My Dearest Edward, You will always be my first love... But after much thinking I cannot proceed with the wedding. I do love you, but let's be honest, I am not the girl that gets married to to you and lives happily ever after. I cannot. It goes against every core in my body. Nothing you have done for me will be forgotten. Do not fret about the Volturi, by the time you actually read this I will already be changing. So fear not for your family. I love you all but there is something that has been calling to my very soul ever since meeting Aro. Your real mate is out there Edward, I know it, and she may very well be closer than you can imagine. Good luck with life, my first love.

Be Safe~ Bella.

I folded my most elegant written letter gently and placed it into a envelope and sealed it with a flick of my tongue. I was reclaiming my own destiny and my life. And after careful self evaluation and the guidance of a few friends old and new, marriage to Edward Cullen, was not going to be part of it. All Edward wanted was to be human, all I wanted was all of eternity to embrace my inner dark side. It never would work between us... Luckily Marcus had kept in touch with me along with Jane, after my short visit in Volturi. He knew Alice and Edward had it backwards, the bond of mates was definitely present during our visit, however not between Edward and I... And honestly I think the wonder twins are too stubborn to notice for themselves, just who exactly is mated to whom. Selfishly I let him think I was still in love with him after our trip. The truth was I needed to feel the pure utter annoyance he gave me. I needed to feel how out of touch we both were towards each others needs. Edward selfishly wanted to control every facet of my life. While I just wanted to lure him in and crush him as best I could while still human, after our first breakup. I had changed plenty in those months of abandonment, I realized once I saw how incredibly stupid Edward truly was as he was about to kill himself, just how over him I truly was. . . However, I am a woman, and I can't help it, sometimes I just need a little revenge. Luring him in and acting copacetic about marriage was the most I would get when dealing with a vampire, whilst still human. Jake personally loved the idea that I was going to be a run away bride on the night before my wedding. However Jake was under the impression I was on a run to visit relatives in Italy... Little did he know I was going to Volturi... Ha! My life was just about to begin, and I was thrilled... Sure I had used people that I had loved and love still, but eh sometimes to get eternity, ya gotta be a little sneaky. "Bells! The Cullen clan of pretty boys, have left for hunting and having some odd quote on quote bachelor party, lets shit and get to the airport if you really wanna go through with this?" Jake stated concerned, while eyeing me to make sure I was really going to ditch out on my wedding tomorrow. "I am ready to roll... Let's go!" I stated gleefully to the boy and friend, I once made mud pies with, and hooked my arm to his, as we made my way to my truck that I was giving to him on loan. Or so he thought it was a mere loan. Truth is, I was giving it to him for eternity, it was the least I could do, after all he kept Alice's visions at bay while I planned my escape for months, hell since I had been back from Italy the first time. We drove in a quiet peace between us on the way to the airport. That is until the half mile marker for the airports exit. That is when Jacob decided to get a little chatty.

"Bella you do not have to leave to call the wedding off. But I know this is what you want. Just promise me you'll be safe, and you'll try to stay away from bloodsuckers, for awhile?" Jacob whispered in a concerned tone while still keeping his eyes on the road. "Of course Jacob. Thanks so much for all your help. But I have to do this. Besides I am sure I will visit often." I lied with ease. "Do you want me to park or should I just drop you off by the departures?" Jacob asked and I could tell he was holding back unshed tears from the slight quiver in his voice. "Drop me off please... The sooner I get through security and customs or whatever the easier it will be. And hey Jacob... Don't be sad, I'll email you often." I lied effortlessly again.

"Okay... Well be safe Bells. I love you, I know you don't feel the same, but I wanted to get it off my chest. I will inform Charlie about everything tomorrow morning before the Cullen's even realize your gone. I'll miss ya Bells - Don't be a stranger." He finished trying to radiate confidence and calm, but was failing epically. So I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and told him I would keep in touch, and many more lies. I just wanted this part to be over with. So I hurried myself out of my old truck, and zipped into the airport without looking back. Everything went relatively smooth, and quick for a change. My plane was having early boarding for first class flyers, so I was able to get to my seat quickly. This would be my last time in America for quite some time, till everyone was dead at least. Maybe it was horribly selfish of me, but I figured that would make it so much easier on myself as well. I arranged everything like I wanted it for my long flight, and began to listen to my ipod that had not been highjacked by Edward and his classical bullshit. Not to say all classical is bullshit. But it does get old after a while. I scrolled through to my soothing playlist and selected some Cold War Kids to doze off too, as I began to slip my ear buds in was when a familiar yet different voice startled me out of my reverie and relaxation! "I thought all you listened to was classical, mainly DeBusy, Darlin?" Jasper Hales voice questioned me with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Jasper! What the fuck are you doing here?" I blurted out suddenly scared. "I could ask you the same thing Sugar... However I feel the urge to tell you, I would never hurt you... What has you so... So scared Bella?" Jasper responded in a husky manly southern laced voice, as he took the seat next to mine.

"I'm not scared of you Jasper... Where are the others? I am NOT going through with the wedding I will fight you all tooth and nail if I have too." I retorted feeling more confident than I had in quite some time.

"Relax Bella... They are out hunting for Edwards bachelor party... How very dull don't you think?" Jasper smiled then a glorious crooked smile that made Edwards seem well, weak and fake.

"So you are not going to drag me back to Forks and have me go through with it? Wait, if your leaving ... What about Alice? Oh shit! She will see this!" I whisper yelled, trying to regain some of the confidence I had just had a moment ago.

"Well yes she will see you were on the plane I was on as it took off. But you see I was not going to be present tomorrow anyhow. I couldn't stand to watch another manipulation of the wonder twins transpire... You see Bella, the way I see it is they are very much in denial. I know that you know that Edward is not your mate. I also know, Alice has never been mine. And she knows that as well... But she is too proud to make the first move to Ed-weirdo ... And Ed - weirdo is far to proud to make a move on a married woman... So I figured I would bow out and have Jenk's send my divorce papers to be served tomorrow... And apparently Bella... Seems like your bowing out too... So my question little lady, is why Italy?" Jasper finished with a smirky and a sexy arched brow while his eyes bore into mine, making me feel lustful urges?.. Shit - empath!

"Jasper... shit." I blurbed, stalling completely.

"Lust... and procrastination. Em-path remember Darlin'?" Jasper stated with a chuckle, and then gently threaded my hair falling in my eyes behind my ear. "I find you extremely handsome. So thats the lust. And italy because I have stayed in contact with some of my new friends from my last little visit... What about you Mr. Hale?" I asked confidently, going for 100% honesty and myself for a change.

"Mr. Whitlock... Hale was Rose's last name. . . I am Major Jasper Whitlock... And you are quite delicious looking yourself Ms. Swan." Jasper paused and stroked my face ever so gently while boring into my eyes with his majestic amber eyes. "As for why I am going to Italy... I had a tip from a friend that just kind of knows shit, that I would find my mate on the plane to there. And I also got a job offer I could not refuse from some friends as well... Sometimes you just have to invoke and face your inner demons. As for me going back to a people diet and training newborns is facing it plenty. As for the mate... The real one... I do believe I have found her, and she has been in front of me this whole damn time. Funny how things work out, isn't it?" Jasper finished and as the plane began to take off he leaned in and kissed me with so much passion, so much lust, so much perfection and love I melted into him.

We could have gone on forever that way... Melting hopelessly into each others mouths... It was perfection. It was bliss, and unfortunately it was in a public setting.

"I've wanted to do that since the first day I saw you, in the school cafeteria..." Jasper whispered into my neck, while my fingers were still intertwined into his blonde locks.

"Me too..." I responded back.

"In all honesty Bella, I never took you as the run away bride type... I think it is hopelessly romantic, and well ... I think it is for the best... Because you see Darlin' now all we have is each other to worry about, no more judgement ... Just the Volturi, whom I go way back with... Ever since I left Maria and turned her over to them... I've done several jobs for them that not even Carlisle knows about. I just hope your ready to invoke your dark side." Jasper stated seriously. "That's the issue Jasper... I've always been a little dark and twisted... I just figured I'd be more personable for my father when I moved to Forks... However, it's been an act... I prefer to be sarcastic, dark, twisted an mischievous ... But you already probably knew that didn't you?" I finished starring right back into his honey amber orbs.

"I did Darlin' I knew since I started feeling alive in your emotions... Since day one... Now the question is... How dark are you really Miss Swan?" Jasper chuckled darkly.

"That is the three million dollar question ... And one that will wait till they change me." I responded honestly followed by a slight yawn.

"It's been quite a night Darlin' you get some rest before we land, we still got a lot of flight left in front of us." Jasper soothed to me... And before I could protest I found myself off to dreamland, with the man of my dreams sitting next to me on a flight to a new country.. Together we were going to claim our lives back, and I was thrilled!

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