Veni Vidi Vici

I came, I saw, I conquered

By: Coqui's Song and GoldenRinglets


The wind whispered quietly in the high branches of the trees. The foliage was thin; it was the dead of winter, and the cold chilled Marci to the bone. Her paws crunched the snow that had lightly fallen that day, and the stars peeked out from over clouds in the dark winter sky. The snow was still gently scattering around in the air, and the dark gray she-cat shivered with cold, but hardened her green eyes as she strolled to answer Caesar's summons.

The Emperor had called for her early that day to see him during the evening, and she had spent the day wondering what it was about. The Alliance of Roma had not been in war for several moons. Perhaps Caesar's scouts had found new territories to conquer –new cats for their Army.

She nodded politely to the guards standing at the entrance to the Emperor's den, and they dipped their heads in return, moving aside to let her pass. She stalked inside; slightly surprised to see she was the only cat in the den other than Caesar himself.

"Caesar?" she inquired, padding up to the leader of Roma, dipping her head as she addressed him. "You have summoned me?"

The Emperor's pale blue eyes brightened in recognition. "Marci, my loyal Messenger."

"What is it?" she wondered, because by the tone of Caesar's voice, this was a serious matter.

"You are aware we need more troops for our Army," he began slowly, and she nodded for him to go on.

"We have found four territories," he growled in satisfaction with a slight smile.

She choked in surprise. "Four?"

"Four," he repeated. "The best thing is that four Clans of cats live there."

"Clans?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. "Are these Clans… allies?"

The Emperor shook his head. "I don't know. But we will give them our usual option: Join us, or to be defeated by the power of Roma."

Marci nodded. "And I will be the Messenger to tell them?"

"Not only you."

Caesar stood and stretched. "I have heard rumors that these Clans train their young to become warriors."

"And you think they'll be better trained than me?" she questioned, annoyance worming its way into her tone. Marci unsheathed her sharp claws, which glinted in the dim light of the den as she swiped the air powerfully with her forepaws. "I fight just as well as any Soldier of Roma!"

He nodded, looking tired. "You can, but I can't have my best Messenger be killed, can I?" His voice held gentleness and concern, which was unlike any cats of Roma to feel. She suddenly wondered if perhaps he was remembering that she was his daughter as well as his best Messenger. She was his only offspring, but no other cat knew but his closest friends. He had kept it secret for his own selfish purposes –Marci was not to be his successor.

His tone grew hard again. "We need to look strong and intimidating if we are to force the Clans into joining us."

Marci bowed her head. "Very well, Caesar."

"Take Xavier with you," he meowed.

She jumped, startled at his choice. "X-Xavier?"

"Yes," he said. "Xavier. My trusted Lieutenant? You know him, yes?"

"Yes." The dark gray Messenger tried to swallow, but her throat was dry. Marci simply dipped her head again, hiding the resentment she felt flaring in her chest. "Very well, Caesar."

She turned, holding back a sigh. Xavier. The young black-white-and-gray tom was to be her father's successor, because Caesar, although he somewhat cared for her (at least, no less than any of his Messengers), he just couldn't stand the idea of her becoming Empress. The Alliance of Roma needed to be led by a strong, determined tom, he had said, not a mere she-cat. For this reason, she had developed a sense of resentment to the Emperor as well as a deep loathing for Xavier. Marci knew the Lieutenant was kind and civil enough with she-cats, not abusing them as other toms did in his high rank, but she hated him. It was irrational, but she didn't care. She hated him.

I should be next in line. But no, I'm not even in line.

Her hate made her heart pound so all she could hear was the blood rushing in her ears, but she controlled herself.

Marci took a deep breath and approached the Lieutenant's den. It wasn't guarded by Soldiers as Caesar's was, which was strange considering he was the successor. She could go inside if she wanted; Xavier wouldn't mind her padding into his den without his consent, but she didn't want this to be a friendly exchange; this was pure business. She sat down instead and called his name. "Xavier? It's Marci."

"Marci?" came the reply, and soon his head peeked out from under the bush's leaves. "What is it? A message from Caesar?"

She nearly bit her tongue to keep herself from saying a scathing comment. Marci gave a tight smile. "Yes."

"New territories?" asked Xavier, padding outside his den and settling in front of her, giving his white chest a few quick licks.

The dark gray Messenger nodded. "He told me you have to accompany me for this message –the cats that live in these territories learn to fight like we do. Caesar thought I should be protected against these cats, lest they attack me for warning them of our strength." The annoyance was clear in her tone, but Xavier blinked sympathetically.

How she hated him.

"I'll come," he agreed. "Nothing to fear, Marci."

"You think me weak?" she snarled, flattening her ears in anger and tensing her muscles, which were hard from traveling the long distances it took to deliver messages. She wouldn't put it past a normal Lieutenant like Armando to clout her ears and rebuke her for her arrogance –she was a she-cat, after all. A she-cat and a lowly Messenger.

But this was Xavier. So she had nothing to worry about. Marci could say all the scathing comments she wished; she could even attack him –he wouldn't do a thing to harm her. The thought angered her even more, yet at the same time it dismayed her.

"Not at all," Xavier said coolly.

"Then watch what you say," she spat.

He nodded and grinned smugly. "Yes, Marci. Because you are far superior to me, the next Emperor."

A growl crept up from deep in her throat, and she sheathed and unsheathed her claws in frustration. Her fur stood on end, but she dipped her head curtly and turned around to go back to the Messengers' side of the large territory.

"Just be ready," she muttered, lashing her white-tipped tail. "We leave tomorrow at dawn to find the Clans."

Confused? We shall explain later, we promise. So, please review if you love it so far, or if you think it needs work, or whatever. XD

~Coqui's Song and GoldenRinglets