The Cave: Chapter 8

A/n: So sorry about the long wait. This chapter has been incredibly hard to write. Hopefully you enjoy this short chapter and I will try my hardest not to make you wait so long again!

Super thanks to Chocolate Scones for being a wonderful beta/sound board!

Xander, Lix34, 88la, Tess, Waz91, Meg224, Gigi, Gus, Mandy, Melody, Ana, DJ, kylie, Ta679, Ryan, ED, and a: Thank you so much for your wonderful reviews. I really do appreciate everyone!

The Reserved Reader: Thank you for the insight. I am working on the OOC. The events changed her, but I want her response to be Thirteenish... if that makes sense.

Kiki: The first chapter was suppose to be a flashback, at least that was what I was trying to allude to.

razmataz13drums: sorry about the censoring. It is honestly the way I usually talk. I know I need to be more... Thirteenish.

Chase hadn't built up the courage to go back to Thirteen just yet. His mind kept going back to what she asked him. Did he really expect to save her?

He searched himself for an answer. While he knew he would never be able to save her by himself, he needed to give her some kind of hope. Something, anything to hang on to.

The irony of the situation almost made Chase laugh; a man with no hope in his life was searching for someone else.

At that moment Chase saw only one option.

The hopeless man knelt down to pray.

"Doctors these days… never caring about patient's privacy." The new voice startled Remy.

"House." It wasn't a welcome, just an acknowledgment of his presence. It was only a matter of time before he showed up here. Part of her was hoping he just didn't care enough to leave his office, but she was smarter than that.

"You know, after two days of no show, one starts to worry." Remy let out a laugh. The nurse looked up from her voice, and gave Remy the note she was more than willing to kick the new man out at any second.

House doesn't say another word as he limped his way over to her bed. Without asking he took a seat and begun to really study her. It took a moment before words left his mouth. He just sat there, eyes half open and mouth slightly agape.

"Wrist? And to think my money was on alcohol and drugs," House said after a moment. Remy hesitated to even look at him. She was terrified as to what she might see in the older man's eye. Her mind went back to when she confessed to him at the spud gun conference. Would he really be that cold again?

Instead of staying to harass Remy, House stood up. He limped to the door before turning around.

"I thought I was going to kill you," House said quietly. "Next time, don't try to take my job; you obviously suck at it." Remy smirked as she watched him leave the room.

Remy had been left alone for some time. Her body begged her to sleep, but she was still too terrified of her continuous night terrors. Waking up screaming was not something she really wanted to experience in this hospital. They already thought she was crazy enough.

Remy took a deep breath before something at the door caught her eye. Eric. He just stood there; arms crossed as her watched her carefully. Remy wanted to say something, but for what seemed like the thousandth time, words escaped her.

Eric seemed to have the same problem. He opened his mouth, but closed it just as quickly. His eyes never left her as he moved to her bed.

Remy wanted to cry more now than ever before. As she looked into the eyes of her ex boyfriend, all she could see was how hurt and betrayed he was. In all her time knowing Eric, this was by far the most emotions he had ever shown.

"Why?" The word slipped through his mouth quietly.

There was that simple word again. If only her answer could be simple. If only she had an answer.

Eric didn't really wait for an answer, making Remy wonder if he actually wanted one. Instead he moved his hand slowly to her wrist. He took his eyes off hers and just stared at the bandages.

This was the first time someone stared at her wrist that Remy didn't feel complete shame. She didn't feel the need to hide the wound. It was a rather calming sense that overtook her.

Embarrassment finally did overtake Remy, as she pulled her wrist away. The movement was enough to knock Eric out of his trance. He got up and moved to leave. Stepping away from the bed, he looked Remy in the eyes one more time. He looked like he was going to say something, but before a word left his mouth he was out the door.