Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia or the characters.

America was board. He needed something, anything to do. So he decided to have a starring contest with Russia.

Russia sighed, "Why don't you play a game or something" having the American stare at him was beginning to annoy him.

"Okay… truth or dare" America said.

A childish game and here Russia was expecting America to run off and play one of his video games.

"Fine, what do you choice?" Russia asked, hoping to end the game as quickly as possible.

"Dare! I'll do anything 'cause I'm the hero!"

"Then I dare you to… scare two nations in the same place"

"At the same time?"

"Do what you wish, call me when you're ready"

America watched Russia leave.

"Two nations, huh? Well the first is gonna be a piece of cake so who will be my second victim and where to scare them… I got it!" America grabbed his phone and headed out the door.

*Much later*

America hid round the corner and waited. He knew Germany would be passing by anytime now (this was only because he passed Italy not long ago and figured he was waiting for Germany). As soon as Germany walked passed, America jumped out and whacked him in the back of the head.

"What the… America, what are you doing?" Germany asked.

America hit him again but the German would not go down. He didn't want to use his full strength in case he really hurt him, he just wanted him knocked out.

"Dammit, pass out already" America hit Germany a few more times and eventually knocked him out, "finally, now to get ready. I will win this dare"