I don't own Naruto or Fairy tail(Just a Fan)

Chapter 3

Welcome to Fairy Tail

"Where am I?"

Naruto got on his feet looked around in a forest he's never been in before "The last thing I remember was being in front of that damn fox's cage then…" Naruto started to remember what happened back inside his subconscious. "The Fourth saved me from releasing the seal Then…" Naruto looked around and spotted the backpack that his father to him to hold on to before he activated that bright light jutsu. When Naruto picked up the back he remembered something else was off the seal! He lifted his shirt and stared at the seal which was repaired. "It's fixed…But how?" Naruto looked as puzzled as ever. "Was that Jutsu a way to fix the seal" he asked himself. Still wondering where he was he sprinted up a tree to get a better view of the area.

"This is wired were the hell am I why am?" Naruto tried to Spot Konoha but had no luck the entire area was unfamiliar to him. He did however spot a small town not too far from his location.

"Maybe all find some answers there" He jumped down from the tree with the bag over his shoulder making his way towards the town.

When Naruto entered the rather small town he looked around. This town was completely different from any other town he's been too before, even different from the one's he had been too while traveling with Jiraiya. Spending about a half an hour walking around the town Naruto went to a Small restaurant. "Maybe all gets some answers in here" he entered the place.

"Hello their son what can I do for you?" The owner of the place asked

"Mister Do you sell Ramen?"

"Ramen? Of course son Were in the world do you see a place that doesn't not sell Ramen?"

"Hehe Just had to ask" Naruto Looked relived." Let me get your largest bowl with extra pork Mister"

"Coming right up" The owner stared bowling the water.

Naruto took a seat in front of the restaurant table he placed his bag in an empty seat. "Say Mister am traveling through this land and I was wondering where am I"

"Son you're in the land of Fiore" The man answered with his back towards Naruto.

"Fiore…Never heard of this part of land even while traveling with Pervy sage"

"Yea…why would you be traveling through the land and not know where you be going off to?" The owner asked Naruto while getting a large bowl.

"Well am kind of lost you see and I was hoping I'd get some answers but it looks like am even more lost then I though" Naruto Explained looking down at the table.

"Well son Cheer up, there's time where you don't know where you are or what you need to do in order to fix a problem but as long as you believe in yourself and never give up then you do fine Right? The man Handing Naruto his him His Ramen.

"Right!" Shouted Naruto with a big smile on his face.

After about five bowls of Ramen Naruto was stuffed barely able to sit in his chair.

"Thanks a lot mister that hit the spot" Said Naruto rubbing his stomach.

"Hehe anytime Son" The said taking the last bowl to be washed.

"Say mister peaceful places like this most have some security or group that keeps people from causing hell right?" Naruto asked the man as he was washing dishes"

"Oh yea we do…Fairy Tale makes sure nothing bad happens in this part of town"

"Fairy Tail?"

"Yea it Guild full of Mages that uses their Magic skills to make sure villains don't do or take whatever the hell they want" Said the Man wiping his hands while walking to Naruto.

"Sounds interesting where is this place called Fairy tail?"

"Oh it's in the town of Magnolia It's a few hours hike from here Do North"

"Oh, doesn't sound too far maybe I should check the place out" Naruto said giving his money to the Owner and taking his leave.

"Hay Wait here take this" The Owner stopped Naruto to give him a map of surrounding area.

"Don't want to get lost again do ya?" He said with a grin.

"No I guess not Thanks Mister" Naruto said taking his leaving from the restaurant.

"Take Care kid"

Later that night in the forest Naruto sitting by a fire place he made a short time ago looked at the map and noticed that this land was completely different from the ones he knew about.

"I'll be at the town of Magnolia early tomorrow if I start early in the morning" Naruto folding Up the Map.

As he prepared the map in his bag he paused. It was at that same moment that he remembered who given him the bag. Naruto opened the bag and pulled out and seven scrolls all number from one to seven. He picked up the first one and stared to reading, it was a journal log from his Father.

Naruto if your reading this then I must have used my last resort seal on you. Right know you might be wondering if you're in the land of fire anymore. I know this may be a shock but the world your in is not the world of The Elemental Nation. It is a world I know too little of, I didn't want to send my son to such a place where I have no clue if he would be safe but in order to keep you and the kyuubi safe I had no other choice. The seal I put on the kyuubi when I seal it inside you acted as a failsafe and would summon me if kyuubi would be in danger of releasing the seal or if the kyuubi would be extracted from your body by force. I know too little of this world and wish there was a way to send you back to Konoha but I fear any chance of that happening may have been lost the moment of my death I'm sorry my son I wish I had another choice.

From Minato Namikaze

Naruto stared at the scroll with a deep thought. He rolled the scroll back up and returned it into the bag. Seconds later he glared at the fire with tears running down his eyes.

Early that morning Naruto was nearly at the location where Magnolia was marked on the map. The Young Uzumaki still had a sad look on his face. Just as the city of Magnolia was insight from a cliff views were Naruto was standing. He stopped to take a break during that time he pulled out scroll number two and began reading.

A father job is to protect his son' however I feel as if I've done the opposite. In my endless fails I worked on a dimensional jutsu that would be used to send any treat to the leaf through to an unknown world. When I found such a treat trying to destroy Konoha with the kyuubi under his control I tried to use the seal on him, however he was one step ahead he vanished when I prepared the seal and left the kyuubi on a rampage in the leaf. Once I sealed the beast away I had a feeling that this man would try to take the kyuubi again. I could not let that happened in my final and last resort I sealed the monster inside your body along with a seal that would send you too this world. As a father I am responsible for protection my son but in the end I only caused you pain I'm sorry Naruto.

From Minato Namikaze

Naruto rolled the seal and put it back inside the bag. After reading the second letter he tried to imagine how hard it must have been for His father to seal a monster inside his own son. Even worse sending to this world where he hoped his son would be safe. Naruto was proud of his father it must had been hard to do what he did but the result was the same he did it to protect his son even till the very end. With a smirk on his face Naruto slid down the cliff heading to Magnolia Town.

When Naruto looked around the town he went to work right away looking for this Guild. He asked around and got many strange looks as he asked were Fairy Tail was located. It took Fifteen Minutes to get the location to the place.

"So This Is Fairy Tail?" looking at a rather large building almost the same size as the hokage Mansion With the name Fairy Tail appeared in blue in top of the large doors. "Well here go's" Naruto said opening the doors.


A Mug hit Naruto right in the head leaving him dazed on the ground for a moment. It was a brawl all over the place in the Guild. Men Vs Men with objects such as chairs Beer Barrel and even broken wood from table's being uses as a fight that looked like a fight to survive. Women were fighting each other as hard as the men using Throwing Beer Mugs like snowballs some of them where even fist fighting. There were even a couple of them between both genders where one of the girls knocked out two guys with a metal bat.

"What the hell is going on HERE?" Naruto shouted still lying on the ground rubbing his forehead.

"Oh Dear are you ok?" Said a women standing in front of him.

She was a young women not too much older them him. She was in a sleeveless Maroon dress with blue eyes. Her hair was white and curly with a small ponytail in her hair on her left side. She gave him a hand getting back on his feet

"Thanks miss?"

"Mirajane" she answered with a smile.

"Nice to meet you my name are Naruto Uzumaki" he introduced with a smile back.

"Well Naruto sorry for the bruise on the head usually we are much more calm during this time of the day" she explained helping him walk over to the bar giving him a seat.

"Oh its ok my headband took most of the impact" he said touching his headband with his hand.

"Hehe that's good wouldn't want to have another patient going to the hospital from another fight, already had three this week" Mirajane said from behind the bar making drinks.

Naruto gave a smile of concern hearing after hearing that this was a regular fight at Fairy Tail

"So is the Master behind this Guild around I would like to talk to him"

"Oh he's here somewhere maybe even under your nose" she gave him a quick smile and walked over the counter to serve the drinks to the customers that were into fighting the continuing chaos inside the Guide.

"Thanks Mirajane" Said Naruto with a smile

"Your welcome oh and you can call me Mira" she smiled back heading off.

"Hmmm she's nice" Naruto said with his arms folded.

"Young man if I didn't know any better id say you have a crush" said an old man said setting next to him.

"ME…No... She's nice and all but I just meet her" he was turning a red.

"Hahaha it was a joke Son"

"Hn very funny now I have to find the master behind this place, old man do you know where the Master is?"

"Yea his very close, closer then you think" the man teased

"Where I don't see anyone around here unless he's in that mess of a fight?" pointing at the ongoing brawl.

"I am the Master behind this Guild"

"You're the Master behind Fairy Tail?"

"Is there a problem?" he said with a serious face

"No, just wasn't expecting some half my size to be the master behind this place" Naruto chuckled.

"Hahaha I get that a lot" The man said laughing. "I am Makarov Dreyar, I am the master behind Fairy Tail" he introduced himself with a handshake.

"Naruto Uzumaki Pleased to meet you" Said Naruto shacking back with grin.

"So Naruto what can I do for you?"

"I'd like to have a word in wit you in private if it's not a problem?" Naruto Asked.

"Not At all" Makarov jumped down from the chair leading Naruto to his office.

Inside Makarov Naruto was setting in a chair. In front of him was Makarov sitting in a chair behind a large desk which was way large for someone his size.

"What Can I help you With Naruto?"

"Well Master Makarov I'd like to join Fairy Tail" Naruto said with a straight face.

"I had a feeling" Makarov said before he continued." But before I make my Choice Naruto I need you answer some questions if that fine"

"Fine With me, go for it" Said the Blonde.

Makarov gave a short smirk before asking his first question. "Why do you want to join Fairy Tail?"

Naruto took a second to answer. "I want to become stronger then I am now I want to protect everyone Just like the People who Protected me from danger" Naruto Answered with His Father and Jiraya in his thoughts.

Makarov Nodded from what he heard. "That's a good answer" He said with a serious face."Are you one to cause trouble and destruction around you?"

Naruto looked a little nervous scratching his cheek with his finger." Well maybe a little bit of problems happens when I'm around"

"Haha That fine if you remember that mess outside we are all trouble makers at times that is the way of Fairy Tail " The Old man explained with a big smile looking at the sweating Naruto who remembered what's going on outside.

"Next and final question are you ready Naruto?" Makarov asked the blond.


"As a part of Fairy Tail we are always there for each other helping each other when faced with problems and helping each other become stronger people, so I must ask a little about you past Naruto to make sure you past won't keep you from becoming a Strong member to our guild"

Naruto took a minute this time to really think of his answer knowing he had a scaring life so far.

"…Naruto?" Makarov glared at the boy he was clearly afraid to talk about his past.

"At first I didn't want to say too much about my past but I feel like it's a weight that will slow me down the rest of my life, so it's better if I tell someone, Are you ready old man"

"Hmm go on" Makarov gave a serious look at the blonde.

"Well for starters I'm not from Fiore; in fact I'm not even from this world"

Makarov continued to stare at the blond he knew he was telling the truth. "Go on"

Naruto continued to tell his life story from the very beginning. From the Birth of him and the kyuubi infused in his body to the battle with Pain and the destruction of his village. He even told the story to how he was brought to this world by his father unknown seal. And the scroll in his bags left behind from his father. He thought that if there no way to return to the world he might as well start a new life and what better place than at Fairy Tail were it felt like a another home already. His life story nearly an hour and a half. Makarov sat in his seat listening to everything the boy went through in the past eighteen years. At the end of his life story Naruto looked at Makarov who had a serious look on his face

"So do you believe me?"

"Hmm I see no reason for not believing you after hearing all this, it seems you are one who's had a hell of a childhood and a story that will turn heads upside down driving a person insane.

"Heh, I guess you right I head one hell of a life alright" Naruto smirk.

"Indeed, I would be a fool and a monster if I turn away someone with a hunting past and limitless power away" Makarov concluded with a chuckle. Naruto My answer is yes you have my approval of joining Fairy Tail

Really? Naruto asked with a smile

Makarov nodded reaching over to the phone on his desk. "Mira bring me the stamp Please"

"Right away master I'll be up there in a second"

"A stamp?"

"Yes when you join a Guild you are given a stamp mark to show that you are a member of that guild it's the same as your headband" pointing at Naruto forehead.

"Oh I see but I have one question"

"What is it?" Said Makarov looked at Naruto serious face.

"Well you know about my Jutsu ability but I want to know how it works in this world, you call it magic right?"

"Yes it's similar to your jutsu with the ability to learn them through knowledge and training. But magic is something that does not require hand signs but it does use a lot more of our strength unlike your jutsu ability. Not many known mages are able to uses multiple types of magic like your jutsu ability" Makarov demonstrated by grow in size until he was taller then Naruto

"See this is the only ability I can use. If I would try to learn any other technique the result can lead to me dying" Makarov said shrinking back to his size.

"So it's like if I if I over use my Chakra at one time, well I guess where even more similar"

"Why is that?"

"I'm only good at so many techniques the rest of the abilities I can learn I kind of suck at" Naruto rubbed the back of his head chuckling.

Makarov nodded just when Mira open the door with a large stamp and ink pad.

"Sorry for the wait Master"

That's fine our new member need an answer to his question.

"So you're joining our guild then Naruto?"

"Yep" answering with a smile.

"Well Naruto Where Would you like to stamp mark to be and what color would you want it?" Makarov was holding the large stamp.

"Hm… I would like it on my shoulder in orange."

"As you wish" Makarov stamped Narutos right shoulder orange.

"There you are you are now a member of Fairy Tail!"

"Congregation's Naruto" Said Mirajane giving him a hug.

"Thanks" Blushed a little with a grin.

"Now Naruto follow me" Makarov lead the three back outside looking over the entire Guild with everyone cleaning up from the all day fight.

"LISTEN Up EVEYONE!" Makarov grabbed the entire Guild attention.

"We have a new member treat him well" the old man continued to talked as Mira pushed Naruto behind Makarov.

"Let me introduce to our new Member NARUTO UZUMAKi!"

Naruto stepped next to Makrov Looking nervous "Hello everyone am honored to be a new member and ill will do my best not to fall any of you believe IT!"

The entire guild gave out a large shout for their new member. Naruto rubbed the back of his head of embarrassment it was the first time being acknowledge by so many people

"ALRIGHT, and what do we do when we get a new Member?" Makrov shouted to the Guild.


"Party?" Naruto Turned to Mira.

"Yep it's our way to greet our new member's" She gave Naruto A large smile

"Heh I guess I'm going to feel right at home here" Naruto glared at his fairy Tail mark.

"Yea as a member of Fairy tail!"

There you Have it Naruto is apart of Fairy tail now in future chapters the seal Minato put on Naruto will be further revealed hoped you enjoyed.

Till next time.

Next Chapter First Job