Please don't read this if you haven't read Son of Neptune (the actual one, not a fanfic). Just a little one shot because I wasn't really happy with the ending of SoN. My first fanfic so please be nice, I would appreciate constructive criticism but no flames please!

Hope you enjoy

Disclaimer: I own nothing (sadly) :''(

Percy's POV

I stood and watched nervously as the giant warship with a golden dragon head came down from the ceiling of the forum. My heart was beating out of my chest;

I knew Annabeth was on that ship. I don't know how, I could just tell. It's like when there's a really annoying person staring at the back of your head and you can feel the weight of their gaze, only it's not as irritating and it's more nerve-wracking.

I looked around me at the other people in the forum: there was Reyna, looking slightly wistful but fierce and ready for battle, Frank and Hazel, holding hands and sneaking glances when they thought the other wasn't looking, Dakota,

Gwen, Tyson and Ella the harpy, who blushed every time Tyson said something, and Octavian, with all of the legions standing behind him, giving me a stare that anyone else looking might interpret as sympathetic, but which I knew translated to I will kill you later, Jackson. Okay, now I wasn't so sure that

Annabeth was on the ship. Maybe it was just Octavian and his intense stare that was giving me that weird feeling. I shivered. I really didn't like that guy; there was something off about him.

The ship was nearly on the ground, and I trembled with anticipation. I could see a boy about my age at the controls. He had curly black hair, and was smiling a crazy smile. He was the guy from the video/parchment/thing - the one that Hazel got really spooked about – and he looked exactly the same as the other person in the picture with Hazel from ages ago, but obviously he couldn't be the same guy since he died a long time ago.

Crash. You could feel the ground shake slightly as the ship landed softly on the street of New Rome.

The side of the ship slowly lifted up to reveal three figures standing there.

Two of them came out together, a girl with chestnut brown hair and beautiful features, and a boy with spiky blonde hair – the ones I saw in my dream. The boy must be Jason, and the girl…Piper, maybe? I'd heard Leo, the Supreme

Commander of the Argo 2, shout her name in the video/parchment/thing.

Reyna and the legion shouted out in triumph, and so did Octavian, however it was somewhat reluctant. Reyna appeared to have forgotten about her weapons and ran straight to Jason, enveloping him into a hug. Was it my imagination, or did Piper deflate a little bit when she saw that?

Everyone else started to celebrate, but I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy looking at the next person who stepped out of the ship. She had a slim athletic figure, and was wearing a faded Camp Half-Blood T-shirt and skinny jeans, had natural blonde curly hair, and stormy grey eyes. Her owl earrings glittered in the sunlight. She was the single most beautiful person I had ever seen, and she was mine. Annabeth.

She turned around to face me and our gazes locked. At that moment everything else eclipsed. All of the sound diminished and the people watching out exchange vanished from my sight. It was just me and Annabeth.

My face broke out into a manic smile as my heart burst in uncontrollable joy. She returned my smile faintly and took a faltering step towards me, as if she wasn't sure I was really there. I closed the distance between us in seconds and put my arms around her. She hugged me to her, and then pulled away. There were tears in her eyes as she brought her lips crashing down on mine and let me tell you it was the sweetest kiss I had ever tasted.

After a while we broke apart, and I rested my chin on her head, catching my breath. All of the campers were catcalling and cheering, but I ignored them.

"I've missed you, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth murmured into my chest. There were tears spilling down her cheeks, but I was pretty sure they were tears of joy.

"I've missed you too, Wise Girl," I replied. I almost felt like crying myself.

I felt like I was finally where I belonged. I was finally home.

Tada! You like? Please review!

Not sure if the ending was good enough, but oh well.