The herd's home

It could only be described as a fantasy, but to Lucille, it was just a wonderful dream which would never end. Overlooking the farm land from the wooden terrace, her eyes dancing over the countless balls and toys scattering the garden, a smile blossomed on her face. Her deep brown eyes lit up at each toy she saw, smirking at the combination of arrangement of which only a child could make. A slight breeze pulled back her side fringe, and brushed it against her rosy cheeks. Her wavy chocolate hair glistened in the setting Kansas sun, and bounced in rhythm with the slowing wind. The clouds passed by her without a care in the world, and smeared a glorious peach and pink smudge in the sky. Stretching out her arms on the wooden rail, she leaned forward slightly and breathed in deeply. How could anything be so tranquil? So peaceful and beautiful, nothing could ruin this little moment, but in Lucille's life, these moments were fairly rare. She intended on making ever minute count, and the thought of anything ruining her little piece of paradise became faded.

Lucille turned elegantly in her floral strap top with snug fitting jeans toward her loving home. In front of her stood the gorgeous white, wooden panelled house, with its large windows and volume, how could it be any better? Lucille had earned herself a rather luxurious life, although she couldn't help feel something was missing. She gazed over at the garden wall clock and gazed at the two hands. Squinting in the orange glow, being produced by the sun, she sighed in the knowing it had just passed 7 o'clock. Once more she strolled over to the rail and held it with a gentle but firm grip. She peered toward the edge of the land, possibly stretching 100m in front of her and smiled hugely when she saw the familiar figure of her second youngest running toward the house. His cooper locks glimmered in the slow setting sun and he had a smile bigger than the sun it's self. He stopped half way and waved at his mother, before turning round and shouting something. Just as he did, four more figures appeared from behind the wooden gate the cooper haired boy had run through just seconds ago. It was when she saw her eldest, piggy backing her youngest that she smiled even more then she had been. She slumped slightly, in full knowing all her darlings were home, and felt no need to feel any worry for her babies.

She watched all her sons jog back toward their home, and her heart grew when she saw the smiles each of her sons carried. She knelt down as her second youngest, Gordon leaped into her embrace. Her water loving baby held tightly and breathed heavily from jogging and running. Lucille stroked his cooper locks and smiled over his shoulder as her oldest strode up the wooden steps and slowly released Alan, the youngest of the five, off his back and down onto the deck. Lucille out stretched her arm toward Alan, and he happily accepted the offer, and joined Gordon in the loving hug. Lucille loved her darlings ever so much, and won't give up anything in the world for them. She looked up from kissing Alan and Gordon on the heads toward her eldest brunette son, Scott. He stood aside slightly, and smiled at his mother with happiness and tiredness in his eyes. He had been looking after his brothers all day, and as he had recently turned 17, their parents had trusted him to care for them all.

Lucille considered Scott for a while and mused to herself,

When did you get so tall? It felt like only yesterday I could hold you in my arms. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how proud I am of you Scotty. I truly am blessed with some talented sons, and your no exception sweetie.

Lucille stood up from hugging Alan and Gordon and stretched her arms out toward Scott. He paused momentarily but then gave in to the gesture, just as easily as his 11 and 12 year old brothers had done. Scott could never refuse a hug from his mother, maybe his dad, but his lovely mum? No. The brunette rested his head on his mum's, only further reminding her that he wasn't a young child anymore. Scott, taking after his father, had joined as a junior, to the US Air Force, and had even been invited to study at Yale University for his next year. Lucille frowned slightly, remembering the night they discussed Scott's decisions. But they were his, and as a caring mum, whatever made her babies happy, made her happy. She pulled away and checked him over; reassuring herself, he was in one piece. Scott's eyes rolled and started dusting himself down, to prove a point,

"Mum, I'm 17 you know, not 2! I'm perfectly fine, look, see? I escaped un-injured"

"Yes, ok Scotty, I know how old you are, I was there when you were born. I just don't like the thought of one of you hurt, and you not tell me"

Scott turned a red shade, and smirked in a guilty fashion before heading over to Gordon and Alan and letting them indoors. He unlocked the heavy brown door and allowed them to rush in, and in different directions. Scott had in the past denied any injuries and as a result they'd become serious, so Lucille was forever paranoid about him. He smiled once more at her and then turned away and ran up the stairs, 2 at a time. Lucille watched him ascend them and then turned back to look toward the steps when she saw a platinum, blond haired teen and another brunette haired teen walking toward her, she smiled even more. The blond, taller and much bigger build then herself wrapped himself around his mum and chuckled slightly, before turning around to his slightly younger brother,

"Hey Virg, did you want to tell mum about that idea you had?"

Virgil hesitated, and then stepped forward to hug his mother and suggest his idea,

"Ermm, yeah, well I thought that we should all go out tomorrow, seeming as it's a Sunday and dad won't be working"

Lucille frowned a sad smile, and rubbed Virgil's shoulders. They both knew the chances of Jeff, the father to all of Lucille's son's, would most likely be working, even though it was a Sunday. Jeff Tracy was a very wealthy business man, and owned a number of businesses including his own, Tracy Industries. If he were ever to have any free time, he would either spend it with his boys, or doing more work. Virgil knew his dad fairly well, and knew he usually resorted to his office, and worked until late. Lucille looked at John, the blond, with thought and turned back to Virgil,

"Virgil, sweetie, it sounds like a lovely idea, but whether your father is busy or not is another question. Where were you thinking of going?"

John saw Virgil drop slightly and simply strolled to the door, hanging his head in disappointment. John and Lucille watched him close the door quietly and then turned to one another, with John stating the question's all the boys wanted to know the answers to,

"Mum, I don't understand, why would dad want so many kids if his doesn't even have the time to be with us? This isn't fair on us or you; he's always working and never seems to want to be home"

"Johnny, darling I've told you time and time again. It's his job to be busy, and no matter how little time he spends with you, he will always love you, and you know that"

"Mum, I'm 15, the only thing dad loves his work and his babies, and I'm not Alan's age"

Lucille smiled at his comment; it was always funny when John tried to be serious,

" No, no you're not, but then again Alan isn't a baby either, your his children and when he talks about you, he wishes he could be with you more often. He knows just as well as you do, that he doesn't spend enough time with all of you, and trust me, he's trying to change that"

John straightened up a bit, and took sudden realization into hand,

"So maybe, he'll want to do something with us tomorrow?"

Lucille bit her lip and looked toward the edge of the garden again. She knew that the chances of Jeff having tomorrow off were slim, but just as she thought of him, a black 4x4 Porsche pulled up to driveway gate. The iron gates pulled forward and the black Porsche rolled up toward the double garage. John watched as his father stepped out, dressed in a suit, with his matching brief case and jogged up the steps,

"Evening Honey, how's my gorgeous wife?"

Jeff removed his sunglasses and kissed Lucille loving on the lips. John folded his arms and eyed his father with a question on his tongue. Jeff pulled away and looked Lucille lovingly in the eyes, and stoked her soft hair. Jeff hadn't forgotten John was standing there, but he had always wanted his wife to know just how much he loved her. He finally turned to John,

"Evening son, how are you and the boys"

John looked back to his mother, and she simple nodded at him,

"Yeah, me and the guys are fine, but I have something to ask you"

Jeff looked back at Lucille to get any clue as to what the something was, but got nothing as she left them both on the deck. Jeff placed his brief case down on the floor and flung his suit jacket over the railing,

"Do you want to go for a walk, to discuss what's on your mind?"

John looked almost surprised at him; maybe Lucille meant it when she said he had been thinking about them a lot recently. He smiled at his dad, who was now urging him on to leave the deck,

"Sure dad"