Hello Readers!

This is HinaCham here and I wanted to let you all know this;I know that this story has been on everyone's minds, and I could EVEN say it's the most popular out of all of my other's stories.

Now after much thought I have decided to discontinue this story, I know that some of you may be thinking 'What a waste of time' and 'NOW you tell us' but I honestly thought I would be able to continue. The issue is..is that I'm not in a place to think about my stories, there some much more important issues I have to take care of.

That and the fact that I just have no idea how to continue on this story, I refuse to continue it and to make mistakes and disappoint you guys, I love the positive comments that some of you all leave me. I don't expect every single one of you all to understand this, if not then I understand completely.

With all that said, I do wish to see this story continue so for now I'm putting this up for adoption. It will go to the first pm I get, and if the author is qualified of course. You can change up the recent chapters I have, I just ask to keep the OC's and their names.

I truly apologize if I have disappointed anyone, and I thank you all for the love you have put into this story.
I hope he/she who takes on this story will have as much fun as I did when I first thought about it.

Thanks to you all

Bye for now! xoxo