Hyung Hanna:

Thank you for sending food and supplies when my people were starving during the Cold War. Your assistance had been very helpful during times of need, even when Brother Yao and Russia left me alone to fight against my brother and the capitalist pig that owe Brother Yao trillions of money. What you have done is beyond what I could repay you for your kindness.

How have you been, hyung? Are you busy? As for me, my relation with my younger twin had been rocky for the past years. I tried to convince Yong Soo to accept communism and give equality to all the people, but he wouldn't listen. I had no choice but to attack because the US was at my neck supporting Yong Soo. What did I do wrong? Hyung, it is as if I don't know my twin anymore. Do you have any advice?

Thank you for listening to my problems. I hope you will come over some time to have some tea with me, if you happened to be free or pass my country along the way. I welcome you anytime.

Yours truly,

Im Hyung Soo

Minii duu (1),

No need to thank me! It's my job as your older brother to take care of you.

I have been fine, the weather has been a lot more crazy this past year then before, it is a little troubling, but I'll pull through. I have recently tried talking to Yong Soo, as the older brother it is nice to see you try to make peace, but you are going to have to compromise with him. I suggest that you let him decide whatever government he wants to be and just help him when he needs to. I'll try speaking to America if he can stop being "at your neck supporting Yong Soo". I'll try, but I cannot promise.

Again, there is no need to thank me, I am your brother after all. I'll try to visit if I have the time, and you are of course welcome anytime also.



(1) it means my little sibbling