She dropped her keys on her bedside table and began to strip. She could hear the tempting water running, knowing only moments later she would be surrounded by the warm, fragranced, bubbly liquid. As soon as her toe dipped through the waters surface, she hummed in anticipation. Her whole body now submerged beneath the bubbles. Her head and her arms were exposed. She picked up her wine glass, and took a big sip to prepare herself for Heat Rises. She was going to demand an advanced copy of it, but that morning she found a present lying on her desk with the gift card reading 'I know you need a good read, so here's the best. Always.' As soon as she read the last word, she tore open the package, and sat in her hands was her favourite author's new book. She looked around, no-one was around, so she indulged in a little giggle and a happy dance.

She placed the book carefully in her bag and started ion the paperwork. Eugh! Paperwork was the worst part of being a cop, it was tedious and often repetitive, but if she had no distractions (Ahem! Castle!) then she would be finished by noon and have the rest of the weekend off.

By 8am, a few more officers had fluttered in and out of the 12th, but hardly anyone was there when she heard the elevator 'ding' for the umpteenth time. She looked up out of force of habit and a small smile played at her lips, Richard Castle was making his way towards her, coffee and a bearclaw occupying his hands. A lopsided grin lit up his features. 'Did you get my present Detective?'

She was bored of paperwork and she wanted a bit of fun. 'What present? Castle,' she picked up her coffee and took a large swig. She couldn't help the tiny moan that escaped her throat when the warm, thick liquid descended down her throat. She watched his brow furrow and his eyes widen respectively.

'I left you a present, right here, on your desk.'

'Well it wasn't here when I got in this morning.'

'Who the hell could've possibly taken it? Oh God, I'm gonna be in so much trouble, I knew I should've given it to you myself, and now someone's gone and stolen it.'

She decided it was time for him to stop rambling, so she reached into her bag and pulled out her copy of Heat Rises with the gift tag now being used as a bookmark. She reached out and touched his arm.

'Relax castle, I got your present, I was only messing with you. Thank you.'

He was frozen, partly because of her hand on his arm, and partly because of the one she had just pulled over on him.

'That was dirty Beckett. Do you know how much trouble I could've got into if someone had actually stolen it?'

'Well it's a good thing I came in early today then.' She countered, a smirk breaking out on her face.

'Tell me one thing thought, why?' He asked innocently.

'I was bored and paperwork was killing me. I needed a good laugh and opportunity presented itself to me, so I took it.'

'Thank you by the way, for these.' She motioned to the coffee and bearclaw.

'You're very welcome, and I'm so happy that my breakdown amused you.' He slumped into his chair and began tapping at his phone.

Noon came around quicker than she expected. She had just finished signing the last release form, and she was released from the precinct until Monday.

'Finally!' She exclaimed, bringing Castle out of his Angry Birds daze.


'I'm finished and I'm free!' she smiled. 'Wanna go get some lunch?'

'Oh my god! You eat? I thought you just worked.' He said in mock surprise.

'Ha-ha, you're so funny, and yes I do eat.'

He walked up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders and whispered in her ear.

'You really need to relax.' His warm breath lingered in her ears and her eyes closed involuntarily, she momentarily relaxed into him.

'Speaking of relaxing,' he continued, oblivious to her current state, 'do you have any idea how tense you are?'

'No, why?'

'You need a massage. I know a gut and he can get these knots out, no problem.'

'You know what. I'll think about it and I'll call you.'

The water was getting cold, and she was on chapter six. She picked up her phone and pressed speed dial 2. He picked up on the first ring.

'Why Beckett, what do I owe the pleasure of your lovely call of yours?'

'Alright Castle, I'm in.'

'Oh, Beckett, you're gonna love him, without a doubt.'

'Set it up for Monday at 7, kay.'

'You got it.'