Hello! Okay since the confirmation came I've been having a little fun with scenarios in my head. I thought I'd share them with you! For all of you who read my fic Slip, this is like the happier opposite of that. And I just drank two glasses of Crystal Light in about two minutes… and it almost all just came back up onto my keyboard. Should I have shared that with you?

Blair and Serena sat on the chaise in the Waldorf penthouse. Chuck sat slouched in a chair after dutifully showing up upon being summoned. He would have shown up soon anyway. News had spread like wildfire over Blair breaking her engagement, and while he knew he should stay away, he wouldn't have been able to stop himself from checking on her soon. She seemed fine… a little more… Blair that usual, but fine, kind of sparkling even… glowing? Or maybe it was just her temper as she and her best friend waged eye war a few feet away.

"Tell him." Serena demanded.

"You tell him." Blair snapped and rolled her eyes as she refolded her hands across her lap.

"This is on you. You tell him." Serena insisted.

"You're the one that said I had to tell him, so you tell him." Blair returned petulantly.



Chuck rolled his eyes at the stalemate, and he got their attention with a lazily drawled, "No one needs to tell me…"

"You know?" Blair looked at him with giant shocked eyes that matched Serena's.

"Please. The change is pretty evident…" Chuck smirked as he eyed her figure.

Blair looked affronted and uncomfortable. She wasn't THAT far along. She had only just shifted her style into a looser cut. She sat up straighter and sucked in her gut… could you suck in a baby, she half wondered before she looked to Chuck again. "You can tell?"

"Of course and I think you're a fool for doing it."

"What?" Both Blair and Serena spat out.

"Your body was perfect the way it was."

"Chuck… it has to change…" Blair defended her condition with some confusion.

"Ridiculous." He challenged.

"I don't know what to say…" Blair managed as she felt her eyes tear up. Stupid hormones.

"You can say that getting breast implants was, literally, a huge mistake..."

"What?" Blair launched herself onto her feet and ignored the way Serena pulled some of her hair in front of her face to hide her laughter. "I did NO such thing!"

"Blair." He looked at her and it ringed of, 'oh, please. You forget who you're talking to.'

"I'm not augmented. I'm pregnant, you ass!" Blair bellowed. "Oh, and before you get that angsty look on your punim… Louis fires blanks. It's yours!"

With that Blair stormed out of the room and up the stairs to her bedroom, slamming the door as hard as she could. The vase of peonies fell over in the foyer.

Chuck Bass looked truly stunned and didn't move for a moment. Then his eyes sought Serena's.

Serena looked at him awkwardly for a moment before she slapped a giddy smile on her face. "Congratulations!"


He went upstairs when he'd regained the use of his legs. Her door wasn't locked and he hadn't expected it to be. She lay on her side facing the window, and Chuck crawled into the bed behind her and curled himself to her back. He had been careful to rest his hand on her hip, but Blair took in and placed it over her stomach. Something inside of him twisted and lit up on it's own. They lay there for what felt like forever, until Blair finally spoke.

"I don't think we were meant to let each other go." Blair whispered the belief that had grown inside of her along with his baby.

Chuck nodded. "I think you're right…" They had done it for all the right reasons. They had tried to be mature and adult and to honour the love that they had for each other, but in the end the core fact was… they were Blair and Chuck. Chuck and Blair. And they belonged together.

They fell into silence again… Until Chuck's hand drifted up to cup her breast. "They really are magnificent you know…"

Blair slapped his hand away. "Perv." She said affectionately... and she let his hand slide back up.


"YOU DID WHAT?" Blair screeched upon hearing how he'd spent his time over the summer. "You could have been killed!"

Chuck mutinously kept his mouth shut and that, of course, made it worse. Blair launched herself at him and started beating him with her purse.

"OW! OW!" Chuck yelled as he tried to duck.

"Oh, so you feel that now? Good!"

It took Serena, Nate and Dan to drag her away.

"Idiot!" Blair continued to struggle against the arms that gently held her back. "The father of my child is an idiot!"

Blair suddenly sagged in their arms and they let her go so she could walk to sit on one of the couches in Lily's living room. Her shoulders fell in and she looked at her fingers. The others fell back to the kitchen and Chuck came to crouch in front of her. She wouldn't look at him. "How could you do that? How could you take that risk? I told you… I don't want you going anywhere. I couldn't bare it. You could have died. How could you do that to me?"

Chuck took her hands in his and caressed them. "I'm sorry. When we said goodbye… when we let each other go… It hurt so much… that it was like my mind couldn't take the pain… and it shut down any sensation of it to protect itself. I pushed myself to extremes to see how badly I could get hurt… and still not feel anything. Nothing worked because nothing caused me as much agony as losing you." He told her earnestly.

She finally looked at him and asked. "Are you done now?"

"We're where we belong. Together. I never want to risk losing that again." H promised her.

"Good…" She said innocently before she grabbed his ear and sharply twisted it until he flinched. "Because if you ever do something that stupid again I'll kill you. And I'll make it hurt. Got it?"

"Yes, dear."


Blair looked at her mother in disbelief. "Mother, I can't believe you! How could you?"

Eleanor rolled her eyes. "Darling, you are being far too dramatic. Cyrus and I live in Pairs now… or we think we still do. Hopefully your little flight didn't get us all deported—"

It was Blair's turn to roll her eyes. You break of one little engagement and it's all about how it impacts her…

"But how could you do this to me?" Blair demanded as she got back on point.

"Blair it was time to sell the penthouse." Her mother sighed.

"But now I'm with child and out on the streets!" Blair huffed dramatically. "I'll be begging for tuppence in Columbus Circle next."

"Well… that all depends…" Chuck commented as he sauntered into the Waldorf living room. He nodded at Eleanor, who nodded back before going to look for Cyrus.

"On what?" Blair eyed his suspiciously as he sat next to her. She allowed him to kiss her cheek, but got back to the point. "Bass?"

"On how nice you are to the new owner…" He smiled knowingly at her.

"You bought my home?" Blair smiled. She loved her home.

He looked at her and loved the happy light in her eyes. "I bought our home."

She threw herself at him. Her growing girth had them tumbling onto the floor, and for once Chuck tried to take the brunt of it. Who needed two kidneys?

Half on top of him she looked down at him and smiled, running her hand through his hair as his ring sparkled on her finger.

"I love you."

Chuck nodded. "I know."


Blair lay across the chaise in her living room, the giant belly on her petit frame giving her the appearance of a beached whale. It was not helped by Nate who couldn't help but wonder aloud, "What the hell happened to your feet?"

Blair's eyes narrowed on him. "It's called pregnancy."

"Are you carrying the baby in your calves?"

"What are you doing here, Nathanial?" Blair bit out, ready to kill him but feeling too swollen to move.

"I'm just here to see Chuck." Nate said stepping back a little.

"He's at the office." Blair commented as she slipped the cold compress back over her eyes.

"I was just there. They said he left a while ago?" Nate looked confused. Again.

"WHAT?" Blair snapped and ripped the cloth off her eyes. "Where the hell is he?"

She immediately snatched her phone and started texting. Nate backed out of the room and into the foyer, ready to make a quick getaway, when he saw Dorota signaling him from the hall. He followed her and found he had been missing the party. Eleanor, Cyrus, Harold, Ramon, Serena, Lily, Rufus, Dan and Dorota were all eating leftovers from Blair's Baby Shower… In complete silence.

"You to, man?" Nate chuckled as he spotted his best friend sitting at the counter with a scotch.

"SHHHHHHH!" Half the room hissed at him.

"Hiding from Blair? Shameful!" He teased, but carefully kept his voice low. No need to poke a bear.

"It really is isn't it." All eyes snapped to the hugely pregnant girl standing in the doorway.

She said nothing more but turned around with her chin held high… and waddled away with as much dignity as she could muster. Nearly a dozen people followed her. She refused to speak to any of them as she pressed the elevator button and waited with her hands pressed to the small of her back in an attempt to support the weight that took over the front of her body.

She stepped onto the elevator and turned around to face them. "Don't follow me." She commanded coldly as her eyes focused on Chuck. A chill ran down his spin. She was going to make him pay for this one.

"Don't worry." Serena whispered. "It's February and she's in a slip. She's not going far."

Blair set her jaw when she heard that, but her eyes suddenly went wide. "My water just broke." She gasped… as the elevator doors slid shut.


"AAAHAAAAHAHAAAAA!" Blair screamed from the hospital bed.

Chuck stood by the side of the bed not knowing what to do, but willing to do anything she asked… except the castration idea she had put forth as she went into active labour over two hours ago. After much groveling and apologizing… even from Eleanor, who Blair had even gotten to apologize for cutting her hair above shoulder length when she was six, Blair had let them take her to the hospital. Unfortunately when you have babies in February… they can sometimes arrive during snowstorms. They were still waiting for drugs and Baby Bass was quickly on the way.

"I could have been a Princess! I could have been a Princess!" Blair moaned as she gripped the bars of the bed and twisted in agony.

"Maybe if you hadn't been so… Un-Royal at a Bar Mitzvah, you would be." Chuck mistakenly took that moment to remind her.

Blair froze; the hormonal rage rocketed in her so fast that for a brief moment she felt no pain. Grabbing her cup of ice chips she began to hurl them at him with enough strength to make the shards feel like bullets.

"Ow! OW!"

"Get out! Get out! GET OUT!"

And he did. Blair looked at her mother with shocked eyes. "He left? HE LEFT!"

Out in the hall Chuck took a quick breather as their family and friends looked on. A minute later he was walking back into the room… To find her getting dressed and ordering her mother to help her pack.

"What? He's the only one who gets to walk away? Like being ripped in half is how I wanted to spend my day? I can leave to. Mother? Manicures before or after lunch?"

Eleanor rolled her eyes and then spotted Charles. She walked past him and patted his arm once. "Good luck."

Alone the couple now faced each other.

"Get back in the bed."

"I'm going home." She pouted.

"Blair—" He started to growl… but was cut of by her doubling over. He hurried to her and got her back into the bed.

"I'm sorry." He said softly as he kissed sweating temple.

"You should be." She huffed but clutched his hand.


Four hours later an exhausted Blair fell back against the pillows, and began crying in relief as she heard a healthy wail fill the room. Seconds later the tiny wailer was placed on her chest and covered with a blanket. A stunned Chuck nearly collapsed on the bed beside her as they both looked down at their baby. They would both later swear that she had scowled up at them, clearly angry at her eviction.

"She's perfect…" Chuck whispered in awe.

"Of course she is." Blair sighed. "She's ours.

TahDAH! I threw in a little Yiddish for my Chosen readers. Happy (belated) Rosh Hashanah! Okay I may do a little more to this story as the mood strikes me. I hope you liked it! I really WOULD try to proof read it… but I have to get ready for work! Oh, and the little girl that lives upstairs is yelling "Swiper no swiping" at the top of her lungs right now.