I do not own Merlin. Last night I watched Merlin on MegaVideo after searching online and I can't wait until the next episode ;_;

I tried to find Merlin Season 4 Episode 1 online again this afternoon, but sadly you have to fill stuff out before watching it and ….The people living in the UK are seriously lucky.

Thank you so much PaRaM0rE-0394 for the link ^_^

Anyway, This is in Arthur's Point of View.

In An Instant

By waterrain

His skin is like winter,

His face covered with ice,

He is not moving,

He is not shivering and remains unmoving like a stone wall.

I felt his neck to check for a pulse,

There was no pulse and my heart felt as if someone had squeezed it.

His blue eyes seem to be frozen in time,

But being lost would suit Merlin better for he tends to wander away at times.

I placed my hand above his heart,

Silently hoping there would be at least a faint heart-beat,

But there is no heart-beat.

Everything happened so quickly,

One minute I was talking to Merlin,

Next moment Merlin stands up and the creature passing straight through him after he raced directly towards it,

Merlin hits the wall and before I could react or move,

My Knights arrived and used a torch against that creature.

If only they had arrived sooner,

If only Merlin had not come with me,

If only the torch had not been dropped,

If only Merlin had not been his usual self and would have stayed put,

But Merlin can never stay put and he doesn't listen to me when I do tell him 'Stay here'.

It is simply a lost cause trying to make Merlin stay put.

In an insant I lost Merlin,

I lost someone that believed in me when I didn't believe in myself,

I lost someone that did not give up on me,

I have lost Merlin,

No one can replace Merlin for Merlin is well Merlin.

It is almost impossible to completely describe him,

There is just something about Merlin,

But now I can never find out for Merlin is gone.

I looked down at Merlin's unmoving body,

I could almost swear his eyes moved,

But maybe my mind is playing tricks on me or something.

After all no one has survived,

Merlin's body is too cold and still,

Merlin's eyes seem lost in time,

I couldn't feel a heart-beat,

There is no pulse on Merlin's neck.

I watch as Merlin was picked up,

My knights were slient as we walked outside,

No one talked or whispered,

There was no laughter nor jokes.

After all Merlin is gone,

The only thing left is his lifeless body,

An empty shell of his former-self.

I put my hand over Merlin's mouth,

I can feel very very faint breathing on my hand,

How is it possible?

He has no heart-beat,

He has no pulse,

His body as cold as harsh winter,

How can he still be breathing?

Merlin's breathing is incredibly faint,

How is it possible that Merlin is still breathing?

Is my mind playing tricks on me?

Please Review and Thank You ^_^