Not really a chapter

Me: Okay so this is just a bonus little A/N i thought i should upload

Fang: for several reasons

Me: Yes. Fist off i want to acknowledge some particularly dedicated readers whose usernames are

- Babysis64

- Jeredith

- LornaLovesTwilight

There are heaps others but they have commented on at least 3 chapters recently so i thought they deserved special thanks

Fang: next order of business

Me: Yes i thank EVERYONE who followed, favorited or reviewed this story, you make my day when i see a new email from FF

Fang: moving on!

Me: hold your horses speedy. Anyway next i wanted to just say i have posted the first chapter of 'Always' if you wanted to follow on with the story

Fang: its from Christian's POV

Me: and later on it will be from Isabella's POV

Fang: but she hasnt written up many chapters

Me: I will try to update either daily or every second day but there are no promises, i will update at least once a week though

Fang: i still wouldnt count on it

Me: ill do my best but im on holidays so i might be a little busy

Thanks for reading!
