Hey everyone :]

Here we have it. The last ever chapter of Consequences.

Hope you all enjoyed reading it, and I will continue to write in the future.

Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran


Tora xxx


'Kao…? You watching me sleep is really becoming uncomfortable, ya know?'

'Aren't you running out of breathe?'

'Huh? Kao. It's too early for you to be asking me difficult questions.'

'No I mean, aren't you tired-'

'Yes I am cos you won't let me sleep.'

'Let me finish! Aren't you tired from running round my head all the time?'

Sighing, Hikaru wrapped his arms round his younger brother.

'Never. I'll never get tired of keeping you thinking about me.'

'And you'll never leave me?'


'And you'll never take all the covers again?'

'Nev- Wait. I shall make no promises on that one.' Both twins laughed, and Kaoru snuggled in closer to Hikaru.

'Worth trying. Ya know how we're twins?'

'Really? Learn something new every day huh.'

'I could do without the sarcasm.' Kaoru's fist collided with Hikaru's arm and it really hurt but of course, being the older twin, Hikaru wasn't about the admit that.

'Okay fine. Yes, Kaoru, I know how we are twins.'

'Well we're gonna die together right?'

'Right…first of all, what a depressing point to make. Second, of course we are. Born together, live together, breathe together, die together.'

Kaoru smiled and sighed contently.

'Now, because we twins and all, we gonna sleep together? It's still really early. And we have school.'

'Fine~. If we have to.'

'We do. And Kao?'

'Yeah Hika?'

'I love you.'

'I love you too.'

That's it :']

The end of consequences. Hope it was a good ending.

Song for this epilogue: Cute – Stephen Jerzak [adorable song :3]

Hope you all liked it. Everyone that's read it, you are the reason I write :] Your reviews kept me going

R&R! Make sure you read my other stories too ^-^

Tora xxx