really need to give stay away from them, you are border line obsessed" Hunter groaned and I laughed. Shifting to he could sit beside me.

"Hey! helped get them here and smiling - I should at least be invited hunting"

"Shawn that is not how it works" Hunter warned him and both John and I laughed as Shawn pouted.

"But I love hunting!"

"But you don't get to go on the honeymoon trip just because you helped plan the wedding - now go get me a drink before I divorce you" Shawns pout tripled in size but he done as he was told.

"I am sorry - I need to get him a leash or something" Paul grumbled smiling after his lover.

"Nah don't be - we are greatful" I stated, and John nodded.


"So everything is good now?" He asked eyeing us carefully.

"Perfect" Shawn returned with a tary of drinks and we all eyed him.

"What theres always a wedding reception isn't there? I can at least go to that?" Before Paul could say anything I stepped in.

"Yes Shawn, you can come to the Wedding reception!"

"Wedding Reception?" We looked up to see Barbie lookign excited, "Who's getting married?" I glanced at John and then smirked.

"Me and John!"

"Isn't it great" Shawn goshed putting his head on his hands and batting his eyelids at her sarcastically.

"Oh you guys I got excited there - thinking of an actual wedding!" She brushed it of.

"But Barbie what do you mean?" She rolled her eyes.

"Guys can't get married yet fucktards"

"Oh No - JOHN WHAT WILL WE DO?" He dramatically fainted onto my lap and we all laughed.

"You guys are on crack or something" She shook her head walking over to join her group of friends in the far corner and John resumed normal sitting position.

"Nothing we wouldn't do as friends" I repeated to him and he nodded still laughing.

"Yeah" John muttered, "It's backwards as hell - like flirting with disqualification"

"But we get by as we must" Paul smiled.

I lifted up my shot Shawn had brought us all "To our fucked up situations and flirting with disqualification" they all repeated and we knocked back the first shot of many that evening!

I really loved this story, and am sorry it took so long to finish.
If anyone wants a shawn/hunter spin off.
Or like a 10 year later post. Let me know?
Cause I might just.

But really thank you for being part of this story - review and let me know about the other bits and bobs.
I shall be doing some more one shot stuff soon with this pairing and some others.
Also don't be afraid to send me a promt/request - I can't always imagine peoples pairings but if I can I'll do what i can with it :) 3.
Reviews as always are love 3.