A/N I had a little fun with this chapter as I am introducing yet another OC who wants revenge on Anakin but he doesn't know he and Tatooine are the same person.

This chapter focuses more on the Coruscant storyline instead of the Vanguards on the ice planet.

Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars

Claimer: I do own Vanguards, Obscurum and any OC that appears and this story

Coruscant Prison District

Mustafar POV

He gave Jango Fett his orders to kill the Senator. He sensed he was ready to strike. Now for his second mission.

The large-wide prison houses all the galaxy's criminals. But he was here for one specific criminal. One who single handily took out three squadrons of police officers, evaded capture multiple times and performed feats no criminal could ever replicate. My master suspected he knowingly or unknowingly used the force as that is the only answer.

And Mustafar was here for answers.

He approached one guard captain "I need to see Prisoner 3577 right away. Official Jedi Business," He said. The Guard was confused. "That maniac? Why would you need to see him?" He asked.

"I said Official Jedi Business," He said as he showed the guard his lightsaber.

Mustafar was impersonating Jedi Master Atlan Kienaan who was suppose to see the infamous prisoner who calls himself 'Sithis'. He was here to see for himself if this is the one my master seeks. Only a true warrior deserves to be called a Sith.

The Guard led him to an interrogating room and he saw the man called 'Sithis'.

He had long black hair and the yellow Sith eyes. He was wearing his own black outfit with a red belt and red straps dangling from his arms. Mustafar was surprised the guards let him wear his own clothes.

"So I hear you want to see me Jedi?" Sithis said in a dark tone.

Outside Republica 500 Apartments

Narrative POV

It was quiet at night.

Too quiet Anakin thought.

Meanwhile the Bounty Hunter Jango Fett was giving Clawdite Zam Wesell, who is in her Human form a small canister.

"Zam be careful these are dangerous. Lord Mustafar wants the Senator dead," Jango said.

"I won't fail Jango," She said as Jango flew off in his jetpack. Zam activated the probe droid in her speeder and put the canister containing the deadly Kouhuns in the droid.

The droid then flew off to a window that was in Senator Amidala's apartment.

The droid cut a small hole in the window and released the Kouhuns. The slug-like creatures slithered into the room. The Senator's only security was R2-D2 and the Jedi and Vanguards.

The Kouhuns slithered around the room and onto the bed where Senator Amidala was sleeping.

Artoo's security lights start up and scan the room and doesn't detect the Kouhuns. He shuts off as the Kouhuns moved closer to Senator Amidala.

The door bursts open as Vanguard Anakin Skywalker activates his lightsaber and killed the Kouhuns. Padme woke up startled by the noise as Yavin saw the probe droid and charged out the window and grabbed on to it.

"Stay here," Anakin said as he and Obi-Wan left to find a speeder. A few of the guards came in to check on Padme.

Anakin found a yellow speeder and he and Obi-Wan got in. The speeder turned to the left and sped off.

"I got a question Anakin. Does Yavin always do crazy stuff like break out of a window to chase a droid?" Obi-Wan asked as Anakin was avoiding several of the air cars.

"Not that crazy. One time back at the Vanguard Home World he jumped off a 50 story tree and survived with minimal injury. He was testing a new force shield ability," Anakin said.

"Mind teaching me that someday?" Obi-Wan joked.

Zam Wesell saw Yavin on her probe droid. She grabbed a sniper rifle from her speeder and fired it at the probe droid.

Yavin dropped into the speeder with Anakin and Obi-Wan "Took you long enough did it Tatooine?" He said.

"You know I need to find the right specs, speed and other technical things about the speeders Yavin," Anakin said.

"Well I liked the blue one better. It had style," Obi-Wan said.

"Well style isn't everything Obi-Wan. It could be the fanciest speeder in all of Coruscant but it doesn't have the right speed and mobility. That is the key," Anakin said.

Anakin spotted Zam's entering her speeder and sped off. Anakin moved the speeder to follow her as a chase ensued.

Coruscant Prison

"So let me get this straight? You want me to help you kill this man cause he is a threat to you but you can't do it yourself?" Sithis said.

"There are complications but once we tell you who he is then you will accept our deal," Mustafar said.

"So who is he?" SIthis asked.

Meanwhile Anakin lost Zam's trail. "Well you lost him Anakin. First day protecting the Senator and you lost the assassin," Obi-Wan mocked.

Anakin however spotted Zam's speeder and he jumped out of the speeder and plummeted down the air ways of Coruscant.

"Does he always do that?" Obi-Wan asked Yavin.

"Not always. But one time he fell off a 50-story tree," Yavin said.

Obi-Wan took the controls of the speeder and looked to Yavin "He told me that was you"

Anakin meanwhile landed on Zam's speeder and surprised her. He activated his lightsaber as he tried to stop her but she fired her blaster pistol at him. Even though his armor deflected the bolts she shot at his arm which made him drop his lgihtsaber. Anakin looked over as he saw his lightsaber plummeting into the depths of Coruscant.

Anakin managed to punch his fist into the cockpit of the speeder and grabbed Zam's arm with the blaster and started to fire at the engines. He was successful. The speeder crashed next to a cantina. There were several pedestrians nearby who watched the speeder crashed. Zam got out first and ran while Anakin chased her.

Yavin and Obi-Wan landed their speeder and caught up with Anakin by the bar. "She went into the club," Anakin said. Obi-Wan was not amused by Anakin's actions but Yavin was. Yavin handed him his lightsaber back and said "She went in there to hide not to run and remember next time you lose this she will have my head before you say Rancor," Yavin said.

Back at the Coruscant prison-

"Anakin Skywalker," Mustafar said.

Sithis got up looking surprised "That little runt? HE cost me everything at the Boonta Eve Classic Pod Race on Tatooine ten years ago," He said as he slammed his hands on the table.

"The very same. And we desire him dead and we know based on your skills that you will be the one to take him out," Mustafar said.

"One question. How are you going to bust me out?" Sithis asked.

Mustafar smiled behind his cowl as he pulled out a remote detonator.

Anakin has apprehended the assassin. He was carrying her outside as he injured her hand during a brief fight in the cantina. He dropped her down as he, Yavin and Obi-Wan interrogated her. "Tell us who sent you now!" Anakin demanded.

"It was as a Sith called-" But she was cut off by a loud explosion in the distance.

Anakin and the others looked to the distance as Zam broke free of Skywalker's grip. She threw down a smoke grenade and escaped.

In front of the entrance of the Coruscant Prison lies several dead guards. Mustafar had killed them with his lgihtsaber. He deactivated as Sithis came up behind him "So when do we leave this rotten excuse for a planet?"

"Once you meet my master we will leave," Mustafar said. He and Sithis walked towards a dark alley. Mustafar pressed a few buttons on a small control panel on his wrist to signal his master's ship to pick him up.

A large, black circular ship with twin engines on both sides appeared out of nowhere and a small beam engulfed Mustafar and Sithis.

They arrived at the bridge of the ship called Malak's Might. It was the flagship of the Dark Lord of Obscurum. Mustafar bowed as the captain's chair turned around.

In it was a dark robed man with pale skin. He had the symbol of the old Sith Empire embedded on his arm. He had dark yellow eyes, more dark than anyone in history.

"All hail Lord Korriban," Mustafar said.

A/N How is that for a twist. Zam is alive and Sithis is a cross of Joker/Scarecrow/and Riddler on personality. I know I promised Obi-Wan's apprentice would appear but that will be next chapter instead.

The creatures Zam used to attack Padme in AOTC were called Kouhuns. Looked it up on Wookieepedia.

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