Well, England was on a new project or rather experiment in order to beat that frog France. Now, England was thinking long and hard about his experiment he wanted to do which took him a while because he wanted something effective and will actually keep France out of his way.

"Oh What shall I do?" Thought England had he wore his usual green military outfit with the belt. He also had a Black cape on, and was in a very spacious dim-light room with a circle that had the shape of the star within it.

"Disease, No that would be too soft. What about some sort of curse, No too old school." England couldn't come up with many idea's until he saw one of his other magic books laying on the shelf rather alone it was very dusty as he pulled it off the shelf.

"Teleportation?" England peered and was rather dumbfounded but after some realization he slowly displayed a devious smirk on his face.

"I can Teleport , France anywhere." He happily skipped away however, he stopped and realized that for every experiment there must be a dummy.

Later, England was looking through his files of the other countries, in the files contained their Name,Bio and what England's personal thought of them were.

"Netherlands, Norway,Poland!" Exclaimed England as he took out the file of Poland and scanned over it carefully.

"Well now I have my dummy." Announced the Englishman as he dialed Poland's number on the house phone.

. . .

"It's so great of you to like, bring me here." Said the Polish man as he sat down, he had a brown long-sleeved sweater with a tie, some tan pant's that went down to his heel's , a pink and white Hair clip placed neatly in his hair, And finally sandals with some white socks on.

The Englishman just stared at him not noticing until fifteen seconds later.

"Oh, um, sorry about that and you are welcome." He replied with such kindness in his voice.

"Would you like some Tea?" He asked as he added two different colored packet's of sugar in one of them. Poland wasn't even looking he was admiring the wonderful,cozy brown house England lived in.

"Oh did you say something?" He asked noticing now that he had obviously missed what was said to him.

"Yes, Would you like some Tea?" He asked again while holding out the small cup of Tea a bit irritated , but none-the-less the Polishman took the cup and took a sip of it.

For a while, the two had a rather pleasant conversation about, their lifestyle and war strategies Poland, was suddenly becoming tired and requested to see if he could sleep in one of England's various guest rooms.

The Englishman simply obliged.