A/N Ok everyone here is the final chapter of the story. I have to say this was the most challenging story I've ever written. As I've mentioned before this is my first time writing a sex scene so it was very challenging me for me but as a writer I enjoyed pushing myself passed my limits and wrote something news. I'll admit I there was times I was ready to just give up but I had a lot of support, my big sister and my beta Elena Rain, plus all my encouraging reviews from you guys, It all made it a bit easier. So thank you all so much :) I'll have more info on my future work at the A/N at the bottom. On with the story:

Everyone walked into the house. It was so quiet a feather could drop to the floor but it would sound like a sonic boom. Tommy sat on the couch, still with Kimberly close in his arms. He kissed her head and just held her comfortingly. Every sat down gathered around Kimberly. They all had their hands somewhere on her for comfort, so she knew they were there.

"I'm going to call Dr. Black." Jason said.

Tommy nodded. Kimberly still didn't respond verbally to anything that was said to her and the others were really starting to worry.

Jason returned a few minutes he knelt down by Kimberly and took her hand in his. He gave it a gentle kiss so she knew he was there.

"Dr. Black said her behavior is very normal in a situation like this. She said it shouldn't last more than two-three days the longest. She said it's very possible she'll be better within a few hours but the longest is two to three days. If it last longer than that we might want to bring her in to a doctor but she said it really isn't anything to worry about. She told me it's just her way her trying to register what she saw and how she wants to deal with it. She also said that just because Kimberly isn't talking doesn't mean she doesn't want to. It's possible Kimberly wants to talk to us, she just physically can't." Jason said.

"Can we help her?" Tommy asked.

"She said just do whatever she reacts to, so in this case touch her, and let her know we're there. She wants to feel safe and know she isn't alone. So just stay with her, hold her, and cuddle her, whatever she wants or needs to feel safe. She will do the rest on her own. If we had any more questions just call her. I made appointment for her to come by tomorrow, just to check in. I hope it's all right."

"Of course, Thanks, Bro." Tommy said. "Did she say of any way we could communicate with her?"

"Paper and pen, let Kimberly write or even just draw pictures of what she's trying to say."

"Would you want to try that?" Tommy asked Kimberly. "Would you want to write or draw something for us?"

Kimberly didn't respond.

"If you want to draw or write something, can you squeeze my hand?" Jason said.

Kimberly squeezed his hand. He smiled and got up. He grabbed a pad and a pen.

"Here, sweetie." Jason said.

He placed the pad on her lap and the pen gently into her hands. Everyone was glad when her fingers closed around the pen. Her head dropped downward to the pad. She didn't move for a minute, and then she started to scribble all over the page. It was like baby just learning to color for the first time, nothing just scribbles and lines all over the page. Finally she stopped and handed the pen back to Jason with the pad and then rested her head on Tommy's shoulder.

"Ok…good…confusing but good." Jason said.

"Maybe it's supposed to be." Tommy said.


"Maybe, Kimberly is trying to tell us what's going on inside her head right now. It's just all jumbled up and confusing."

Kimberly nodded softly. She reached for the pad and pen back. Jason handed it to her. She wrote two small words but to the rangers it was the explanation they all needed. "My Thoughts." She wrote.

Tommy smiled and kissed her head. "I thought so, she's trying to tell us her thoughts are all messed up, and she can't focus clearly or remember what happen. Everything is jumbled up and mixed up."

Kimberly wrote something else on the paper. "Puzzle."

"Just like a puzzle, she's just trying to find the right pieces so she can put everything together." Tommy said.

"Wow, it's amazing how well you can read her." Jason said.

Tommy shrugged. "I love her…I don't know how else to explain it."

Kimberly drew a small heart and Tommy's name next to it. The others chuckled.

"I love you too, Beautiful."

She dropped the pen and laid her head to Tommy's shoulder. Jason took the pad and pen from her. "I think she's had enough for right now."

It was quiet for the next few hours. Just small talk between the rangers. Suddenly a small voice brought a smile to everyone's face.


"Yes, Beautiful, I'm right here." Tommy cooed.


"I'll get it." Jason said.

Jason went into the kitchen and grabbed some water. He gave it back to Kim and smiled softly.


"Shhh, it's ok. Don't force it. Just give yourself time." Tommy told her gently.

"I…I tried to…to stop him." She stuttered out. "Bu-but I…I w-was too…too late."

"It's ok; you don't have to talk about it." Jason said.

Kimberly ignored him. "He…he…he was…was sorry. I…I don't…he…he killed himself. I…I feel…I feel bad."

"It wasn't your fault, Kim. You tried to stop it." Jason said.

"I know…I feel bad…I feel bad he's dead. I…I never wanted him to…to die."


"Rocky, enough." Tommy said.


"ROCKY STOP IT!" Jason yelled.

Everyone watched in horror as Kimberly pulled away from everyone and curled herself into Tommy and buried her face in his shoulder. She started to cry and shake in fear.

"Great, good job, Rocky, we finally get her to open up and talk to us and you yell at her." Jason said.

"She deserved to be yelled at! What kind of an idiot would feel bad for someone like Dan to be dead? A monster like his deserves to be dead."

"Nobody deserves to die, Rocky." Tommy said calmly as he rubbed, Kimberly's back. He knew right now he was the only one she was trusting and if he blew up it would scared her even further into her shell.

"He did, that monster did. Jail was too easy for him, death was better for him."

"Rocky, shut up! Did you forget Dan and Kimberly used to be friends? Did you forget that they did have some good happy times together before Dan kidnapped her?" Jason growled.

"So what?"

"How would you feel if Kat died? Would you be happy?"

"No, Kat was a good person. I liked her."

"Kat, wrote Kimberly a letter telling her we hated and replaced her. She caused Kim to stop trusting all of us."

"Yeah, she made a mistake. Kimberly wrote a letter too, let's not forget that. Writing a false letter is one thing, raping someone, holding them hostage for two years, is a totally different thing. I stand by what I say, Dan deserved to die and anyone who pity's him or feels bad that he's dead is an idiot."

"ROCKY SHUT UP!" Tommy screamed.

Kimberly had covered her ears and Tommy put his over her hands to block out more sounds. Everyone gasped. Tommy never screamed. It actually scared them, especially when his eyes flashed green.

"Now, I'm going to take Kimberly upstairs to our bedroom. I do not want anyone coming to bother us. Also you can continue this discussion if you want too but the yelling has to stop."

He stood up and headed to the stairs and Kimberly started to squirm and whimper. "J…J…J" she whimpered.

Tommy looked to Jason. He smiled softly and went over to them.

"I'm right here, shhh, you're safe."

"Come." She said.

"Ok, I'll come up with you."

Tommy and Jason went upstairs into the bedroom and closed the door. Rocky growled. He kicked the coffee table and got up. He left the house slamming the door behind him.

Upstairs Tommy was cuddling Kim close to him. Jason was sitting in front of her holding her hands in his.

"You can talk to us. You don't have to be scared. We're not going to judge you." Tommy told her.

She shook her head.

"Would you write for us then?" Jason asked. "I can get you some more paper and a pen."

She nodded softly. Jason kissed her hands and got up. He left the room and came back a few minutes later with some paper and a pen. Kimberly took it and drew a small face but instead of a smiley face it was a scared face.

"Kimberly, you don't have to be scared, Angel. Jason and I would never judge you or yell at you." Tommy told her.

Kimberly wrote something else down. It was one word. Confusion.

"You're confused on your feelings about Dan's death?"Tommy asked.

She nodded.

"If you talk about them, we might be able to help you figure it out."

She wrote something else down and it broke Tommy's heart.

You'll be angry with me. Just like Rocky was.

"Kimberly, we don't care that you're feeling guilty….wait that came out wrong…." Jason said.

Kimberly giggled softly. Tommy laughed.

"He knows what you mean. Kim, if you feel sad that Dan is dead that's fine, don't be scared to admit it. Let yourself feel sad, let yourself grief for his loss. Otherwise you'll never move on."

It's not guilt I feel, I know it wasn't my fault that he's dead. But I do feel sad. As much as he hurt me I never wanted him to die. Nobody deserves to die.

"You're right; Dan didn't deserve to die today. He deserved to rot in jail, but not die."

Kimberly shook her head. "I've misunderstood him." She muttered softly.

Neither Tommy nor Jason wanted to make a big deal about her speaking again, in fear that she'd stop.

"What's that mean?"

"Before he killed himself, and after you left, Tommy, Dan and I had a heart to heart and he said he was sorry, he knew it would never be enough, but he was truly sorry and…that he never wanted to hurt me. He just was so in love with me it drove him mad. That's when I realized….Dan isn't a bad person; he was a sick person who should have gotten help. I tried to get him to admit that but he wouldn't accept it. He said if he couldn't have me his life wasn't worth living anymore then he grabbed his gun and….he killed himself."

"What does that mean? Do you forgive him?" Jason asked.

"I…I don't know what it means! I told you I'm just so confused!" she covered her face with her hands.

"Shhhh, it's ok. It's ok to be confused, Kimberly." Tommy rubbed her back.

He'd do anything to keep her from shutting down again.

"I just don't understand this. I thought I'd be happy that he was dead but I'm not." She whimpered. "Tommy, I'm just so confused and I don't know what to do."

"Why don't we call Dr. Black, maybe she can help you figure things out, she's really helped us before." Tommy suggested.

"She's coming over tomorrow."

"We can call her back. I'll ask her to come now, it's still early."

"It is?"

Jason nodded. "It's only six."

Kimberly groaned. Tommy and Jason chuckled.

"I'll give Dr. Black a call." Jason said.

He grabbed the phone and dialed the number. After speaking to her for a few minutes Jason hung up.

"She's on her way."

Kimberly nodded. "Please don't be hurt. It's not that I don't trust you I…"

"Kimberly, it's ok. We understand. Dr. Black can help us understand why you're feeling to way and how to handle it. We're not hurt." Tommy told her.

She smiled and nodded.

A few minutes later Dr. Black arrived. She and Kimberly moved into the kitchen. Kimberly felt safe and comfortable being alone with Dr. Black so the others waited in the other room.

Kimberly started off by telling Dr. Black about what happen at the park. She nodded and listened, just letting Kimberly talk. When she was finished she spoke.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm sure this is makings things harder on you."

She nodded. "I just don't understand why it took him dying for me to figure out that he was a good guy."

"Kimberly, he raped you. I'd be surprised if you thought of him as Mr. Perfect. Now you've told me before that Dan had a rough past right?"

Kimberly nodded again. "He was born through rape, his father left before he was born and his mom was always on drugs. "

"So, he's been needing help for a long time, have you ever mentioned it to him before?"

"When he first told me about it, back before he kidnapped me. I asked if he had to gone to see anyone. He said he wasn't crazy and he didn't need to go see a doctor."

"That was it?"

Kimberly nodded.

"So, he was always messed up before he hurt you. You just never noticed it until today at the park; because it was the first time he had been open and honest about why he did to you what he did right?"

"Yes, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him."

"I feel sorry for him too. Does that make me a bad person?"

Kimberly shook her head.

"Kimberly, people like us, we have very caring heart, when people hurt we hurt too, even if they've hurt us in the past we hurt for them. It doesn't make us a bad person, it makes us human."

"I guess, but why do I feel sad? "

"Because you witnessed a mentally ill person shoot himself in the head. Once you realized he was just a sick man who needed help you were ready to send him to get help, forget all the legal stuff, he was sick he needed help. Sometimes, Kim, people who are mentally ill, they don't get the help they need, they find it easier to just end it all and take themselves out of this world. As terrible as it is, we can't always stop it."

"So, I'm sad because a mentally ill person killed himself?"

Dr. Black nodded. "You're no longer looking at, Dan as someone who raped you and hurt you, you're seeing him as someone who was sick and didn't get the help they needed and that's why you feel so sad about it."

"But, another part of me is happy that he is gone."


"Because he can't hurt me anymore."

"That's all normal. Sick or not, he hurt you, he took something very special from you that you'll never get back. There will always be the small part of you that is happy he is gone, but the stronger, bigger part of you hurts because a sick man killed himself because he didn't get the help he needs. Does that make sense?"

Kimberly nodded and smiled. "A lot of sense thank you so much. You always make things so much easier."

Dr. Black chuckled. "You're welcome. Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

"Will I ever get over this sadness?"

"Let me answer your question with a question. You're parents anniversary death passed recently right? How did you feel about it?"

"Well, I'm never happy that there dead and I hate thinking about how they died but in the end I'm happy that they're in a better place…." Kimberly smiled again. "How did you do that?"

Dr. Black laughed. "That's all my little secret. Time heals all wounds, Kimberly. In time you'll stop feeling sad and you'll be able to move on with your life and be happy again."

Kimberly nodded. Everything made more sense to her now, and she had no problem giving it back to Rocky when he came home.

"Thank you, so much, Dr. Black." Kimberly said. "You've really helped me so much."

"It's my pleasure."

They shared a hug. They walked into the living room. Tommy stood up. "Thank you so much for coming." He said.


Kimberly walked her to the door. "Have a good night. Drive safe."


Dr. Black left. Kimberly smiled and turned back to the others. "I'm going to be ok."

She was just about to close the door when Rocky walked in. Before anyone could speak he did.

"Kimberly, I'm so sorry! I never ever meant to yell at you like that! You're not an idiot or stupid or crazy, and whatever else I called you. I was only angry at Dan, I thought with him gone you'd be happy and you'd be our little crane again but then you said you were sad and I got so angry that even in his death he had managed to hurt you again and I got angry so I yelled and I screamed and I said things I didn't mean. I'm so, so, so, sorry! If you never forgive me I understand."

"Rocky, its ok. I'm sorry too. You're always going to be my big brother, my strong powerful ape, and I will always be your little crane. Not even Dan can stop that. She may fly away when things get scary or too hard but she's always comes back because she knows she has her family to always help her through."

They shared a hug. "I forgive you, Rocky and you're not the only one."

"Wait, Kimberly are you saying…."

She nodded. "I'm finally able to forgive Dan, for what he did to me. It's over. I may never forget it, but I won't let it run my life anymore."

"That's great Kimberly." Jason said.

He joined in on the hug.

"Group hug." Tommy called.

Everyone gathered around hugging Kimberly tightly.

"Guys…can't…breathe." She gasped but giggled none the less.

They all pulled away. She put her hand out and smiled. "Just like old times?"

Tommy put his hand on hers. The others followed. They all threw their hands in the air. "POWER RANGERS!" they shouted and everyone started to just laugh. All the drama and tension was finally gone. Life was perfect, but there was still one more thing Kimberly had to overcome before she could really move on from what happen with Dan.

The day finally arrived; it was Kimberly and Tommy's one year marriage anniversary. It was a day to remember forever. Kimberly woke up to soft kisses on her face. She opened her eyes and smiled at Tommy.

"Happy anniversary." He greeted.

"Happy anniversary." She smiled back.

She sat up and smiled at the tray of food.

"Breakfast in bed for my beautiful wife."

She giggled and took the tray. "Double chocolate chip pancakes?"

"And some milk and strawberries."

"Thank you, Tommy its perfect."

They shared a kiss. He laughed. "You taste like pancakes."

She giggled. "Thank you."

They had a great breakfast in bed together. They took a shower and dressed, before heading out.

"Tommy, where are we going?" she whined.

He laughed. "It's surprise."

"Tell me!" she whined.

He laughed. "No, just wait."

She pouted and he laughed harder. He had made sure to put a blindfold on her so she couldn't see anything.

"You're such a meany!"

He continued to laugh at her. He put his hand out and tickled her side. She shrieked and giggled. "Be nice."


He chuckled and continued to drive.

They finally arrived and Tommy helped Kimberly from the car and walk to their destination.

"Ok, take off the blind fold."

Kimberly removed it and gasped. They were back at the Angel Grove Park, the same location they had shared their first kiss. There was a small little picnic set up with all of Kimberly's favorites from The Youth Center.

"Ernie, will be doing lunch."

She smiled. "Tommy, that's so wonderful, but I'm still full from breakfast."

He chuckled. "I knew you would be. Which is why we're at the park, a little running around and we will be hungry again."

"Why would we run around the park?"

Tommy smirked, "Because if you don't run the tickle monster is going to get you."

Kimberly squealed. She took off running. Tommy laughed and chased after her. It reminded him of when they were teenagers and they'd have dates in the park.

He caught up with her quickly and lifted her up onto his back. She giggled.

"Hold on tight."

She spun her around again just like he did when they were teenagers.

"Whoa! Tommy not so fast." She squealed in giggles.

He chuckled and slowed down. He let her go gently onto the grass hovering over her, waiting for the dizziness to wear off.

"Hello, up there." She giggled.

Tommy laughed. Her giggles always made him laugh. She was in such a good mood she couldn't stop giggling.

"Hello, down there, ready to be tickled?"

"No!" she giggled.

Tommy knew she secretly meant yes. He started to tickle her and she burst into more giggles as she squirmed around on the grass.

"Tommy stop it! I can't breathe."

He chuckled and stopped.

She caught her breath back and giggled.

"Someone has the case of the giggles today." Tommy chuckled.

"I can't help it. I'm so happy."

"Well I'm happy to hear that."

"You want to walk by the lake?" he asked.

She nodded. "I'd love to."

They both got up and locked hands. They walked by the lake. Kimberly's stomach growled and they both laughed. "I'd say it time for lunch."

"But we just ate."

"Kimberly, that was four hours ago."

"Oh, I guess time really does fly."

They both laughed and walked back over to their spot. Suddenly Kimberly got an idea. "Wait there."

"What why?"

"Trust me just wait there."

She walked away but then turned around and walked back over to him.

"They said back at the gym I'd find you here." She said.

Tommy realized what she was doing so he played along. "Yeah, I like to practice outside sometimes, smell the fresh air."

"How are you doing?"

"I'm hanging, working on my karate, focusing on my school work, just trying to keep busy."

"We miss you."

"Yeah, you guys were a team long before I showed up, things will be back to normal before long."

"I miss you."

Tommy took her hand and lend in. They kissed on the lips and pulled back. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time."

"Me too." She giggled.

"I guess now that, that's over with my next question should be a piece of cake."

"What's that?"

"Kimberly, will you be my date to the dance Saturday night?"

Kimberly turned her back to him pretending to think about it.

"Well? Kimberly!"

She spun around and giggled playfully punching his shoulder. "I couldn't make it too easy of course I'll be your date to the dance."

"Yes!" he cheered.

He lifted her up and spun her around, she giggled loudly and happily. He set her down and they ate a nice lunch, just laughing and talking.

A little later a loud squeal was heard and a small weight dropped into Kimberly's lap. "Whoa!" she cried out. She giggled and saw Amy.


"Hey, how are you?" Kimberly asked.

She hadn't seen Amy since it all went down with Dan and she was wondering how she felt about her father being dead.

"Great! Daddy and Mommy are getting married, she had a healthy baby girl and new daddy is so much nicer to me than my other daddy. He helps me practice my karate. He says I'll be better than him one day."

"That's great, so….you're ok with old daddy being gone?"

She nodded. "He was mean to me anyway I love my new daddy more."

"Well, I'm glad you're so happy. Where are your mommy and daddy anyway?"

"Mommy is at home with the baby, they needed sleep so daddy took me here. He's not daddy right now he's the tickle monster so I runed away."

Kimberly giggled. "Tommy was the tickle monster earlier today too and I ran away."

"Did you get caught?"

She nodded. "He tickled me all over my belly."

Amy gasped. "Daddy gonna tickle my belly too."

A man around their age walked over. "There you are Amy."

She giggled.

"Sorry, you two look like you're in the middle of a date." The man said.

"Its fine, she told us about your other daughter, congrats." Kimberly said.

"Thanks, come on, Amy, let's let these two get back to their date."

Amy jumped up from Kimberly laughed and ran off giggling. The man sighed but smiled. He chased after her.

Kimberly giggled.

"You ok?" Tommy asked.

She nodded. "I was scared, Amy would be sad about what happen to her father. I'm glad she's ok with everything too."

Tommy smiled. So much had happen in such a short amount of time but it had only made Kimberly stronger.

After finishing lunch at the park they went back to the house. They cuddled on the couch and watched Kimberly's favorite movie.

When the movie was over, they had a nice romantic dinner, Kimberly's favorite food. They had just finished eating when Tommy got up and went into one of the drawers. "You know," he started slowly. "I've been going crazy trying to find the perfect gift for you and I couldn't figure it out. But the week, when we were at the mall with Amy and we were near the power ranger section I saw something and I knew it was perfect for you."

He took three small boxes from the draw and went back over to her. He handed her the first two. "Open these first."

Kimberly smiled and unwrapped the presents. She gasped as her eyes filled with happy years. It was her power coins. Of course they were plastic but it meant so much to Kimberly.

"I know Katherine still has your real ones but I thought this might make you happy to have those."

"They're wonderful Tommy, thank you."

"One more, I saw this and I just knew it was made for us."

Kimberly unwrapped the other presents and gasped. "Tommy…" It was a gold chain necklace toward the bottom was a crane and on the other side was a falcon and in the middle of the two birds was a heart.

He smiled and took it out of the case and put it on for her. He kissed her shoulder softly when he was finished.

"Tommy it's perfect and wonderful thank you." She smiled.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it."

They shared a kiss on the lips and pulled away.

"Um…my gift is upstairs, can we go get it?"

He smiled softly. "Sure."

They locked hands and went upstairs into the bedroom.

Kimberly closed the door and faced Tommy.

"I don't have a physical object for you, Tommy. I have something I think you'll like better…." She took off her shirt and reached behind her to remove her bra. "…me."

Tommy smiled. "Are you sure you're ready?"

She nodded. "No fears or doubts. I trust you and I love you so much. I want to show you that."

Tommy nodded. He removed his shirt and they both slowly climbed onto the bed. "Do you want to be on top?" Tommy asked.

She shook her head. "I feel more comfortable when you led."

He rolled on top of her making sure not to put all his weight on her. They started out kissing passionately. Tommy moved and kissed her neck. She ran her hands up and down his abs and through his hair. Kimberly moaned when he hit her sweet spot.

He moved lower down her chest, as Kimberly started to breathe harder. She ran her fingers up and down his bare back making his moan, as she kissed his neck.

Tommy moved to her breast kissing each one as he ran his hands rubbed and squeezed gently.

She moaned louder. She let her head fall back just feeling pure bliss. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to just relax the feeling Tommy was giving her. Tommy smiled when he saw her eyes were closed.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered and kissed her stomach. Tommy's stopped at the hem of her jeans.

"Take them off, Tommy." She said.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded. "Positive."

Tommy unbuttoned and un zipped her jeans.

"Lift up for me, Beautiful Girl,"

Kimberly lifted her hips and allowed Tommy to take her jeans off. "Good girl."

He kissed down her legs, to her ankle and to the bottom of her feet making her squeal and giggle. He moved to the other and moved upwards. He stopped at her thigh. They were both panting and breathing hard; this was normally where they'd stop.

"Kimberly, are you ready?" he asked once more.

She nodded. "I'm 100% ready, Tommy. Please take them off."

She lifted up again and Tommy smiled. He slowly and carefully removed her underwear, that final piece of clothing that proved Kimberly really was ready to move on. He slowly moved to her inner thighs and up. He gently, softly, and lovingly kissed her womanhood. She gasped as the sudden urge she felt at that moment. She couldn't even explain it; it just felt so amazingly good. "Tommy!" she moaned.

He chuckled and looked up. "That feel good?"

"Amazing, please continue!"

He smiled and continued to place gently kisses to that area. He stopped and sat up. Kimberly took that moment to remove his clothes, she gasped, and his little friend was so much bigger when he was nude.

He chuckled. "Like what you see?" he teased.

She nodded. She laid down ready for the big moment.

"I'm ready, Tommy. Please do it, please I need it."

"Ok, but if you feel anything you don't like tell me and I'll stop right away."

She nodded. "Please, just do it. I need you Tommy, please." She begged.

Tommy slowly and gently inserted himself inside her.

"Does this feel ok so far?" he asked.

She just moaned. "Further."

He chuckled and obeyed. He moved himself further inside of her. Kimberly moaned, the feeling was so intense but nothing painful or uncomfortable. Nothing like what she had felt with Dan, she felt like she was suddenly floating on a cloud. It was pure bliss and happiness.

From there on magic happened for both, Kimberly and Tommy.

After all the loving, Tommy and Kimberly had finally become one. She had faced her fears and it turned out to be better than she ever thought possible. "I love you Tommy."

"I love you Kimberly." He ran his fingers in her hair as she cuddled and lay on his chest. Their eyes both closed. Sleep overtaking them.

The next morning, Kimberly awoke to Tommy staring at her with a huge grin on her face. She smiled right back at him. "I did. It." She smiled.

"I knew you could. How did it feel?"

"Amazing, nothing like what I felt with Dan, nothing at all."

"I'm so proud of you, Kimberly, I knew you could do it."

"Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you."

"I love you, Beautiful, I didn't do anything. I gave you the small push and you did the rest on your own."

Kimberly smiled, she knew it was true. She had finally overcome her biggest fear and had finally made love to Tommy and it felt great. She had overcome her greatest challenge and come back stronger. She knew she could overcome anything and it was all thanks to love's gentle touch.

A/N well...how'd I do? I was really nervous posting this chapter but I think it turned out really good. I'm interested in what you guys thought, just remember it was my first sex scene so please go easy on me. Also to see a picture of Tommy's presents to Kim FIND and LIKE me on facebook at "hopelessromanticgurl". My next power ranger story is going to take place during Zeo It's called "A Deaf Ranger- Instead of getting the Dear John letter Tommy gets a call from a worried friend in Florida. Kimberly fell off the beam and has serious injuries, one of them being she lost her hearing. How can the rangers help her when none of them can communicate with her?" I should have the first chapter out by tomorrow...or maybe today. Whenever I get the time. Anyway, thanks for all the supporting reviews guys, you really helped me write this story.