The Uzumaki Brigade

It was a normal day for Naruto. Sakura was ignoring him while fawning over the Blue Bastard: Sasuke. Iruka was doing paperwork. Choji was eating potato chips while listening to Shikamaru's complains. Everyone who wasn't fawning over Sasuke was talking about the meteor shower tonight… Yup, just a normal d-… a meteor shower? Those were rare in Konoha. Guess I'll watch it in my special spot behind the Hokage Memorial, Naruto thought. It was his little piece of Heaven that no one could touch. He went there for two reasons and two reasons only: to prepare for graduation exams, and to escape the hurtful real world. This would be a great chance to do both.

As night fell, he placed himself upon the ground, and relaxed with his arms acting as pillows, waiting for the shower to begin… Not even a minute later, he sees an orange burst of color fade into view against the black night. Soon, three more joined the first, then two more, and so on until the sky was littered with them. As he watched the beauty of the natural world, he noticed two meteors about to crash into each other. As they collided, one was sent to another direction, and the other split into two separate halves. One piece was getting closer at an alarming rate. When Naruto realized this, he jumped out of the way just as the falling debris landed where he was standing not ten seconds before.

The meteor was quite strange. What Naruto expected was a flaming boulder that would crush all in its path. The thing that was in front of him was nothing of the sort! It had a face that formed as the torso of the object. The top of it (from the forehead to the center of the head) was completely revealed, showing a brain in accurate proportion to the face. When Naruto felt along the surface of the object, smooth metal all around, the "brain" opened up like a hatch, and showed what looked like a cockpit in a plane. It was also a loaded cockpit… When Naruto looked at the being inside, he saw a boy, no older than 18, wearing a blue, trashed jumpsuit and he was unconscious. He pulled the boy out, and checked his vitals to see if he was alive. When Naruto was finally sure the boy lived, he stepped back to investigate the object the boy was in. It had a seat for one, but could probably carry two or three people. On each side were handles, most likely to control the thing. They seemed, squeezable, probably for intense moments. On the control panel was a gray circle with a smaller glowing circle in the center. Must be the ignition or something.

Suddenly, he heard a groan behind him. The boy had woken up, so now was the time to ask questions, or take him to the hospital. Naruto hated his conscious sometimes, it just never let him act out his first thought.

"Hey, are you alright," Naruto asked.

"Uhn… they're coming. Have to…fend them off…until reinforcements…arrive. Urk!" The boy grasped his shoulder in extreme pain.

"Who's coming? What is this thing?" Naruto had so many more questions, but now was not the time, he had to understand what was going on NOW so he could help the boy.

"We don't have time! Take this!"

The boy pulled out a glowing mini-drill on a string, and handed it to Naruto.

"Use this…to pilot…Lagann!"

Naruto stared at the unfamiliar object, confused. "La-gone?"

The boy groaned again, "Hurry, before the Anti-Spirals get here! You must…fight them!"

Naruto looked like he felt, dumb and weak. "The Anti-Whosits?"

Suddenly, two more meteors crashed nearby. They were big as the sky is vast. Where the hell are the ANBU? They should be here by now! Naruto, regaining control of his body, rushed over to the…Lagann was it?.. He jumped into the cockpit, and thrusted the small drill into the hole on the control panel. He twisted it like a key, and the Lagann's "hatch" closed on him. The control panel glowed green, revealing a spiral shaped gauge slightly filled. Naruto gathered it was the energy within the Lagann's system. Three screens appeared on his left, right, and in front of him. The left one had static, so he ignored it. The right one had what looked like a chart of the Lagann's condition, he figured he should keep a close eye on it. The center screen showed the outside directly in front of him. On this screen were two small green spots aimed in the direction of the two meteors. Naruto pulled on the right lever, and the Lagann stood up. The hatch disappeared, and suddenly, he had a 360 degree of his surroundings.

A giant grin spread over Naruto's face,"THIS…IS…AWESOME!"

The boy moaned in pain, he said, "Looks like you have Spiral Power after all…Good."

Naruto forgot all about him, but now he only cared about helping this strange person with a fighting robot." Hey, we need to get you to a hospital. How fast is this thing?"

The boy buckled," Uhn!.. Not very fast at all. Besides, if we don't take care of those, there won't be a hospital to go to."

He pointed in the direction of the meteors, and as Naruto turned, he regretted getting into the Lagann at all. Standing (or actually hovering) between the trees was a foot and a hand with faces on them. They were easily five times his size, and they scared the crap out of him like he had diarrhea.

"I-I-I…I have to f-fight those th-things?" Naruto stammered.

Suddenly, the hand raced over to Naruto, and grabbed him like a toy, lifting him into the air. The face stared at him, piercing his soul. Naruto, without thinking, pulled both levers back, extending a drill from the Lagann's forehead…into the face of the machine-hand-thing. Naruto, who was let go, fell to the ground and watched as the hand-thing exploded.

"…YEAH! WHO'S NEXT?" Naruto cheered.

Things were just like in a Western movie, a long stare-down between the hero and the villain.

"You Spirals will never change! You refuse to embrace the fact that you will kill yourselves in the end, as well as the universe!"

"Hmph! You damn Anti-Spirals refuse to accept the fact that we may still find a way around that while continuing to evolve!"

The boy's shout out in protest catched the foot off-guard, giving Naruto the chance he needed to strike the foot. Naruto charged forward…and he tripped in a pathetic way. Everyone was motionless, even the foot.

"Cmon, get up!" Naruto yelled.

Naruto yanked back the levers as hard as he could, and willed the Lagann into action.

"Oooookay then….Let's try again!"

The drill was aimed directly at the face, on contact the foot would explode. If the foot was retarded enough to just stand there and become easy prey. The foot dodged, and Naruto tripped again.

"Dammit! Cmon you piece of shit! WORK!" Naruto yelled at the Lagann, then he kicked it.



"HEHEHEHEHEHEH! The boy cannot even pilot the Spiral's Core Gunman! And the owner is too injured to resist! Has the battle with Anti-Lord 2 left you so useless that the "Great Gurren Brigade's" leader cannot fend for himself? Then this will be easy!"

"Well, I'm pretty much screwed then aren't I?"


Suddenly a massive flow of energy surged forward from the direction of the Lagann.

"NO…..YOUR…..NOT!" shouted an infuriated Naruto.

The spiral gauge rapidly filled to a point where it looked like it would overflow. The Lagann released two more drills from its hands and dashed toward the foot with blurring speed. All three drills pierced the face before the entity could even react. It exploded into many a piece, leaving nary a trace. Naruto paused to catch his breath; he had never released so much chakra before. He shut off the Lagann and stepped out, handing the key to the boy.

"Well, that was fun," said Naruto.

"It gets worse as you go alo-UGH!" cried the boy as a sharp pain arced through his arm.

"We need to get you to a hospital! If I carry you, I should be able to dash throught the trees fast enough to make it in a few minutes."


"By the way, my name's Naruto. What's yours?"

"Just call me Gimmy. Uhn…let's hurry. I think I have internal bleeding."

"You also shat yourself when you landed apparently."

"…..*sigh* Great."

About a mile away deeper in the forest, another meteor had landed. As the smoke cleared, an 19-year old girl covered in a pink, tattered jumpsuit climbs out of the cockpit.

"Uhn!…What planet is this?"

She looked around, surprised to see that it looked like Earth, even though Earth was light-years away. She took a few steps away from the wreckage to observe the damage.

"Great, just my luck…Gurren is banged up, Gimmy is missing, and I have no idead where I am…"

She stepped back into the cockpit, and started looking through the debris. After coming across a small scanner-like object no bigger than a pocket watch, she stepped away and activated it.

"Least the Spiral Sensor is intact. Now I can find Gimii. Better grab my Spiral Sniper too."

With gun in hand and a way to find Gimii, the mysterious girl heads into the forest…