Kiss Me

(Note: This is my first fanfic. My fingers had recovered from surgery and I am able to type about 50 letters a minute. Though it may be painful, it is totally worth it. Please enjoy and no rude comments please. I may make a few mistakes, but this is my first time typing without the help of my cousin. Anyway, this is a fanfic for Special A and it is a romance for Hikari and Kei. Please enjoy!)

Hanozono Hikari, energetic as always, ran to school looking forward to her next challenge to her rival, Takishima Kei. As she walked through the gates, a huge crowd of students cried out "GOOD MORNING, HANOZONO-SAN!"

Hikari sighed "Guys, I told you already. Greet me normally." Hikari started walking toward the Greenhouse. She opened the doors and there was no one at the table. She took off her scarf and put down her bag. As she was about to sit, she heard the running of feet.

"I am sorry, but you know I can't help it!" shouted Tadashi being chased by Akira. "Get back here, you glutton! I will kill you for eating my angel Hikari's muffins." screamed Akira. Akira stopped chasing Tadashi when she caught the sight of Hikari. "Hikari-chan, good morning" said Akira sweetly, as she ran to hug her friend. She squeezed Hikari so tightly, that Hikari couldn't breathe. When Akira released her, she made some tea for the S.A and sat down. Meanwhile, Tadashi, still scared of Akira, stood behind a tree, trying to hide.

Akira set down a fresh plate of new baked muffins on the table. She turned around to prepare the silverware and when she faced the table, 3 sloths tried to sneak a muffin. Ryuu suddenly came running in with Megumi and Jun. "Excuse me, Akira. The kid sloths wanted to come with me until their mother rest from her sickness. Poor things." replied Ryuu. "Ryuu-nii, don't forget about us." wrote Megumi. Ryuu sighed. "Don't worry"

Everyone sat down and sipped their tea and ate their muffins. "Say, has anyone seen Takishima yet?" asked Hikari. Suddenly, a voice whispered into Hikari's ear "Aww! Did you miss me that much, ni-san?" Hikari's heart jumped and she turned around to see Takishima smirking at her. "Don't' just pop out of nowhere Takishima. That's not good manners! And don't call me ni-san!" shouted Hikari as she was blushing red. "Takishima, I challenge you to every test in every period of today. If I win, then you will have to admit defeat and that you are number two." exclaimed Hikari. "Fine by me, but if I win, I want…" Takishima whispered into Hikari's ear. Hikari was shocked "WHAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT!"

(Here was my first fanfic. I hope you like it. I am honored to write this on my birthday. I just turned 14! I know this chapter may be weird, so forgive me. Anyway, I thank you for all the ones who review this chapter. I promise there will be more. Thank you for all who support me!)