I have dreamed that your arms are lovely,

I have dreamed what a joy you'll be.

I have dreamed every word you whisper.

When you're close,

Close to me.

How you look in the glow of evening

I have dreamed and enjoyed the view.

In these dreams I've loved you so

That by now I think I know

What it's like to be loved by you,

I will love being loved by you.

- Rodger's & Hammerstein's 'The King & I'

They just stared at her form for a moment. Victoria was HERE in LA? She was here in LA? Alice never mentioned this once in any vision…unless she had hidden herself from them like all the other times. But they could focus on those kind of details later. Her blood red eyes and blood dripping down her mouth was worrying all the Cullen's currently with Bella being so close there.

"I thought all of you Cullen's would be more vocal at my presence here. But I suppose Laurent and I were right- she was just a lousy pet to you all but that doesn't meant I won't make her death any less painful. Edward deserves to suffer for all the pain he has put me through, well until I kill him myself"

Esme was suddenly just feet in front of the threatening vampire, "If you think you will get any where near my children you vile bitch - your dead wrong! I will light your pire myself"

Victoria merely chuckled and even leaned over to caressed her ivory cheek, "That momma-bear act is cute, really. But let's face it; in a fight I could take you down. You didn't even fight when your 'children' took care of my James. What does that even say about your fighting skills there?"

The LA gang, potentials and others were quite aptly listening to this exchange. Alice, Rose, Emmett & Jasper were honestly wondering what Esme was doing so close to Victoria and where she was going with this conversation.

"Oh, you think because I didn't fight that day I'm not a skilled fighter? How silly of you!", and with that Esme swiftly ripped off Victoria's arm before anyone could process what occurred. Before any of the other Cullen's could move to help her start a fire though Victoria, with her good arm, ripped off Esme's leg off!

"ESME! Spike: quickly grab her leg and run it back to the hotel, I'll meet you back there", Buffy ordered while everyone ran to help with weapons drawn and began to get swung. Faith and Willow looked at her sharply.

"Um, B? Who's gonna lead the Girl Scouts here while you take her with Spike back? I'm quite sure I heard Ken' say she wanted to take lead like if you died…"

"Faith, you CAN do this! Besides- remember we are the chosen two?!", with that Buffy had swept up a screaming Esme in her arms and was running back in the direction of The Hyperion.

"So what was that about your Mom saying lighting her pire?", Gunn asked turning on his flame thrower with a grin.

Emmett was closest to him so he looked at him, then the flame thrower, "We tear her into pieces and throw them in the flames so she can't come back to life. That's the only sure way to kill our kind so lets get that fire going man. That bitch needed to die as soon as she touch Esme!"

It was mostly a blurred vision of arms and legs swinging at each other but before they knew it Victoria's voice cried out as she was thrown into the pile of wood, tires and other miscellaneous items that was now the roaring fire that quickly consumed her body.

"Let the fire burn out- we can't put it out. Also depending on how it goes inside we might still need it for them in there", Angel stated quickly added before he too dashed off to The Hyperion.

"Seriously, how does Spike and Broods-alot know about you guys? After all this I think we all deserve to know THAT story!", Faith balked out in frustration in realization that she didn't have Buffy or Angel to lean on for support if the Potentials got annoying. All she had for real back up was Spike, ugh.

"That is a story that if I told without permission from my grand-poof I would get quite a verbal lashing from him which would annoy the devil out of me and while he was at it he torture me in the old ways", Spike informed them with a grimace.

"Your kind always has to be quite gruesome and vile at times"

"Was that a question or a statement oh tiny, sparkly seer?", he snarked. She merely gave him a pointed brow and turned the other way.

"Well as much fun as this is we really should be saving my NIECE now, any clue which building she's inside Alice?", Lindsey snapped. Alice closed her eyes to focus for a few seconds.

"The big building 15 feet from here with the lights coming from it, actually the only lights coming from it as all the others have been recently shut off due to rent issues"

As they approached they heard a loud noise, like an earthquake rumbling, but moving towards them. Amanda, Annabelle & Kennedy brought their weapons to their chests as the others began to contemplate what the noise could be bringing.

"My mistress will not be disturbed during her ritual & I shall have the virgin if I have to kill you all-", nobody got to hear exactly what The Beast was going to complete that sentence as Amanda had snuck up behind him with a vicious looking knife and stabbed him in his vocal cords.

"Holy crap on a cracker mini-slay- wait where'd you get that knife? You've been hanging onto one of Giles' daggers...", Willow pointed out. As the now dead monster fell to ground Amanda approached carrying the blade to the wicca.

"He placed this onto a crate just as he came out the shadows so I looped around like Faith & Buffy showed us to grab it, moment I grabbed it something in me screamed that this was our way to get him. Well or a really insane way to die but you'd all remember it"

*TL* *TL* *TL*

"And then we busted in and saved you!", Alice finished telling Bella all she missed out on. Meantime while she been telling her all, Willow had healed some of her more serious injuries. Bella was more or less gaping at the end.

"Is Esme alright? When can we go see her?"

"As soon as the flames go ou-", in mid-sentence Alice's eyes glassed over in a vision and Jasper was over by them in an instant.

"She's feeling lots of anger in this one, Oo, some pain now...she's coming out", he summarized her emotions for Bella as Alice's eyelid's twitched with the as of yet unkown future.

"What is it darlin'?"

"Get Willow to start a teleportation spell for all of us NOW! Spike and Angel are about to fight Carlisle and Edward back at the hotel", she more or less shouted this and the whole room became silent.

"Wait, I thought they were stuck in Mexico because broody-dumbass left his passport? Also you said they'd miss saving Bella", Rosalie pointed out once it hit her.

Alice rolled her eyes at this, "Well Edward decided the dazzle the female border patrol, as did Carlisle. So they'll be there when Buffy, a hurt Esme, Spike & Angel arrive and get the wrong idea- so let's get moving people!"

Willow quickly began chanting and sparks began to fly. Everyone began to circle around her, Bella had to have assistance getting up from Emmett by carrying her over to the circle. They reached it just in time as they spell kicked in.

The collective whole landed with a thud in the middle of the lobby and heard yelling stop.

"Bella?", a voice far to familiar to the young girl but she didn't want to believe was hearing asked.

"Willow, did you have to bring EVERYONE here this way?", Buffy grunted from underneath Spike as he'd been thrown against her with the backlash of the spell.

"I just went where the tiny vampire told me to go. Said something about Angel and Spike getting into a fight with there two over here, bout what she didn't know except Esme being hurt. But that can't be all. I have a feeling this has to do with how their two kinds know each other", Willow informed.

Carlisle, who had had an angry scowl upon his face before this, suddenly looked almost scared which Spike picked up.

"What, doc' here never told you he knows us and met us in the wildest time of our lives kiddie Cullens?"

AN: I've returned, this was supposed to be up in June but, well see note on profile. As for next update, for my 9 year anniversary date for being on ff I will be updating and posting LOTS of stuff so keep an eye out!

