"Good going, genius!" Light groaned, twitching slightly.

"Thank you very much, Light-kun. It means much to me," the world's three greatest detectives said.

Light Yagami groaned. It had been Ryuzaki's fault that they were in this mess! If the detective hadn't been so sugar-craved, then they wouldn't be all tangled up from the chain connecting them together. They wouldn't both be in awkward positions, in their boxers, at two in the morning.

"Seriously, Ryuzaki, you could have just told me that you wanted cake! I would've moved! Or you could have removed the chain…" Truthfully, Light didn't want Ryuzaki to remove the chain. He liked being around the detective 24/7. He liked having to sleep in the same queen-sized bed as him. Hell, he loved L Lawliet. But that's something that will never be said or known…

"Is Light-kun suggesting that he would like the chain to come off?" the raven-haired man muttered to himself. "Hm… Light-kun's chance of being Kira: Rose by 3%."

Light groaned. "Ryuzaki, I'm not Kira!"

The detective put his thumb to his lips, which made Light tumble forward painfully, in their awkward position.

"I see," Ryuzaki said. He shrugged. "Oh well. You're never going to confess, anyway."

Light groaned. "Ryuzaki, can you forget about that for one second and please get us out of this position? I feel like I'm dry-humping you."

Ryuzaki observed the chain, as it wrapped around Light's torso, and went up to his arm, pulling it back. Light was on top of him, while the chain wrapped around Ryuzaki's arm and back. One tug, and Light would be forced onto the detective…

Ryuzaki shook away his horny thought and pondered over whether or not Light-kun should…

Damn. The pervy thoughts are back.

Ryuzaki sighed. "I am afraid that it is too difficult for me to figure out," he said, lying. He wanted Light-kun to stay on top of him.

Light groaned. "But you're L, the great detective! Come on, there's got to be something you can do!"

Ryuzaki shook his head. "We're just going to have to stay till morning, and wait till the others notice our absence and find us."

Light sighed. "Fine. But we have to do something to do so I am entertained."

"Fine. Let's talk, then."

"Well what do you want to talk about then?"

Ryuzaki smiled his 'justice will prevail' smirk, and said, "Our feelings. I'll go first. Light-kun, I'm horny for you, and I'm in love with you. Your turn?"