Disclaimer: all belongs to J.K. Rowling I just mess with the characters to my liking.

Harry walks the halls of hogwarts. Looking down at the map, avoiding snape and peeves. It's been three nights since Sirius fell through the veil everyone thought they understood, but they didn't just lose the closest thing to a parent. The only real person that actually loved him for him and not just the boy-who-lived. Sirius was the only person who didn't think f him as the BWL even Ron and hermione first words was that he was Harry potter and that he did this and that. They'd idolized him for what he did do. While Sirius cared because he was himself Sirius was Harry's godfather and the best one in the world. While Harry was thinking all of this he had gone out to the lake. Staring up into the sky he smiled when he saw Sirius the Dog Star glowing brightly in the night sky. Like he was shining down on him. He drug his hand through his hair and he felt it was not as unruly as normal. Taking little notice he just shrugged it off. "What's going to happen tomorrow", he wondered out loud. Shaking off the exhaustion he looked up at the star once more before hiking it to the castle.

This probably sucks but it's my first story so any help would be appreciated.