Me:Yes, this is it people! The final chapter of the Story of a kidnapped girl. I feel all nostalgic now. Mhm

Valon:I'm just glad it's done

Me:Until I write the sequel. Eventually.

Alister:Right, eventually

Raphael:Anyway, Blood thirsty Angle does not own Yugioh and never will. She owns none of its characters. She would like no flames for this story, but she appreciates everything else. That is why she tends to thank people for reviews

Me:It's true! I do! :)

Valon:Ignore her, now please read the final chapter. If you hated the last few ones, we understand.

Me:I didn't hate it!

Alister:That's because you're the author


"Master Dartz, why did we have to leave our duels?"

Dartz looked over his shoulder to see Alister with a questioning scowl on his face. Dartz gave a sigh and addressed the red head calmly. "My plan had reached its goal."

"What, that the pharoah came to the island?"

"No, that I morphed one of my warriors into the finest one that i desired."

Alisters eyes widened. "So this is what it was really all about? That Tea was useless."

Dartz waved his hand. "You might see it that way, but she played an important role, whether she knows it or not."

"How so?" Mai asked, her arms crossed an and angry look on her face. Dartz smirked. "She turned Valon into the perfect soldier."

Raphaels eyes widened. "What! You mean...Valons...changed?"

Dartz nodded. "He'll now do exactly what I say without questioning me. Any chance he gets at defeating the pharoah and his pals, is one step closer to rescuing his 'beloved Tea.'"

Mai glared at him. "That's insane!"

Dartz shrugged. "Too late to change him now. I doubt he'll listen to any of you anymore."

At that moment another figure walked in. All three of them turned to see Valon come in. Only, this wasn't the Valon they knew. This was a complete stranger. A stranger with a dead look in his eyes.


Tea turned around from the sunset she was watching to see Mokuba running towards her, a grin on his face. She smiled gently at him. "Hey there yourself Mokuba. Whats going on?"

"We're getting ready to moveout soon. Seto just wanted me to tell you."

Tea snorted. Of course Kaiba would't come out here and tell her that himself. He was much to important for that. Mokuba frowned. "Tea?"


"Is something wrong?"

Tea shook her head. "No, everything is fine."

Mokuba looked down, his voice dropping a little. "You just seem so sad recently. Did something happen?"

Tea smiled softly and patted his head. "No, I just have something on my mind that is all. Don't worry yourself too much, okay?"

Mokuba gave her an uneasy look, but nodded anyway and took off towards the trailor. Tea watched him as he ran inside the door. Her smile fell and she looked up at the sky. 'Valon,' she said to herself. 'I will stop you, because after all that has happened, I really do love you.'

The end of part one

Me:Yeah yeah it was short, but it was never planned to be long in the first place.

Valon:I can't believe I'm crazy now.

Me:Yeah, well people do stupid things when they're in love

Valon: True

Me:Well, the sequel won't be up for awhile, since I have other things to work on. I just wanted to get this one done with.

Alister:We'll see you next time. I think

Me:Ta ta for now! Oh, and thank you to everyone who reviewd! Blood Thirsty Angle is leaving the place...for now