Hello again my dears.

I'm back with a new story for you!

I'm sorry for taking so long but my old laptop crashed and now refuses to co-operate and so I now have my new laptop. Unfortunately that means that I cannot get too my other story that I was going to post before this. But I'm going to wrestle it out of my old laptop for you guys.

This is my new one.

Enjoy, and I'll see you at the other end.

I unlocked my apartment door and practically fell into the living room collapsing onto the couch and chucking my bags onto the floor near me.

I loved my job, but sometimes the travelling seemed too much. My first novel had been published over a year ago and the sequel had just been released which meant extensive travelling to book signings and conferences. I had just driven seven hours to get back from the latest book signing so that I could be back for my best friend Alice's birthday bash tomorrow I looked up at the clock on the wall and noticed that it had just gone midnight.

I was exhausted but I really needed something to drink, but that meant moving, moving or dehydration, decisions decisions, my bladder made the decision for me by making its own needs known and I finally pulled myself off the couch and used the bathroom. After I forced myself to the kitchen and poured myself a large glass of water. I noticed that my answer machine was flashing so I pressed the play button whilst sipping my water.

I had five messages, one from my mother asking how the book signing went one was from my father asking the same thing, I could ring them later on after I had caught up on a few hours sleep. The last three were from my other best friend Edward demanding that I phoned him as soon as I got the message.

I sighed and pulled the phone of the hook and dialled his number sipping the last of my water and placing the cup in the sink. He finally picked up on the last ring.

"hello?" He didn't sound like he had been sleeping but I had to check.

"Hey it's me, I didn't wake you did I?"

"No don't worry, you didn't wake me." Ew, I really hope that didn't mean he had a girl there with him. Thinking of Edward having sex was just awkward. Me, Alice and Edward had been friends since birth, our mothers all part of the same social circle and he was practically my brother.

"If there is another girl there I'm gonna hang up I swear!" I heard a door open in the background and Edward shhhing someone. Yep, he definitely had a girl over.

"No I don't have a girl here, well I do have a girl here but not in the way you think" I heard him sigh and could practically feel him running his hands through his hair, a sure sign that he was stressed. "I need to tell you something." Well that didn't sound good.

"OK" I felt a large yawn escape me "Do you have to tell me right now or can it wait till the morning?" I leaned against the kitchen counter placing my face in the palm of my hand.

"I kinda have to tell you now, it's important" He sighed again.

"Like really important, because I have just got in after driving for seven hours and I need sleep. If you phoned me to tell me who you are sleeping with now I really don't need to know. In fact you could be getting back with Tanya and right now I wouldn't mind if it meant sleep!"

Tanya had dated Edward about a year ago and I considered her the devil, she had been a nightmare not allowing me or Alice to see or speak to Edward the whole time they had dated, we had to sneakily meet with him whilst he was at work. She took controlling to a whole new degree and she had not taken it well when Edward had ended it.

He gave a hollow laugh. "It's kinda about that actually" I stood up straight.

"You didn't actually get back with her did you; because I was only joking you know."

"No I didn't get back with her. I would never get back with her" I relaxed and leant against the counter again rubbing my hand down my face, I really needed to sleep.

"Okay, so what was so important that I had to ring you the second I walked through the door."

"How about the fact I'm now a dad."

Well shit…..

Edward is a daddy *le gasp*

What will happen next!

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Bluelilytiger xx