Author's note; I do not own Ao No Exorcist or any of its characters. Reviews are loved.

ANNOUNCEMENT! Okay, I know this took F-O-R-E-V-E-R to finally upload and I apologize. Who knew college could kill two birds with one stone? Took my time away and murdered inspiration. = v =;; Anyhow, Christmas break is coming up soon so I MIGHT take the chance to edit this as I stated in chapter six. But, I have other things that have caught my interest so I won't make any promises. D: You WILL know when I do though as there will be one more chapter in the remake than in this one… so you'll get that update… newletter… email… thing. 8D

Thank you everyone who's stuck through. With any luck I'll write more fiction in general next year!

"Back to school we go," Naoki sighed as she headed in the direction of the large campus. True, they would get there a hell of a lot quicker if they could travel the exact same way that they had come… but Naoki had had enough heights to last her a lifetime. No. They were going to walk. Whether the green haired male wanted to or not.

It was an easy journey that was without a single awkward silence. But the female chalked that one up to the large bag of candy she held. Both were able to keep a piece in their mouth and, because of that, neither felt the need to fill the empty air with trivial conversation.

The candy made it easier for Naoki to stand walking by him. Knowing that he wasn't going to drive her crazy so long as she gave him candy meant that she didn't mind taking up less space on the sidewalk.

It wasn't until they were standing in front of an abandoned door that Naoki realized her key was back in the classroom. Leaving her with only one method to get back… "I'm going to need therapy after this…" she groaned. Apparently lady luck wasn't on her side today. Turning to Amaimon she frowned.

"Thanks to you I don't have my key." He just cocked his head to the side.

"There's only one way to get back to the classroom…" she tried to give him hints but it didn't seem to be working.

"We'll have to go back the way we came…" still nothing.

Finally frustrated she stomped her foot and glared at him. "Seriously. You're going to make me say it! The only way we'll get back to the classroom is if you freaking carry me back!"

He just popped another piece of candy into his mouth.

Beyond pissed, Naoki was about to storm off when, in the blink of an eye, he scooped her up and sprung into the air.

She hadn't screamed so loud since the first time he had picked her up.

But soon enough he was standing back in the classroom… in the midst of her classmates. She felt her eyebrow twitch before scrambling to be put down. No sooner had her feet met the floor than every person in the room was preparing for a fight.

Amaimon crunched down on the candy in his mouth before looking at Rin and his sword. A spring and he was standing in front of the younger boy. His hand snaked out to grab the 'gate' from Rin but the instant his fingers wrapped around its sheathe he was blindsided by a lollipop being flung at him.

"What the hell did you promise me?" Naoki growled.

Amaimon blinked for a moment before a slight 'Ah' left his mouth and he let go. "Sorry Nao-chan." She growled at him but let his 'nickname' go. The green haired male turned to Rin and gave him one last look before disappearing altogether.

The room was filled with complete silence. Each person astonished at what had just happened.

It was Shima who broke the silence first.

"Naoki… What just happened!"

A shiver ran up her spine and Naoki suddenly realized that their entrance had not been a good idea for her. It looked as though she was not going to be able to go back to her dorm room in peace. "Oh brother."

"Um… I got kidnapped and returned?" She tried to joke but no one was really having that. Instantly she was swarmed.

"How did you get him to listen to you!"
"How are you still alive?"

"What did he want?"

"Can you teach me that? Whatever it was."

She sighed before placing her fingers to her lips and letting a shrill whistle loose. "Hey! Back off you vultures. I'd like to be able to breathe if you don't mind. Hard to answer questions when you're being suffocated."

They backed off, but only by a small fraction of a step. Knowing that was the best she was going to get, Naoki sighed. "Um… Honestly I have no idea."

Yukio gave her an accusing glance.

"Look, the only reason I know him is because he came into my family's candy shop with Mephisto once. That's about all that I know." She tried to think about what she wanted to say next. And how she was going to escape. "Truth be told, I don't think that he's all that bad. Just overly curious is all. He's like a newborn kitten or puppy. He doesn't seem to know better."

All she got in response was a room full of dropped jaws.

Naoki just wanted to go back to her dorm. So, she devised a small plan in her mind before putting it to use. "Oh my god! Is that a demon eating students!"

As soon as every head turned Naoki grabbed her bag and bolted from the classroom. Skipping her lesson for the day seemed a whole lot easier than dealing with all the questions she was likely to get. So she decided to run strait for her dorm room. Besides, she wanted a shower.

Naoki had taken a shower, managed to find dinner, and fell asleep in a matter of a few hours. Her adventure had taken all her sanity and it was time to recharge and gain some back.

At least that was what she wanted to do.

Instead, at three in the morning, she woke to the sound of someone knocking on her window. She sprung into a sitting position and looked to the source of the noise. Just in time to feel a wave of homicidal intent wash over her. She sprung from her bed and bolted out of her dorm room. Listening to the sound of her footsteps as she raced down the hallway and out of the building. She clenched her fingers into a fist and found her voice.

"What the hell are you doing waking me up so damn early!" She snarled.

All the green haired male did was jump back to the ground and stand in front of her. He said nothing and just stood there offering Naoki a bag. She assumed candy was in it as it was the only 'gift' he knew she liked, unless he was trying to kill her in some clever manner. In which case there were a lot of options. But she decided to play the optimist and gently took it. She opened it and smiled.

Gently she wrapped her hand around one of the lollipops and pulled it from its container. There was no color on the wrapping, just a black question mark. She studied it for only a moment before placing it back, folding down the top of the bag and placing it on the ground. That done she turned her attention to the male before her. Eventually she motioned for him to come closer, and oddly enough he did just that.

In the blink of an eye she wrapped her hands about his neck and allowed her lips to find his.

The kiss didn't last long and soon enough she had let him go and picked her bag up again. A smile on her lips she glanced at the sky before pulling a lollipop out and unwrapping it. Before she placed it in her mouth she smirked at him. "Keep up this good-guy act. It suits you."

The lollipop was put in her mouth and she headed back into her dorm building. Not bothering to look behind her. She knew she'd see him again… she had just made herself a lot more interesting. Of that she was absolutely sure.

- El Fin -