"The brain is a wonderful organ, it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office"—Robert Frost

Unfortunately for me, my brain stops when I'm about to write. --;; But hey, author's block happens to everybody, right? But, why, whyyyyyyyyyy must it happen to me for almost three weeeeeeeeeeeks?!

Okay, here's the situation: I have the next part done…in script-form, that is.

I have no idea how the heck am I gonna write what goes in between all those script! That's why I need your help. Yep, you, reader…whoever you are. ^_^

Now. I'm not asking you to write the whole next part for me, I'm merely asking for help. Be it in the form of tips or *puppy eyed* helping me write the next part. Anything is appreciated, really. I just need to progress from this.

I actually have the outline/script for the upcoming…*checks*…4 chapters, including part 15. And I actually did most of chapter 16, but unfortunately, I can't post it until I've done chapter 15. And it's driving me insane! I've tried to write and rewrite it a hundred times and still: zilch.

I can't help but think that this is like a sign from above saying that I've no business writing, but then, I realize that it's not the time for self-loathing, whatever. So I stop.

I'm a bit desperate, can you tell. ^_^

Okay, if annnnnyone is actually moved to tears, or at least pity by this not-so-shy SOS (hey, I'll grovel if you want), or maybe you're actually pissed by my writing, I'd really appreciate the help. My email is [email protected], or if you want, you can just leave your email address and I'll do this all over again in private. ^_~