S: Hello again everyone! :DDD I split this chapter because I think it will be to long.

And I made Christmas a little bit sooner on my fic, but ideas was now streaming (yeah!) so I hope you enjoy reading this!

Miku's P.O.V

2 days later at Christmas eve...

I was busy making some snacks in the kitchen, everything was a mess...not because I was bad at cooking, but I'm just confused.

Today is a special day where me and Len spent some alone time together, where couples usually go together this time of year.

I wanted to make some home made sweets or Christmas snacks, but I don't know what to make.

I don't even know if he's going to like it or not..he must have an expensive taste.

I gave a huge sigh while holding a bowl of chocolate batter, then I realized that I should just make banana cupcakes!

Well...bananas are his favorite fruit! as I finished cooking, it turned out pretty well.

"Miku! are you cooking something?" My mom asked

"Yes, I'm making cupcakes! want some?" I said

"Um...just leave some on the table!"

"Okay, then..." I said and putted some on the table and some I wrapped up for Len

While waiting for the time, I decided to read the magazine that was infront of me.

I started reading it and found the modeling picture of Len with Neru.

I didn't like it at all, that she was beside him but it's just a picture, so I guess it's no big deal.

My handphone started ringing, I opened it and pressed the answer button.

"Hello?" I said

"Miku, it's me Len. I'm already downstairs waiting for you...and could you hurry up a bit? I've got a little trouble here"

"Sure, I'll be on my way down" I said

I closed the phone, grabbed the bag that's filled with banana cupcakes and rushed out.

As soon as I was in the lobby, I saw Len...again surrounded by girls that I usually see living here.

He looked troubled, I laughed a bit before I decided to help him.

Len looked at me and gave me a cold stare, which made me shiver and quickly went to help him.

"Sorry, but I'm here for my fiancee" He said with a sweat drop

"Eh? but aren't you busy? I saw a picture of you in my favorite magazine today!"

"It was just for a day, I wont be doing it anymore.." Len said

"Len..!over here!" I shouted from the near back

"Oh..!there she is, well I better get going then" Len said and left the girls

"Geez, I wanted to take a picture with him. this sucks!" said one of them while folding her hand

"Hey Len, is it okay if you just leave them all like that?" I asked concerned

"It's okay, I came here to spend time with you...not them" He said while pinching my cheek

"Ow...! why do you like to do that so much?" I said and rubbed my cheek

"I just can't stop...! your reaction is really cute when I bully you a bit" Len chuckled

I gave him a pout, which made him wanted to pinch me more.

Note to self: never pout when Len is with me.

I got into the car and waited for somewhere he thought for us to arrive.

As soon as the car stops, we went to a place where there was a huge Christmas tree, with all different kinds of shops to go to.

Len stepped out of the car and I did the same, the place was crowded with couples.

It made me feel nervous for some point.

"Shall we go?" Len said and gave me his hand

"Sure, let's go..." I said with my face red

We took a stroll around the shop, looking at stuff from different countries.

I was really enjoying my time with Len, but when I suddenly bumped into..Yuu?

"Miku-nee?" Yuu said surprised

"Yuu? what are you doing here?" I asked

"You guys know each other?" Len asked and looked a little unhappy

"Yes, I met him 2 days ago..." I answered

"You must be Miku-nee's boyfriend" Yuu said with a cold look

"No, actually we're engaged already" Len said and held me closer

"R-Really! ? is that true Miku-nee?" Yuu said in surprise

"I-it's true..." I said nervously

"Well, we're having a date so if you'll excuse us..." Len said

"Wait!" Yuu said and grabbed my hand

"What is it Yuu?" I asked him

"Do you really love this person?"

"Well, I do of course...is there something the matter?" I asked him

"N-no, I'm sorry to have interrupted you like this..." Yuu said with a sad face

My heart sank when I saw him react like that, he looks really lonely.

There was no sign of his sister anywhere...I can't leave him like this, but I'm in a middle of a date

"Yuu! before you go..." I said

"What is it..?" Yuu turned around to see me

I leaned to his cheek and gave him a quick kiss, his face turned bright red.

On the other hand Len was looking like he would chop a tree into half.

"Just think of this as a return kiss" I said and smiled

Yuu looked at me while placing his hand on his cheek, and suddenly ran off.

"Well, let's go Len..." I said

"Um..s-sure" Len answered

After I bumped to Yuu, Len doesn't seem to want to talk to me.

Is a kiss to a little boys cheek that bad?

"Len, are you mad at me? is it because I kissed him?" I asked

"O-Of course not!" Len answered with a blush

"Come on, it's written all over your face" I said

"W-well..I was, a little..."

"Len, you know that the only one that I like is you" I said and grabbed his hand

"I know, and there's no one else that I like but you to...but still I can't help it" Len looked down

I knew what I have to do, so I also gave him a kiss on the cheek.

And it actually worked, he stopped feeling depressed!

"There! now your both even right?" I said to him

"I guess so..." Len looked at me with a smile

"Now, let's start looking at shops again!" I said excitedly

"Sure what ever you say"

We took another stroll around, and I happen to look at a shop where they rent wedding dresses

It grabbed my attention, and made me think again, that I'm going to be married soon.

I don't know what will happen after that, will everything change for me? are we really getting married?

Len looked at me that was staring at the store with a blank face and grabbed my hand.

"Why don't we take a look inside?" Len said

"W-what...?" I asked while finally snapped out of my thoughts

"Come on!" Len said and dragged me inside

The place was filled with wedding dresses, made me say 'Wooow'.

Many different type's to choose all so beautiful, the store clerk walked to us with a happy face.

"Are you two here to get your wedding dress" She asked

"What? ! no no no no! it's nothing like that at all we were just-" I said with a blush while Len covered my mouth

"May, I see one of your finest dresses?" Len asked with a smile

"Of course you may, come over here please"

I followed her to a room where all the dresses were lined up.

"These are our finest and most expensive dresses we've got, and made from famous designers from all over the world!"

"Len, we aren't really going to rent one right?" I asked with a worried face

"Don't worry, we're not gonna...but I've heard that we can do a photo shoot here"

"So are you saying that we should do one?"

"Well, what do you think? I bet you'll look good in a white dress" Len smiled

"It is an opportunity to know how it feels like...so maybe we should?"

"Are you sure? it's going to cost alot of money you know..."

"I-I'm not pestering you or anything...!" I said

"Haha...I'm just kidding, come go inside and try one on"

"Okay..." I said and walked into the changing room

All the other helpers there, helped me put on my risky wedding dress.

It took a while, since were going to have a photo shoot will Len be dressed in a tux as well?

My face started to heat up, and before I knew it I was already finished putting on my dress.

"There! your all done! your husband is waiting outside for you!"

"M-my husband?" I gulped

S: This is the first part, so there will be the 2nd one. If you like this chapter please review XD

and sorry if there are typo's I'm too lazy to read it once again -_- *slaps self*