*Weak smiley face* hi…. Read on!

Hard times don't create heroes.

It is during the hard times when times

when the 'hero' within us is revealed."

-Bob Riley

Orihime, no she can't be gone. No.

Every fiber in my body wanted to reject the idea that she was taken from my grasp. I didn't even really know the girl so why did it hurt so bad? I was raised to not fall on love. I believed that I would die with an arranged marriage only to keep my family linage of Assassins. Love was an option, and a bad one at that. The more people you cared about the wide range of hostages that the Templars had. If they found out that I was falling for someone they would try to capture them as fast as possible. Cazzo. Cazzo. CAZZO! This can't be happening!

Why were we given the one room that was accessible by the outside world? I punched the mirror and ran outside. Rain began to fall with heavy drops. I ran. I always do this. I run from the truth. Afraid to answer to my failures. Rain pelted my face. My hood and clothing grew heavy with water as it fell harder. The hood slipped off of my spiked orange locks. I pushed passed bystanders that were scurrying out of the rain and trying to find shelter. My vision grew blurry as I found the highest point it Rome...

The coliseum was taller then I remember but I didn't care. I climbed up half of it till I had to go into the large building in order to continue my journey. My hair was soaked along with my entire body. Misjudging the distance that I needed to jump to grab the ledge, slipped and fell to the ground on my back. Pain ripped through my entire body but I didn't care. I jumped up as fast as I could and climbed back up. Thunder rolled as I got to the top. Falling on my knees tears rolled down my face. I screamed at the top of my lungs. I let myself have feelings for someone and now she's gone.

My vision was slowly disappearing, a crack of lighting lit up Roma. Fine take me. I don't care anymore. I then let my bloodlust take over my body. I fell into the welcomed darkness.


"Ichigo" someone's calling me. "Ichigo!" Shut up. "Wake... The fuck... Up!" a fist connected with my jaw and stomach and I jumped up and tackled them to the ground and pressed my sword to their throat.

"Chill man! Jeez!" said the red haired man that I met when I first came to Roma. What was his name? Did he even say his name? "Get off of me asshole! We gotta go before the Polizia come!" he pushed me off of him and grabbed my hood. "I don't know why the fuck you decided that killing almost every guard in the entire city was a good idea but you fucking ruined a riot that was to help us." he looked around frantically "We can't hide because you're covered in blood"

No shit pineapple. A watery voice sad in my head.
Who are you? I asked.
Are you as stupid as he is? I'm your fucking instinct or your blood lust asshole.
Why can you talk to me?
You are a fucking Assassin. Your blood lust is so strong that it manifested into a separate entity. You have two minds now. This creature spoke as though it was as easy as learning the alphabet.
That's because it is bitch.
Shut the hell up. Were you the reason why I'm in this mess?! I yelled at the thing.
Yes. And I do have a name dick. I'm not a fucking thing.

Choosing to ignore him I forced him to the back of my mind and continued to run with Renji. Shit is was getting bad fast.

We ran into a dead end and Renji started climbing the wall quickly, I followed suit. I was just about to pull myself over the roof when a sharp hard rock hit me in the back

"Nobody want you here Assassino! Muori figlio di una cagna!" A simple citizen yelled from below me. Another series of stones hit me hard, I growled as my grip started loosening. I took off one hand and reached to the side of my stomach where I keep my throwing knifes.

Turning my head slightly, I flicked my wrist and threw the knife. I threw it at such an angle where I just barely hit the man's foot and the knife stuck in the ground firmly I looked at the man who stopped throwing rocks with the rest of the crowd and started up at me.

I mouthed the words "Mai danneggiare un innocente." I pulled the rest of my body over the roof and I heard the man yell "we have to help him. He's not the enemy!" I smirked as I ran faster trying to catch up to Renji.
An arrow was shot and I just barely dogged it in time before it was lodged in my brain, seeing who it came from I rushed the archer and jump on him. A started squeak escaped his lips as my hidden blade found purchase in his throat.

I caught up to the red haired male. "So how are you able to do this? Climbing and running on roofs I mean?" I asked. The fact that he would even approach me is shocking.

"I'm from the thieves' guild." He paused contemplating his next words. "La Volpe sent me. You were missing for 2 days. We found the note in your bedroom. We assumed the worst... the place that Lady Inoue is held captured in, have been found… we know where she is. The only problem is that the place she is stayed his heavily guarded… only a trained killer can get in there. That's why he sent me… to find you and give you this information."

"Where is she!? Is she safe?! Is she ok?! Did they hurt her!? I swear if they laid a finger on her…" A hundred different emotions rocked through me as we continued running.

I will fill you in on the details later… first… we GOTTA RUN!" he yelled as we landed on the ground alerting nearby guards.

A long while later. Renji and I sat panting in a sewer that we slipped into.

"Ok. Once the heat dies down I'll tell you her location." We tore down poster after poster till our notoriety went down. By the time that guards just thought we were regular people, it was dawn. I ran to a tailor and dyed my clothes pitch black for the night mission. I love the night. In my personal opinion… it was the perfect time to sneak in, get what I want and get out.

"Ok she's in the prisons, but be careful… the personal prisons are currently being watched by Grimmjow. Good luck." He snuck off just as the sun set beyond the horizon.

"Hold on Orihime... I'm coming for you." I said as I slipped on my black hood and started watching the patrols habits.

Sorry this chapter was so late C: I wuv you guys… I just have been going through a tough time… but I got a pet bunny and it's the cutest and softest pet ever C: BTW I'm starting another story cuz I felt like it… I'm gonna try and upload it this weekend… does anyone ever read these? I guess not… man I'm weird… here I am talking to no one… great… I'll be going now… bai…

~Hichigolvr signing out


Cazzo- fuck (can also mean dick but in this tense I used f)

Roma- Rome (you should know this… D:)

Polizia- police

Assassino- Assassin

Muori figlio di una cagna!- die you son of a bitch

Mai danneggiare un innocente- never harm an innocent