Am I dead? …It's dark. I'm sure I'm thinking, so I'm not dead? No, I'm dead, right? How would I know if I'm dead or not?

…Wait, there's a voice. What? What are you trying to tell me? W-Woah, I can move my hand! That is my hand, right? No, my whole body… it feels like I'm floating… and it hurts a little… only a little. Not so much pain, I'm just sore in places…

There's another voice. And another. Hello? Hello…?

Light! Look, there's light!

Deep hazel eyes fluttered open. I can't see anything. It's all so blurry. But… I'm not dead. No, didn't I… didn't I…? My hand… I can lift it. There's someone there. Please, hold my hand so I know I'm not alone! Yes, just like that, hold me… So gentle… yet so strong…

"You're going to be okay."

I know that voice. My vision's getting better… An outline. Features. Dark eyes… I know those eyes… I can't forget them. I know you! I know you! But I… don't know you. Who are you? You're so unfamiliar, yet so familiar… I know you… I know those eyes. Let me talk to you!

"Please stay here… Don't worry, we'll fix her."

I don't know that voice. Wait, don't let go of my hand! No, please come back!

"Don't leave me…!" That… that was me just now. Try again. "Please don't… leave me…" I'm tired now. So weak… Please, just stay with me… No, the light's fading…

"We're loosing her!"

"No! Jackie! JACKIE! Hang on!"

That's my name… I don't know who you are… you're the unfamiliar familiar voice… you must be the one holding my hand again… you must be the one touching my forehead and cheek. So caring, so gentle… so strong… It makes me feel safe. I'm tired now… I'm going to sleep…

"She's slipping!"

"No! Don't loose her! JACKIE! Hold on! Jackie! JACKIE!"

What's the matter? I'm just going to take a… quick… nap…


A/N: See the blue hyperlink? You want to click it and leave me a review, because you know how reveiws make me happy and get other chapters up faster... and if you didn't know that, now you do.

Next Chapter: Isane gestured to the chair beside Jackie's bed, "He's been sleeping there waiting for you to wake up."