I own nothing...

There is creepily enough this strange boy staring at me as I type this...seriously...go away?

Ek...he's still staring. Over my freakin' shoulder now.


This is a direct spoiler for the end of sixth season/Prentiss drama bleeding into season seven episode one and two...

Other than that...if you have no more qualms about it...


reviews are a window into writing...it tells you how you're doing...if you can improve...does your style work...[in other words- I appreciate them]

thank you for your time...I shall shut up now.

The Sirens screech their warning cry; the skies heavy-oppressive.

Reid gasps for breath, the blade glinting in the half light- so clean, metallic.

He shutters as it sinks in, his fingers twitching as the hot slide separates skin, muscles, connective tissue...flesh.

She cries out, sharp and desperate- her eyes meet his as they dim...fading to black.

"No!" Reid hollers, but there's nothing he can as her body goes limp,crimson gurgling like a sick stream from her parted lips- painting herself red.

Nothing he can do except pull the shaft out, supporting her body with his shaking hands as the light wans, the heavy darkness clinging to them both.

She's going cold.

Her blood is on her hands.

Emily Prentiss is dead.

and it's all Reid's fault.

A/N: So...piqued your interest?

So, I have like a skeleton for this story...and I don't know how it's going to work out...anyways, always nice to hear from you guys. Thank you for your time.

BN: Creeper guy went away...manips of Morgan and Reid sexy times scared him off.
Thank you beautiful person who took the time to make awesome pictures of heavenliness for screen time and sharing them with me. I owe you big.