Chapter 1: Sylvia's call

The time was 2AM. The dusty arena was silent as the two opponents stood opposite each other. One, dressed in a trench coat as grey as the dust itself, beam katana in hand, glowing in the perfect dark, standing tall and strong as he faced his opponent. Said opponent, dressed in a blood red suit, a mask covering most of his face, a knife in his right hand, stained with fresh blood. With his free hand, he took out a cigarette and put it between his lips, replacing the box with a lighter. The small plume of smoke rose into the sky, the light from the cigarette dimming as the suited man breathed in and out.

"Well…you're just as good as the record said." Admitted Henry Cooldown, is Irish accent making it sound like the two were old friends.

"But of course" replied the Spy, in his smug French tone, breathing out a puff of smoke from the cylinder in his mouth. "I believe that is what why you challenged me." Henry nodded in reply.

"It's not entirely for my own benefit. I'm here on behalf of my once wife." The Spy's eyebrows raised in intrest.

"So what do you want from me?" he cut to the point. Henry gave a sly grin.

"We want you to work for us."

It was 7AM by the time Travis reared his head up from the pillow. It was another dull morning in Santa Destroy. It'd been a grand total of 10 months since Travis had conquered the rankings a second time to achieve vengeance for the loss of his dear friend Bishop. Travis still had nightmares of getting Bishop's head through the window in that blood soaked paper bag. He'd seen some horrific shit in this time, what with his various gruesome kills of assassins, but that was still shocking to this very day. He got up and tried to clear his head of these thoughts when suddenly the phone rang. He snatched it up.


"Hello Travis." Came that seductive French accent that Travis knew and loved oh so well.

"Hey. You've not called in ages." He replied, trying his hardest to be smooth and failing at it badly.

"Yes i…I've been trying to get the UAA back on its feet after Batt's death." Travis nodded. He smiled triumphantly, remembering how he knocked that annoying shit out of the window and then cut him in two. So damn satisfying… Though this revival of the UAA was definitely troubling. Travis had taken that establishment down for its mistreating of the assassins.

"So how's it going?"

"Quite well actually. We've found a new company willing to fund us. Have you ever heard of Mann .co?" Travis had as a matter of fact. They'd started up in the 1950's and deployed weapons all over the world. He'd googled them after he saw an ad for them on the auction site, where he acquired his beam katana.

"So, got any new assassins?"

"Yes. Nine of them actually. They're quite an interesting group really." Travis smirked. Maybe he would have a reason to go back into the ranks after all.

"So what're you calling for?"

"Well Travis…I wanted to ask you a favour." Travis raised an eyebrow and waited for her to continue. "You see, thanks to our initial collapse, we've lost a lot of popularity among the masses. I'd be ever so greatful if you'd go back into the rankings to give us a little publicity." Travis frowned and creases appeared in his forehead.

"Sylvia, don't you remember what I said to you on that rooftop? Assassins are human beings and I am not entering back again to be your pawn and kill them!" his apartment room practically shook from his loud voice. He was about to slam the phone down.

"Wait Travis! We've taken this into account!" she begged.


"Yes. Mann co. have provided us with something to allow the competition to be somewhat safer." Travis was three seconds from calling bullshit. Safer battles to the death? How the fuck was that possible?


"We've got a new policy. The danger of death is no longer a problem."

"The hell…"

"Mann co. have provided us with a special machine called a 'Spawner'."

"A Spawner?"

"Yes. Anyone who dies during the assassin battles is revived shortly afterward. They will still lose of course, but the battles will be much safer." Travis had to admit he liked the idea. Hell, this'd probably encourage more assassins to join the ranks.

"But what if they hold a grudge?"

"Before we're letting anyone fight, we'll make them sign a contract, restricting them from trying to take revenge on their opponents or the Spawner will be turned off when we kill them." Travis hummed for a short while, mulling over the idea. "And of course… you have a more tempting prise waiting at the top of the ranks." She teased.

"You…you mean…"

"Yes Travis. Exactly that." Travis whooped with excitement

"Hell yeah! Number 1, here I come!" Sylvia giggled.

"Very good. Well, come down to the UAA building so we can get the paperwork signed and get you set up."

Travis didn't need telling twice. He slipped on his familiar jacket, jeans and even his sunglasses. He scoured under his bed and found his beam katana, dusty from not being used all that much. But it was guarded by a pair of yellow eyes. Travis knew those eyes. He also knew how to sway the weapons guardian out. He rummaged around in some drawers and found a piece of string, feeding it under the bed. A paw batted at it and Travis reeled it in quickly, bringing the guardian with it.

Jean meowed as she batted at the string. She was starting to put on weight again. He'd have to start exercising her again. But for now, he let the cat enjoy her string, stroking between her ears as he reached under the bed, pulling out his trusty companion. He clipped it to his belt and left his apartment, locking the door as he left, rushing off to the UAA building.

Jeane stared at the door as her master left, wondering where he was off to. But she was troubled by something even bigger than that when a strange man materialised in the corner of the room. He grinned conspicuously and took out a cigarette.

"So… this is my target."