Yo! Herhyssa here! This is my first fanfic and thank you for wasting your time reading this. This fanfic is dedicated to my beloved MikuxLen pairing xD. I'm a starter but not a finisher but I'll try to complete this (encourage me,lol).

This is very,very short since I'm busy with my school and I'm not comfortable writing very long chappies.

Hope you understand :)

Oh~ And sorry for my Engrish xD


It all started on that day. When she was standing on the grass, beside the river, under the dark sky. Her tears fell down but no one knew. It was being masked by the rain.


The girl…

And the rain…

Are mourning.


A young boy walks towards her. In his hands is a yellow frame with a picture of a man in his 30s. The man is smiling. And for her, he is her sun.


She slowly turns her head to the boy. His small footsteps are echoing in her ear. She watches him walk towards her. After noticing the frame he is holding, her lips curls into a bitter smile then suddenly fades away.

"Tell me more about your story!"

He sits in front of her and flashes his mischievous grin. As he is placing the frame between them, his attention is not in his work but in her face. Observing her while she stares intently at the picture. He is waiting for her answer but there's only silence.

"Will you? Please?"

Like suddenly remembering manners he asks her again. And this time, she looks at him, smile, nod and look at the picture of the man that came from her past as she reminisces.

All she wanted to do was to jump. In that river, her problems would be solved. She won't feel lonely again. She won't feel the pain and the hurt. No one could hurt her anymore. Nothing would matter anymore. Everything will end for her.

She positioned herself, getting ready to jump. Her blank eyes stared at the water. There was only one thing in her mind…


But she hesitated.

For she waited for him.

"Maybe he will come to me and tell me that it was all a lie. That it was just a joke."

She said to herself.

So she waited more.


And more.

But no one came.

So she jumped in.

"Goodbye." She said.