Black City Stories

Second Fic first story, I would like to see some reviews on this one. I'll write other stories but my main focus will be on this one.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon

Chapter 1 The Explosion

Surrounded by a beautiful white forest is the largest city in the world. Black City is known for its trainer, greed, and of course the gangs. Every day hundreds of people board trains to go, or leave this place. Today was no different riding on one of the trains was a raven hair boy lost in thought about why he is here. The boy's name is Ash Ketchum, even though he is usually very happy, and outgoing now he finds himself in a deep depression, which lead his mom to force him to move in with his cousins in Black City.

Flashback: (A week ago)

It was summer in the small town of pallet town. Schools have since closed, and all the kids have left for vacation… all except one boy. In a small house lock in his room was Ash Ketchum lying in his bed. Next to him was a small yellow Pokémon his partner Pikachu ever since that day Pikachu has been trying to get ash to sheer up. Ash wasn't just sad he was stubborn ignoring any sign of help that has been giving to him.

Down stairs was Ash's mother on the phone finally having enough of his depression she found a solution while she was looking at some old family picture.

"Anyway I think this would be best for him I'll tell him tonight and he'll be living with you guys next week. I hope it wouldn't be a bother… (Waiting for a response) Thank you take care honey. Ash is dinner time!" Yelled Ash's mom 'maybe this could help him grow up' though, Ash's mom.

Dinner was awkward until, Ash's mom finally broke the silence. "So honey you remember you cousins Volkner, and Elesa"

"Yeah…" responded Ash.

"Well you know how her modeling career took her to all the way to Black City, and Volkner moved his workshop there to protect her, and also to get a better education. (Ash's eyes were now fixed on his mom) Well I thought that since I could never afford to take us both there I called them, and they have a room available so… you're going to move in with them and go to school in Black City!" announce Ash's mom.

At first silence filled the room with Ash's initial shook but then he was finally able to say something. But he needed to think about what to say, did he really wanted to turn dinner into an argument, and of course mother knows best. Maybe this is was just what he needed a very long get away. So he clinches his fist and let out a sigh "ok…" responded Ash trying to hide his very small excitement.

End of Flashback:

As the young man got out of his daydream he couldn't help but think about how easily he allow himself to go. Maybe he wants to go a get away from everything. All that he knew about Black City was from chatting with his friend Barry that he kept in touch with after he moved there. So at least he has a tour guide. It felt like he was on a hurry to leave, all that he brought with him was a few bags, and one Pokémon. Thinking that his best friend Pikachu was finally tired of helping he place him on his pc box (A/N I'm using the game style of storing Pokémon) He told his mom to send him the rest of his Pokémon data in a week.

Waiting for him in the train station was a tall man at least 21 years old, Ash's cousin Volkner. He made a big name for himself in, Black City as the go-to guy for machine parts, but also as man that you shouldn't mess with. It was getting dark as the train finally stops.

"Hey…" said Volkner a little cold he wasn't good with small talk.

"hey…" responded Ash even colder.

" Aunt Delia told me what happen well at least what she knows she thinks that you'll tell me everything when you're ready" said Volkner and started to walk "Come is dangerous at night" The cousins walk to the night.

As they made it to Volkner's Sunyshore Tower they made their way in when they were greeted by a man with a strange Afro, and his girlfriend a young girl with brown hair.

"Oh yeah Ash this is Flint, and Jasmine" said Volkner.

"Sup" said Flint.

"Nice to meet you" said Jasmine.

After they exchange greetings Ash finally excuse himself from the room and Volkner show him to his room. "There it is, Elesa needed to go for a photo-shoot, she'll be here in the morning (as Ash went in Volkner stopped him) Hey you sure you're going to be ok?" Asked Volkner.

"Yeah good night" said Ash.

As Volkner headed downstairs he was approached by Flint.

"Good thing his gone to bed… So about my package" said Flint.

"Right this way" said Volkner pointed to his basement.

Outside the shop Flint, and Jasmine wave goodbye to Volkner as they left with their package. Finally it was time for Volkner to get some sleep. As all the lights turn off it was time for Ash to sneak out and see the city for himself. As Ash got a good look at the city he was blinded by all the light. All the restaurants, nightclubs, and light were too much for him. The city life was going to get a little hard to get used to. After he spotted a parking lot where he could get a better look at the city he went in and got on the stairs. As he made his way to the top he finally got to the top floor. Finally he could allow all this to sink in.

(12:00 am)

"Please don't hurt me" said a man.

As Ash turned his head he saw 2 men with their mightyena attacking a man.

"Hey what are you guys doing!" yelled Ash. "Get away from him!"

"Take a hike kid you know who we are (the man showed his jacket which had an R in it) that right were team rocket the best gang in the city!" Yelled the gang member. "Now what to do with you I got it lets get him" said the gang member as he pointed his mightyena to attack him.

A chill came crawling in his back. The chill of happiness finally he has a change to do something right, something he loved. As he turn his hat he took out his pokeball "Come on out garchomp!" yelled Ash. 'Finally a change to get all this tension out' though Ash.

As the mightyenas jumped to attack garchomp jumped high and all that Ash did was give one command "Use Draco Meteor". The dragon opens his mouth and blast a giant ball of power, and then it split into multiples beans of power. The explosion was so powerful it destroyed everything in the floor. The smoke a fire was seen all over the city it wouldn't be long before the police came.

(11:58 am)

Outside a small market store a young man with purple hair was holding hands with a pink hair girl behind them was a tall young blonde man.

"Come on Paul just one Battle" said Barry.

"I said no now leave us alone" responded Paul.

"Yeah come on just leave us alone you pest" said the pink hair girl.

"I was talking to Paul so don't make me fine you Ursula" said Barry. "Besides how come you don't battle anymore you say is because there's no challengers but I think is because your scare"

Paul turned around look at Barry "You know what…"


"You saw that!" said Barry. The police shoppers were heard getting closer. "Sorry guys my dad might get worried see ya" Barry ran home.

(Around the same time)

A place called the Dojo house had was closing and 2 girls were walking out. "Nice practice May" said Maylene.

"Thanks anyway see you tomorrow" said May. Then police shoppers where flying by. "What is going on?"

Maylene took a good around a saw the parking lot on fire. "Oh my Arceus look is a fire!"

"Man this is so going make it on the news for sure" said May.

(Also around the same time)

Outside a theatre was young girl with blue hair walking out with a whole bunch of cameras around her.

"Nice play Dawn you're going to be big no question about it" said the camera man.

"Thank you… Thank you" said Dawn holding her trusted friend piplup. As she moved away from the cameras she got a change to breath. "Oh man no need to worry piplup this is our big break… (Dawn notices the camera crew looking up) I wonder what's going on AWWW!" She saw the smoke from the building.

"Dawn honey get in the car" said Dawn's mother.


Since the whole floor was filled with smoke Ash made a quick getaway hoping that it was dark that no one would notice him. He knew he destroyed the cameras so maybe he was safe. After an hour of none stop running Ash finally made it to his room and jump in bed. "Wow man I needed that, I think things are going to get interesting" said Ash as he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

(An hour later)

In a dark apartment there was a letter in the refrigerator.

Dear Paul

Out for the night see you tomorrow.

You Brother Reggie

Lying in Paul's bed was a sweating Ursula. As she looked at Paul sitting on the edge of his bed looking at his pokeball she notice a certain look in his eyes. Then she crawls to Paul and warp her arms around his back, then she laid her on his back. "I know what you're thinking (A sensitive look came into her eyes) you want to battle."

The end of chapter one leave comments if you're interested in my story next chapter coming soon.