You are Karkat Vantas and you are sitting in the corner of an unknown hive, gawking at your tall troll friend while you clutch your sickle for some sort of comfort. You can't believe what you just heard. You can't believe that he chose now of all times to tell you something you have been wanting to hear for so fucking long. You want to say something, you want to hear him say it again to make sure you are hearing him correctly. But you don't want it to be now. You don't want it to be the moment before you die...

[earlier... aka: how the hell you got into this damned situation.]

You were all back on your home planet, Alternia. The game had ended. You all somehow won and pulled through. Motherfucking miracles as Gamzee put it. Point is, you were all back on Alternia and safe and sound. At least... you thought you would have all been safe and sound once the game had ended, but to put it bluntly, You were all fucking screwed.

There were two problems with being back on Alternia:

One: You were all teleported to the middle of fucking nowhere, miles away from your hives.

Two: The whole of Alternia was dead silent. No one was outside, even though it was night.

But that isn't the worst part of it all, oh no. The worst part of it is that there were smears of blood. All along the street there were trails of dried blood and smear marks where it looked like somebody was dragging a dead body. And, to top it all off, none of your friends were in sight. You had all been teleported to completely different areas, away from each other, separated. You were completely alone.

Seeing the rainbow array of colors all over the place made you feel extremely nauseous. You could feel yourself slowly getting light headed. You need to find a place with trolls before you fall over. Lucky for you. Your hemophobia isn't getting the best of you at the moment. Grasping your sickle tight, you glance around.

Everything looks eyrie and dark. Not that you mind it being dark, all trolls like the dark, but you can't shake a feeling that you have. Like someone is watching you. The dark and eyrie silence just makes it worse. You do, however, spot a hive with some lights on. Maybe some one was in there. Maybe some one could help.

You make your way across the road to the hive, running pretty fast. You ignore the weird noises you are hearing, passing it off as paranoia. Finally, you make it to the door with nothing to worry about. No one had tried to kill you, you didn't fall, and you could ignore the blood. As you near the already open door, the wind blows, creating a whistling noise as it rustles trees, making you jump.

Stop acting like a grubfucking scared wriggler! You yell at yourself.

But, when you actually step through the door into a lit room, you deem yourself the most unluckiest troll who had ever taken a breath of their miserable life. Your nausea comes back at full blast. Your eyes widen and you feel as though something is going to come up your protein chute. In the lit room are splashes of fresh blood. Everywhere. You start having slight trouble breathing. Unlucky you, you don't know what happens right after this. Your legs slip out from under you and you fall straight into a puddle of dark red blood, blacking out.