Chapter 1

Ron felt himself go weak in the knees and he immediately knew it had started. He was turning into a vela. One second he had been cleaning his broom and the next he had collapsed on the floor and his whole body started to ache.

His parents had told him a year before that vela blood had been passed on to him and that he'd have to go through a transformation. That doesn't mean he had expected it. On the contrary actually. Someone with vela blood never knows when he is supposed to start his transformation until it actually happens.

Digging his last bit of energy, Ron got up from the floor and collapsed on the sofa. No one was home right now so he was going to have to go through his transformation alone. The pain was beginning to get almost unbearable especially in the area near his shoulder blades. Deciding he might as well give in to the pain, Ron closed his eyes and let darkness take over.

It was dark when Ron woke up again. Although the area near his shoulder blades was now sore the unbearable pain was gone. Knowing that a vela transformation brings some changes, Ron wasted no time in running to his room and looking in the mirror. He gasped at what he saw. He looked completely different. Even the trademark Weasley red hair was gone. In its place he had shoulder length pale red, almost orange, hair. What surprised him the most though wasn't the hair. It was the huge, wide wings he had on his back. They were incredible. White coloured with specks of dark blue and dark purple.

He had already known he would get wings. When his parents had told him he had vela blood and so would have to go through transformation, he had read every book he had available on veelas. Apparently, veelas use their wings to attract their mates. The wider and the more colourful a veela's wings were the better to find your mate. Still, Ron had never expected his wings to be this beautiful.

Not that they were of much use to him in finding his mate since he'll have to keep them in while in public to avoid gossip. That thought reminded Ron of the search he'll have to perform for his mate or more appropriately, mates. While reading about veelas he had also learned that if strong enough a veela could have two mates. A spell was performed by his mother and the results had shown that yes, he had two mates to look for and find. "As if having to find one wasn't difficult enough! Thought Ron furiously. "Now I have to find two!"

Fortunately, he already knew where to start looking. Next week a feast would be taking place at Hogwarts to celebrate the second year since Harry Managed to defeat Voldemort. Hopefully, his two mates will be there and he'll be able to talk to them. A good thing he got by his transformation was increased sense of smell in order to be able to find your mate. "At least I'll know if I find them", thought Ron.