"What do you mean I should be dead?"

"He means that you have more endurance than any elf, possibly even a medium sized dragon for the shape your in. You do not seem to be tired at all" Arya

"I am tired, just not enough to show it."

"Well we should go into my kingdom before we are found."

"I don't understand. Why those tree's would hide us any better than the ones we are in now? And why did we need to stop flying?" The Riders and their dragons moved to an opening in the trees while Eragon explained.

"The Forest Kingdom of Du Weldenvarden is the ancient home of the elves, protected by so many years of protective spells that no one alive today knows them all. Among them is one that dispels all magic , and dragons do not fly with magic alone. That part of the barrier ends at the treetops to prevent the recasting of peaceful and protective spells on those who enter."

"Well what would prevent the Du Gata or one of their Shades from just walking in here?" At this Arya said,

"There are a great many spells dealing with them. The main spells being those of banishment. Those Shades that get to close to the barrier will burn, those that attempt to cross it will have the spirits loosed from them. If they survive that, the spirits they had imprisoned would likely turn on the Shade and destroy them."

"Those spirits sound very strong to do that." Eragon replied with,

"They can do a great many things Ichigo. Ayra and I were out in the plains to the south, on the run from pursuers during the war, when some spirits came to us. One touched a flower and turned it to gold."

"That sounds amazing!"

"That was the most simple thing about it. The flower was still alive! I returned there two years ago and there were about thirty of them. I ended up taking one for decoration in the Riders city. It has taken quite nicely in the terrain and is starting to spread. The mountain in which the city is built will be beautiful when they truly take hold."

But Ichigo did not here the last part of Eragon's description of the Rider's city. His face had started to grow hot as they walked and just as the elven city came into view he felt a wave of pain across his body and he passed out.

The last thing he heard was the cry of alarm from his dragon.

Sorry about the shorter-than-usual chapter.

However the next is much longer!