Danny Phantom and Melissa Ghost

By Issamel

Chapter One

The Start

It had been a very long night and knowing that the summer was over just made it worse. Danny Fenton was going to be a sophomore at Casper High and he wasn't looking forward to it. The ghosts had been appearing more often than not and he, Sam, and Tucker were all feeling drained. The last ghost they had fought during the end of summer was a new one. He was smarter than Technus, stronger than Skulker, and more powerful than the Fright Knight. He didn't say anything about any plans but you can never be too careful.

Melissa is fourteen. She used to live in the country land of Kansas but something happened to her and her family. Melissa was not shy but she didn't have many friends. She didn't mind though. She had two friends that she had met through a repair workshop. (Melissa always broke stuff so she wanted to learn how to fix them.) They were Alejandro (or Al) and Miguel. They all loved to act like children but when there was something that caught their eyes they went to work until it was finished.

One afternoon Melissa and her friends were playing hide-n-seek tag in a part of an abandoned prairie. Melissa was the fastest out of them so she took off and left Miguel and Al to decide who was going to be "it". Al was chosen to be "it" after a coin toss that he lost. Melissa was a good distance away and kept walking. After a while she saw an old shed. She was also very curious and actually forgot about the game. Little did she know but the decision to go inside would decide the fate for the rest of her life.

She walked up to where a door used to be and walked inside the shed. It was actually quite large and filled with weird tools and test tubes. 'Strange', Melissa thought. She continued looking and when she reached the back of the shed she noticed the wooden floor turn to dirt. In front of her were two doors on the floor, like the entrance to a cellar. She opened the doors and went under.

When her eyes finally adjusted to the new level of darkness she could see a large metal circle with two broken, heavy looking, automatic doors. She turned her attention to a steel laboratory table with more test tubes and many scattered papers. Just as she was about to pick some up to read them, she was poked by Al.

"Got ya," he said.

"Would you two knock it off!" Melissa yelled as Miguel Came out from behind Al. "I just found this and I would love to see if we can't fix this metal ring thing," she finished.

"What I want to know is how we would fix it," stated Miguel, "the thing looks old and rusted. It would take forever to fix."

"Fine then I'll do it by myself," Melissa threatened. Al and Miguel seemed to suddenly have a change of heart because they knew that Melissa could tie them both in a knot and leave them in a tree like a piñata. She had done that before. They started working that night. _

A week later and they had finished fixing the steel ring and the doors.

"It looks just like the sketches, all we have to do now is plug it in and it should work," as Melissa spoke Alejandro and Miguel picked up the huge extension wires and put them together. Nothing happened. Melissa thought they didn't put the plugs together all the way. She checked to make sure they had and they did. She wanted to take a look inside the machine so she put on her favorite jumpsuit for electrical working. It was black with white gloves and white boots and on her chest were her initials with a capital M on top of a lower case g that had a streak in an s form at the bottom. Like a tail. All the lettering was in white too.

She carefully went inside and tried not to trip over any wires and checked for torn cables. There were none so on her way out she had to use the wall to keep her from falling and leaned against a part of the wall. There was a loud BEEP and a green light flashed from behind her. It hurt so badly and it felt like she was on fire but is was also cold like ice. She looked at her hands and legs to only be able to see her bones. She screamed even louder now and then she grew weak and blacked out.

When Melissa Gomes awoke she was on a large rock and surrounded by an atmosphere of green. She saw ghosts flying around her and then he came. It was Danny Phantom. He blasted away the swarm of ghosts to reach her. After the ghosts had fled he came toward her.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine thank you. But I need to get home."

"And where is 'home' exactly?"

"I'm from Kansas. I think it's…" Melissa was cut off by the Ghost.

"I know where you came from. Let me take you back," he said as he offered his hand. Melissa grabbed it and he took her to the portal.

"Thank you so much, I just can't thank you enough," Melissa said.

"It's my job and it was very nice to meet you," Danny said then flew away.

Melissa went through the portal and saw the room in a mess. She then saw Miguel walk in and he told Melissa that she had been gone for a week and that because of her disappearance her parents put her up for adoption and that someone named Vlad Masters had adopted her and was waiting.

"Do you know where my parents are?" she asked.

Miguel shook his head, "They left town and that Vlad guy is waiting for you outside."

Melissa, followed by Miguel, walked out into the sunlight and saw a well-dressed man with long white hair tied back in a ponytail, smiling faintly.

"Hello Melissa, my name is Vlad Masters, I am so sorry that your parents decided to give you up. I read your adoption description and thought that we had very similar personalities. I hope that in time you do look to me as a father figure," he finished. There was a limo behind him and he opened the door as if to say please come in. Melissa relunctly went inside the limo and Vlad followed in after her and shut the door.

Vlad followed in after her and shut the door.

"So where do you live?" asked Melissa.

"Oh, I actually have two homes. One is in Wisconsin and the other in Ohio in a little city called Amity Park," he looked down at his watch that he was wearing," which is where we are headed."