The chilled October air was blowing through the trees. Several leaves twirled along the ground as the sun was setting over the shoreline. The night was far from peaceful though as the R-Cycle made a 180-turn, screeching the tires along the street.

"Freeze!" Nightwing called, pulling off his helmet. Starfire was hovering along the side of him and Beast Boy switched from bird form to human, landing next to her. Cyborg pulled up and opened the T-Car – the famous team ready to take down three unknown villains all together – almost all together.

Three men stood before them in dark hoods. "I don't see here," the tallest one said. "We were lied to."

"We'll be back," said another. The three men disappeared, leaving the Titan's beyond confused.

"Who were those guys?" Nightwing asked through his communicator as they headed back into towards the Tower.

"No idea," Cyborg replied.

"Is it just me or did they seem really familiar?" Beast Boy suggested.

"It's just you," Nightwing and Cyborg said in sync.

They pulled up to the tower and pulled up city surveillance, bringing up the images of the men. The first one had pale skin and dark hair with pointed ears. He was very thin with a long face. The second had a similar thin face and pointed years, but his skin was a demonic red. His dark hair was pulled back into lots of braids reaching to just below his ears. The third one, the tallest, had light red skin and an earring in both pointed years. His black hair was long, reaching to his shoulders. Nightwing his rewind on the video and watched as the landed on the street. All of their eyes were glowing bright red.

"You ever see a villains eyes do that?" Cyborg asked.

Nightwing nodded. "Once." The rest of the group looked to him to continue. "Trigon."


Beast Boy sat alone in a room that was much cleaner than it had been eight years ago. This was it – this was what he had hoped for. For eight years he has wanted an excuse to find Raven and here it was, right in front of them. He had no idea where to start though. He had tried following her scent but he lose it over the water surrounding the tower. He had searched through the city for it in weeks but her rotation of walking and flying kept leading him to go in circles.

He could hear footsteps and voices coming downstairs, which meant the younger titans were home from training. Beast Boy headed downstairs to where Cyborg was working on the computer.

"I think if Trigon is involved, it is time we track down Raven," Beast Boy suggested.


Miles away, a woman with short purple hair was asleep in her own home. It was a little after 8pm and was curled beneath the covers of her bed, her eyes tightly shut as she muttered in her sleep.

Raven awoke with a jump, sitting straight up in bed. "Trigon," Raven screamed. "No… he can't be back…"

So this is more of a teaser than the real first chapter but it is building up the story for you guys! Thanks so much for sticking with me for the sequel of "Breaking Her".